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ME消息:GameCenter用户调查 《愤怒鸟》玩家仍占优势

发布时间:2010-10-19 09:38:35 Tags:,,,

尽管苹果尚未提供Game Center的官方用户数据,但Mobile Entertainment网站日前已针对该平台上最受欢迎的20款游戏进行了有关调查。

调查结果表明,Game Center上最热门的依然是Rovio公司开发的《愤怒鸟》(Angry Birds,截止目前总共售出650万份),该游戏在Game Center积分排行榜上的注册用户超过150万,其终端用户到Game Center用户的转化率约24%;

其次是Chillingo公司发行的另一款游戏《怪物吃糖果》(Cut the Rope),虽然该游戏是在Game Center登台数月后才问世,其当前用户基数为100万,但其中使用Game Center体验该游戏的用户却很惊人,居然超过63%。

尽管Game Center已提前植入不少手机,但调查数据仍显示其使用情况并不乐观。



《水果忍者》(Fruit Ninja)的终端用户到Game Center用户的转化率约6%左右,《魔法水滴》(Enigmo)为4.4%,《美女餐厅》(Diner Dash)仅0.6%。这20部作品中,半数以上的游戏在Game Center积分排行榜的注册用户总数低于10万人。

不论如何,只要是好游戏,无论是在哪个平台都不会缺乏粉丝,飞机场管理游戏《Flight Control》和农场游戏《FarmVille》等广受追捧的游戏,在Game Center上仍然占有相当的席位,前者在该平台的用户超过50万,后者则将近46万。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

Game Center userbase over 1.5 million

Apple might not be willing to serve up official usage figures for Game Center yet, but it is possible to work out – albeit crudely – just what titles are proving popular on the social network.

That’s exactly what Mobile Entertainment has done, piecing together usage numbers for 20 of the most popular Game Center titles on the App Store thanks to the open nature of some of the platform’s stats.

Bonkers for birds

As such, the most popular game appears to be Rovio’s Angry Birds, the game – which has reportedly sold around 6.5 million units to date [actually it's much higher] – registering more than 1.5 million players on the game’s leaderboard.

That’s an end user to Game Center user conversion rate of around 24 percent.

Fellow Chillingo release Cut the Rope – importantly launched months after Game Center’s debut – has a more impressive split, with more than 63 percent of the title’s 1 million strong userbase using the network.

Finding a pattern

Elsewhere, however, the numbers vary. Indeed, it’s fair to say that the website’s figures suggest there’s been no universal take up of the platform, despite it coming pre-installed on all recent handsets.

Several titles in the site’s survey – Fruit Ninja, Enigmo and Diner Dash – have attracted around 6 percent or less of the game’s total userbase to Game Center, while more than half have total leaderboard numbers of 100,000 users worldwide or less.

Nonetheless, it appears the popular titles users now associate with iPhone – including the likes of Flight Control, Farmville et al – have managed to cross the divide, suggesting there is some, albeit loose, correspondence between the overall popularity of a game and the wealth of its presence on Game Center.(source:Mobile Entainment)

