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《新闻周刊》评上瘾社交游戏 玩家成瘾原因何在?

发布时间:2010-10-10 09:35:49 Tags:,,,,

近日,《新闻周刊》评选出了最易使人上瘾的几款Facebook游戏,Zynga公司的农场游戏《FarmVille》和《黑帮战争》(Mafia Wars),Popcap公司的《宝石迷阵》(Bejeweled Blitz),Mindjolt公司的《弹珠连连消》(Bouncing Balls)等均在其列。

Bejeweled Blitz

Bejeweled Blitz

Hilarie Cash博士曾宣称社交游戏专为让人上瘾而设计,这一点似乎很有可能。如果Cash的结论成立,那就说明我们所有玩家或多或少都因这些设计,染上了Facebook游戏的毒瘾。不过,究竟是这些上瘾设计元素还是游戏本身的奖励制度让玩家欲罢不能?有可能游戏任务和奖励制度等玩法也在暗中推波助澜,让玩家深深为之所迷。

尽管一些游戏令人成瘾的特性确实是设计使然,但玩家将游戏成瘾归咎于游戏本身等负面认知,也是形成这一说法的重要影响因素。Lightspeed Research公司最近的的一项调查表明,有19%的Facebook玩家承认自己深陷游戏不能自拔,要知道这个结果还不包括那些明明已经成瘾却不肯承认的玩家呢。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

Newsweek rates Facebook’s ‘most addictive games’, the most fun epidemic in years

Newsweek recently took a look at the metrics they believe imply are Facebook’s most addictive games including staples like Zyngas’ FarmVille and Mafia Wars as well as gems like Bejeweled Blitz from Popcap and Mindjolt’s Bouncing Balls.

Well, if you’re in Dr. Hilarie Cash’s camp, who claims that social games are addictive by design, then this is most likely true. If Cash is right, then it’s possible that we’re all ‘addicted’ to Facebook games on varying levels solely by virtue of their design. But is it truly addiction that makes social games so popular or is it the basic reward structure in which social games operate? Maybe the gameplay structure of task and reward is inherently gripping.

While some cases of gaming addiction are pretty cut and dry, perhaps it’s a personal realization of a negative impact. In a recent survey by Lightspeed Research, 19 percent of Facebook gamers admitted to being addicted. (And that doesn’t account for how many who could be in denial.)

Boy, we Americans sure are hooked on a lot of stuff. (

