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Luke Rajlich首次对外详尽解析farmville的成功之路

发布时间:2010-05-15 02:42:14 Tags:,,,


luke rajlich

luke rajlich

尽管,farmville最近遭遇了前所未有的下滑,但是即便是这样,在facebook的游戏应用榜单上仍然没有游戏能够撼动farmville榜首的位置,从纯游戏的角度上,排名第二位的Birthday Cards也仅为3000万级别,而farmville还高踞在7000万的级别。

farmville堪称有史以来最成功的社交网络游戏,all facebook就此采访了farmville的主创工程师Luke Rajlich 。Luke Rajlich是MyMiniLife公司(为zynga公司收购)的主创者,farmville设计一般由MyMiniLife公司完成。

Farmville has become the largest application on the Facebook Platform ever and pretty much no other application has come close to it. While the application has begun losing users over the past month, it is still by far the most successful application ever on Facebook and it has spawned an entire industry of developers trying to mimic its success. While the media loves to cover the revenue generated from the application, there’s an equally important conversation: how the company managed to scale to 100 million users so quickly.

At this year’s first Social Developer Summit, we will hear from the architect behind Farmville, and find out what some of the lesson’s learned were from building the largest social application (and social game) ever. In addition to learning from from Luke Rajlich of Zynga, we have a number of other top engineers who will be discussing scaling, optimizing infrastructure, in addition to optimizing engagement (and game) dynamics.

We’ll also have speakers to discuss continuous deployment and rapid iteration in general. While we’re still lining up speakers (that will be posted over the coming week), we’re working on bringing together some of the best engineering talent in the social application space. The goal is to get developers (actual programmers, engineers, architects, etc) together for a day of mind sharing.

There are many hurdles that developers run into while scaling their applications and while it’s easy to get off the ground, there are often significant hurdles that lie ahead. So come to Social Developer Summit and learn from the developers who have surpassed some of the hurdles you may be currently or will soon face when getting your application off the ground.

