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发布时间:2013-04-11 14:19:39 Tags:,,,,

作者:Ben Serviss

让我们想象:你的独立工作室的最新游戏“Dream Game”获得了惊人的好成绩!当越来越多赞美不断涌现出来,销量也不断攀升时,你的整个脑袋将充满骄傲感与怀疑。亲爱的,不要怀疑,你在过去几年里所倾入心血而创造出来的游戏项目的确取得了巨大的成功。

让我们快进到取得成功后的10年。发行商召集了一次有关“Dream Game 9”的概念会议—-尽管“Dream Game 7”于两周前刚刚上架,更别提你们手上还有面向掌上电脑的“Dream Game Party”以及面向手机的“Dream Game Tactics XL”的预定计划,而你也一直努力避开“Dream Game CCG”。在会议上你一直琢磨着:“如果能够开始一些全新内容,我一定不会再致力于同一款游戏中!”






playtesting(from gamasutra)

playtesting(from gamasutra)






paintball(from gamasutra)

paintball(from gamasutra)

彩弹球便是《战争机器》封面的灵感来源。我们不能决定灵感到底来自哪里–就像Will Wright是通过阅读一本建筑书籍才找到《模拟人生》的灵感;而Cliff Bleszinski是在欧洲之旅中获得《战争机器》的“破坏之美”的灵感,并且其部分游戏玩法还是来自玩彩弹球的过程中。在办公室外部,你将能够找到许多对开发项目大有帮助的内容。


如果寻找新玩家和新灵感都未能奏效,那么还有第三种选择。如果其它方法都失败了,或者现实阻碍你继续致力于游戏中,那么让其它工作室去掌控你的项目便是一个不错的选择。幸运的是,最近也出现了两个引人注目的例子,也就是343 Industries的《光晕4》以及Kojima Productions和Platinum Games的《合金装备崛起:复仇》。



Halo 4(from gamasutra)

Halo 4(from gamasutra)


《合金装备崛起:复仇》则是另外一个故事。直到最近我们才了解到该项目混乱的开发历史,但幸运的是这款游戏能够走过如此崎岖的发展历程而最终发行。因为Kojima的团队不能创造出玩家所要求的快速行动游戏玩法,所以这款游戏差点就被扼杀在摇篮里,不过当他们委托Platinum Games接管游戏开发时,该项目最终保住了性命而能够继续向前发展。







Three Strategies for Curing Developer’s Block

by Ben Serviss

Imagine this: Your indie studio’s newest title, Dream Game, is a surprise hit! As accolades pour in, sales climb and climb, and your head seems to be wrapped in a shimmering fog of pride and disbelief. Your baby, the dream project you poured yourself into for the last few years, is an unquestionable success.

Fast forward ten years later. The publisher calls yet another concept meeting about Dream Game 9, even though Dream Game 7 just hit the shelves two weeks ago – not to mention you’re behind schedule on Dream Game Party for handhelds, Dream Game Tactics XL for mobile, and that damn Dream Game CCG that you’ve been trying to avoid. You wearily pencil in the meeting, thinking, “If only I could start over on something new, I wouldn’t have to work on the same games anymore!”
When did this happen? When did your dream game become something you’d do anything to get away from?

In any creative hit-driven industry, managing risk is a critical task. Most of the time, the safest project is the one most likely to succeed; yet ideas that don’t stray far from the pack tend to wear everyone out involved in the product lifecycle in the long term – from the creative directors to the line developers, QA testers and even the audience.

Luckily, there are techniques that can help with managing developer’s block, grouped under three main strategies: Finding fresh blood, re-invigorating yourself, and delegating with trust.

Finding Fresh Blood

When your team’s been slogging away on a project for too long, it’s easy to lose sight of the original vision you had at the start, or even maintain the same level of enthusiasm all the way through. Fortunately there’s a secret weapon to help counter this, and it’s probably something you’re already doing: playtesting.

The joys of playtesting.

Exposing your game to new players can give you a rejuvenating kick right in the inspiration when you see how new players actually react to the game, especially when you’ve been making significant progress behind closed doors. If you can structure playtests to make it as exciting for your testers as possible, they’ll respond with contagious enthusiasm that could spread to the rest of the dev team.

