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EA Mobile公司下月发行《极品飞车》等4款WP7手机游戏

发布时间:2010-10-12 14:37:04 Tags:,,,
       在Windows Phone 7正式发布后,电子艺届手机游戏部门EA Mobile也随即宣布,将于11月7日推出4款WP7游戏。作为全球最大的手机游戏发行商,EA Mobile的鼎力相助对WP7的发展意义非凡。
EA Mobile_logo

EA Mobile_logo

据了解,EA已将联手其他公司,面向WP7平台共同推出60多款手机游戏。这对微软而言,无疑是雪中送炭,因为游戏是排行第一的手机应用,WP7操作系统要获成功就必然需要大量手机游戏撑腰。根据美国移动广告公司Mobclix的数据,苹果App Store的296000款手机应用中,光是手机游戏就超过49000款。微软要想打响这场手机硬战,当务之急是加紧笼络游戏玩家和游戏开发商。

微软手机硬件合作商将在30个国家中推出9种机型,但游戏仍然将是这些手机的最大吸引优势。微软已在WP7的Xbox Live在线游戏服务功能中设置了简便易访问的用户界面,用户通过该手机平台可更新个人资料,登记Xbox Live好友信息,与Xbox Live现有的2500万掌机游戏玩家一决高下。

The Sims 3

The Sims 3

EA Mobile表示,其发行的WP7游戏将增加Xbox Live相关功能,支持玩家跟踪并分享游戏积分,解码Xbox Live游戏成就,与掌机、个人电脑及手机玩家跨平台互动和沟通。这4款将投放WP7平台的手机游戏分别是:《极品飞车》(Need for Speed Undercover)、《俄罗斯方块》(Tetris)、《模拟人生3》(The Sims 3)以及大富翁游戏《Monopoly》。这些游戏之前已投放iPhone平台,这次登陆WP7还将增加针对这一平台的特殊功能。

另外,EA今年秋季还打算向iPhone发行更多游戏,包括《战地:叛逆连队2》(Battlefield Bad Company 2)、《EA Sports FiFA 11》、《英雄传奇》(Heroes Lore)、《High Caliber Hunting》、《EA Sports MMA》、《EA Sports NBA Elite 11》、《模拟城市4豪华版》(SimCity Deluxe)。如果用户希望体验EA手机游戏,iPhone恐怕还是最理想的运行平台。

据悉,其他力挺WP7平台Xbox Live功能的开发商还包括微软游戏工作室、Gameloft、柯乐美(Konami)、PopCap Games以及THQ公司。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

EA Mobile throws its support behind Windows Phone 7

Electronic Arts’ mobile game division, EA Mobile, said today it will make games for Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 and has four titles ready for the launch on Nov. 7. The support from EA is important, since EA Mobile is the biggest mobile game company.

EA Mobile joins other companies that will make 60 launch games for Windows Phone 7. Microsoft needs a critical mass of games to make its new mobile operating system a success, since games are typically the No. 1 app on any mobile platform. Apple has more than 49,000 games among the 296,000 apps in its App Store, according to Mobclix. Microsoft has a huge uphill battle ahead in trying to attract gamers and game makers to its new platform.

Still, games could be the big hook for Microsoft phones, which will include nine models launched in 30 countries by Microsoft’s manufacturing partners. Microsoft has dedicated a hub of the phone, or an easy-to-access part of the user interface, to the Xbox Live online gaming service. Users can update their status, check in with their Xbox Live friends, and play multiplayer games on Xbox Live via the phones. Xbox Live has 25 million players on the game console.

EA Mobile said its new games will be enabled for Windows Phone 7’s Xbox Live features, with the ability to track and share scores, unlock Xbox Live Achievements, and communicate with friends on the console, the PC or the phone. EA’s games will include Need for Speed Undercover, Tetris, The Sims 3, and Monopoly. All of those games are already available on the iPhone, but EA will enable unique features on the Windows Phone 7 platform.

On the iPhone, EA is releasing a much bigger slate of games this fall, including Battlefield Bad Company 2, EA Sports FIFA 11, Heroes Lore, High Caliber Hunting, EA Sports MMA, EA Sports NBA Elite 11, and SimCity Deluxe. If you want to play an EA Mobile game, the iPhone is clearly still the best platform for that.

Other game publishers supporting Xbox Live on Windows Phone 7 are Microsoft Game Studios, Gameloft, Konami, Namco Bandai, PopCap Games and THQ.(source:venturebeat)

