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mobile-ent消息:Ovi Store再传捷报 日下载量达250万次

发布时间:2010-10-09 17:58:08 Tags:,

继9月14号宣布其应用商店Ovi Store每日下载量达200万次后,诺基亚在上周又将该数据更新为230万次,仅隔数天,诺基亚于日前再次将这一数据刷新,目前Ovi Store每日下载量已达250万次。

这组对比数据确实很惊人,因为这意味着诺基亚从200万走到250万的每日下载量,仅用了三周时间。值得注意的是,Ovi Store中75%的下载量来自应用程序和游戏,其余则来自一些个性化产品。



为何Ovi Store的下载量增速如此惊人?记者向诺基亚寻求答案,希望找到刺激这一数据增长的关键性因素。

据了解,Ovi Store目前已进入中国,而且诺基亚在该国手机市场最占优势,但诺基亚新闻发言人否认了此事与Ovi Store下载量巨增的因果关系。其有关负责人表示 ,Ovi Store今天取得的成绩完全是自然所为,“促使其发展的因素包括应用商店的更新、搜索功能的完善、知名度提升以及更多出色的应用内容。”

正如人们所料,Ovi Store刚出道时的发展并不顺利,但现在该应用商店已经进行了优化和更新,开始提供更丰富的应用产品,因此它的发展势头也确实应该得到一些掌声和喝彩。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

Ovi Store downloads rocketing… but why?

Something that got slightly buried in our story about Nokia and apps yesterday is the fact that Ovi Store is now generating 2.5 million downloads a day.

It’s worth highlighting though, because it’s evidence that Ovi Store is picking up some serious momentum.

Evidence? On 14 September, Nokia announced that Ovi Store was doing two million daily downloads. Late last week, the company upped that figure to 2.3 million.

Just a few days later, the daily downloads figure is at 2.5 million – 500,000 more downloads a day than Ovi Store was doing three weeks ago.

(Caveat: 75% of those downloads are apps and games, and the rest are personalisation products, so if you want a direct number to compare against rivals, it’s currently around 1.88 million).

Why the sharp growth? We asked Nokia, in case there’s a single factor spurring the rapid increase.

Ovi Store recently went live in China – a market where Nokia has a big presence. However, Nokia’s spokesperson declined to attribute that as the major cause.

Instead, they said it’s pure organic growth: “Credit it to growing interest in Ovi, new store updates, better search and awareness and great content.”

Ovi Store has had a rough ride in the media since its launch, and often deservedly so. However, as the store has improved, and more apps have become available, its momentum is equally deserving of praise.(source:mobile-ent)