The next step is just as logical – bringing on new team members, whether they’re interns, industry newbies or veterans. As long as your team configuration is structured to encourage and manage new ideas, adding a new voice to the project can do wonders for assessing the current state of the game for new possibilities.

Re-invigorating Yourself

Recruiting new people and ideas can definitely be helpful, but don’t underestimate your own capabilities. If you’re trudging through a bad case of developer’s block, it might be time to ask yourself some hard questions. Are you getting stuck in a rut? Is your current project starting to bore you, even though you couldn’t wait to get into the office a few months ago? If this is the case, you might be due for an infusion of inspiration.

A great way to manage this is to seek out new activities and experiences, ideally beyond your comfort zone. The strange, heightened sensation of being in a completely new situation with no pre-formed ideas of how to act or what to do can help jolt your thought process out of its rut, opening you to new ways of looking at the same problems you’ve been dealing with for months.

Paintball was an inspiration for Gears of War’s cover shooting.
It’s impossible to say where inspiration can come from – Will Wright drew inspiration to create The Sims in part from reading a book about architecture; Cliff Bleszinski credits Gears of War’s “destroyed beauty” aesthetic from a trip to Europe, and parts of its gameplay from playing paintball. Live a little outside the office and you’ll be amazed at what it does for your project.

Delegating with Trust

If finding new voices and searching for inspiration doesn’t work, there’s a third option that might. If all else fails, or if circumstances prevent you from continuing to work on the game, recruiting another studio to take the reins is a viable option. Fortunately, there are two recent high-profile examples of this we can examine: 343 Industries’ Halo 4 and Kojima Productions and Platinum Games’ Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.

Taking over for Bungie as the steward of the Halo franchise was an incredible challenge for 343. If they succeeded, their reward would largely be anonymous to their largest audience segment of casual FPS fans. If they failed, they would go down in history as the team that ruined Halo. Luckily, by all accounts they succeeded, and in no small part to their ability to look at the IP through new eyes.

While the Halo games have gradually perfected their formula over the last decade with gameplay tweaks, new multiplayer modes and a (debatably confusing) multitude of story threads, one key element had all but been abandoned after the first title: a sense of wonder, from when everything about Halo was new. Fighting the Covenant for the first time, driving the Warthog, exploring the wide-open battlefields, encountering cryptic Forerunner relics, battling the Flood – the first game packed in moment after moment of these brand new experiences, and a generation of fans was born.

Halo 4 made efforts to restore the series’ sense of wonder and awe.
Sure, later games saw advances in graphics, online play, ragdoll animations and player abilities, but none of them managed to recapture the sense of awe that permeated the first game. 343 is to be commended for identifying this as a key pillar of the franchise worth revisiting, and it’s not unreasonable to see why it took a brand-new studio to make it a reality.

Metal Gear Rising is another story. The project’s troubled development history wasn’t well known until recently, but luckily the game has managed to overcome its rocky path to release. Nearly cancelled because Kojima’s team simply couldn’t produce the fast action gameplay required, it was only when they entrusted Platinum Games with handling development duties could the project move forward.

While Kojima’s team is one of the top development houses in the industry, they were smart enough to realize that the project was not playing to their strengths, and utilized their studio relationships to delegate actual development of the game, trusting Platinum to do what they do best, to critically acclaimed results.

Diversity of Experience: The Renewable Creativity Resources

There’s a burgeoning movement happening in the industry for more diversity. Whether it’s encouraging more women, transgendered developers or ethnic minorities to start making games, this is an excellent trend and should be encouraged whole-heartedly by any gamer or game maker who values innovative, new experiences.

Look at it this way – are you satisfied with the variety of games available today? If you answered yes, and you’re aware that the industry is still dominated by straight white males, doesn’t that make you curious about what new kinds of games we’d have if we had more varied points of view contributing?

This industry of ours is an amazing thing. Let’s make sure it can continue fostering creative expression, encouraging newcomers and exploring new realms of what’s possible for the next generation, and for the one after that.(source:gamasutra)

