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发布时间:2013-05-11 11:36:08 Tags:,,,

作者:Jeff Michaud



建立消费者需求档案的简单做法是,进行消费者调查,以评估他们对当前你的手机互动的质量和数量的满意度。将用于收集受众基本资料的调查问题与反馈相结合,这样就有了制作消费者手机档案的坚实基础。对消费者的手机档案进行更加复杂的分析,可以求助于Forrester公司,这是一家从事全球性调查和咨询的公司,提供一种称作“Mobile Mind Shift Index”的综合评估法。你可以通过这种办法深入理解你的消费者对手机应用的需求。

customer engagement(from

customer engagement(from





在2006年,我的公司通过短信推广手机,使用户人数以两位数的速度增长。两年以后,我们努力让所有人相信,手机消费者互动策略不只是关于可以下载到iPhone上的应用。甚至是今天,我们仍然反对“这种应用的作用就是这个”的心态。尽管本地应用很好,但它们只是通过手机带动真正的、丰富的“消费者互动”(consumer engagement)的部分之一。现在的硬件支持复杂的手机网络应用、高度互动性的信息和语音应用、位置服务、手机支付等。成功的手机消费者互动策略应该包含许多或甚至所有这些为消费者提供实用性的手机应用渠道,以及管理他们与品牌关系的工具。




一旦你确认消费者互动策略可以直接影响商业行为的区域,你就可以确定ROI(投资回报率)了。与适合的合作商一起,这应该不难办到。你必须记住,消费者技术发展的速度已经改变了传统的预算过程。根据其产生的ROI,营销人员越来越多地购买技术和获得年内预算。根据DemandGen的报告《Breaking Out of the Funnel》,超过70%的手机购买预算超出传统的年终预算——最经常的是在验证ROI以后。所以,验证这些ROI模型,你会发现获得投资更多手机应用的预算很容易证明是否明智。


Five keys to creating measurable mobile consumer engagement

by Jeff Michaud

1. Develop intimacy with your customer’s “mobile profile”

In today’s mobile-centric world, different demographic and psychographic consumer groups will display varying expectations and demand for mobile interactions with your brand. This makes it critical to understand and segment your customer’s demand for mobile in order to build an effective mobile strategy that meets their expectations.

A simple way to build this profile is to conduct a customer survey to measure their satisfaction with the quality and quantity of your current mobile interactions. Combine this with survey
questions that gather basic demographic data and you will have a solid base to begin developing mobile profiles of your customers. For a more sophisticated analysis of your customer’s mobile profile, Forrester, a global research and advisory firm, provides a comprehensive measurement known as the “Mobile Mind Shift Index” that will put you on the path to truly understanding your customer’s demand for mobile.

2. It’s not about inventing, it’s about improving

Too often today, line-of-business executives responsible for mobile get caught up trying to invent the “next cool thing” to do with mobile. This can lead to a lack of decisive action, or even
worse, to a great deal of time and money wasted on mobile apps that don’t produce results. Remember, your business hasn’t changed because of mobile! Just like the Internet did, mobile improves the way you provide service, support, and commerce to your customers. A good rule to go by when thinking about this is “follow the money.” Meaning, take a look at all of the customer interaction points that drive revenue for your business – and apply the appropriate mobile technology to improve those processes.

So, don’t get caught up in all of mobile’s “bright shiny objects,” and remember, it’s not about inventing, it’s about improving. I think a quote from Gartner report “Cool Vendors Supporting

Multiple Nexus Forces” says it best: “Mobile enablement was, and should be, subservient to clear business goals.”

3. Rethink what a “mobile app” actually is

In 2006, my firm deployed a mobile application using text messaging that drove a double-digit increase to our client’s bottom line. Two years later, we struggled to convince anyone that a mobile strategy was about more than an app you could download to an iPhone. Even today, we still fight against the “there’s an app for that” mindset. As great as native apps are, they are only one component of driving true, rich consumer engagement via mobile. Today’s devices support sophisticated mobile web apps, highly interactive messaging and voice apps, location services, mobile payments and more. A successful mobile consumer engagement strategy will encompass many or all of these mobile application channels to provide your customers with real utilities – and the tools to manage their relationship with your brand.

4. Integrate to automate “right-time” decisions

I am confident that in the near future, big data tools will allow brands to derive sophisticated consumer profiles and predictive analytics that will make contextually aware mobile engagement a marketer’s utopia. Until we get there, however, there are plenty of simple and highly effective ways to make “right-time” decisions about when, where, and how you engage your customers. Start by thinking of the customer event data you already have in your CRM and ecommerce systems and identify points where an automated, proactive engagement mechanism could drive a commerce event (i.e. when a prescription refill is due, when a customer is up for renewal, when loyalty point thresholds are achieved). Once you have identified these points, integration with a mobile platform can enable you to automate proactive notifications via SMS that will drive consumers to take a desired action leading to a commerce event. Remember, 95% of the time, text messages are opened and read within the first five minutes of receipt. This type of basic messaging application may not be sexy, but it can drive results – and you can do it today.

5. Determine ROI models, measure, and invest

Once you have identified the areas where mobile engagement can directly impact a commerce event, work to determine the ROI derived through that mobile engagement. With the right mobile partner, this should not be difficult. It is important to remember that the velocity at which consumer technology evolves has altered traditional budget processes. Marketers are making more and more technology purchases and obtaining in-year budgets based upon the ROI they are generating. According to the report “Breaking Out of the Funnel” by DemandGen, over 70% of budgets for technology purchases are allocated outside of the traditional year-end budget processes – most often after an ROI was proven. So, drive towards proving out these ROI models, and you’ll find that obtaining budget dollars to invest more in mobile will be easier to justify.

To recap, to make mobile consumer engagement drive measurable results for your business, understand your customer’s mobile profile; think business goal first, mobile technology second; rethink the concept of mobile app and open up all mobile channels; seek out where you can use mobile to drive “right-time” decisions around commerce events; and measure ROI on your mobile investments to get the budget you need to achieve your goals.(source:venturebeat)

