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发布时间:2010-10-09 16:16:24 Tags:,,,

本周初,Mark Zuckerberg公布了一款Facebook新功能Groups。顾名思义,通过Groups功能,用户可以将自己的朋友们添加到各种小型个人社区中。这项功能的主旨是方便用户公布家庭照片或组织各种活动等。如此一来,用户在组织聚会的时候只需将通知发到家人群上,就不会惊扰到Facebook朋友列表上的每个人了。听上去是不是十分实用呢?好吧。每次只要Facebook发布新功能,人们总能从中发现问题。

尽管Mark Zuckerberg表示这一功能是为用户进行后台操作而设计的,但Facebook的制作小组似乎忽略了该功能的一个重点:当被加到某个群组时,用户并没有收到邀请,而是自动成为其成员。尽管离开群组的方法十分简单,但不经自己许可就被加入到群中实在是一件十分恼人的事情,尤其这些群还和自己毫无关系时,这就好比收到了无数的垃圾邮件。

Groups- NAMBLA

Groups- NAMBLA

昨晚,不少Facebook用户发现并开始滥用Groups功能的“强制加入”作用。当晚,一个名为NAMBLA(North American Man/Boy Love Association北美男人/男孩恋爱协会)的群组诞生了,许多用户将自己的信任朋友加入其中。很快地,Michael Arrington也被朋友加入其中,然后他也同样迅速地将Facebook的创办人Mark Zuckerberg加入了该群。

Zuckerberg迅速退出了NAMBLA群,并一遍评论道“也正因此离开群组十分容易”。然而很多人仍然认为Groups功能未经本人同意就被加入各种群的设计并不理想。如果部分用户不经常查阅自己的Facebook,那他们就可能不知道自己被加入到了这样一个群组中。更糟糕的是,一旦被加入到某个群组中,用户就会出现在News Feed中,每次接收邮件也都会贴在群信息墙上。换句话说,用户可能接收到大量大垃圾邮件。更不幸的是,Facebook用户还不得不容忍这些垃圾邮件,否则他们根本不可能知道自己被加入到了哪些群中。

值得一提的是,根据Facebook帮助中心提示,一旦用户被加入某个群中并自行退出,此后该用户就再也无法被任何人添加到这个群组中。因此,Michael Arrington表示在Mark推退出NAMBLA群之后,Mark就再也不能将他加入到任何群中。


Earlier this week Mark Zuckerberg announced Groups, a new feature for Facebook that allows you to better communicate with your friends by adding them to what are essentially little private communities. The idea is that if you have a communal page to post your family photos and organize events, you won’t have to bother everyone on your friends list when you’re trying to get everyone together for a reunion; you can just post the information to your family’s Groups page. Sounds useful enough, right? Well, yes, but as with every new feature Facebook implements, some people are finding issue with the new tool.

Despite the fact that Mark Zuckerberg said this feature was designed to give the users back control, the Facebook crew seem to have neglected to mention one thing about the Groups feature: when you’re added to a group you don’t get an invitation to join, you’re just automatically a member. As long as someone is on your friends list, you can make them force join your group. Though leaving a group is fairly easy, being put in a group by your friends can be irritating. Especially if the group is something you want nothing to do with and being in it results in a ton of spam.

Last night people discovered this ‘force join’ aspect of the feature and started to abuse it. A NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) group was set up and people had a ton of fun adding their unsuspecting friends. It wasn’t long before someone with Michael Arrington on their friends list was added, and Michael Arrington soon added Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Zuckerberg quickly left the group, commenting “This is why it’s easy to leave groups” on his way out. However, there are still people with concerns about Groups and how easy it is to add someone to a group without their knowledge. If you don’t check your Facebook all that often you might not know that you’ve been added to one. What’s more, when you’ve been added to a group, it shows up in the group news feed and you receive an email every time someone posts something on the group wall. In other words, it can get pretty spammy. Unfortunately, it seems like an abundance of notifications is something you have to put up with. If you didn’t receive any, you might have no idea how many groups you’ve been added to.

It’s worth noting that, according to Facebook’s help center, if you’re added to a group and you leave it, you can’t be re-added to that group by anyone. What’s more, Michael Arrington says that as soon as Mark left NAMBLA, he lost the ability to add him to any group at all.

When all is said and done, the easiest way to explain groups is that it’s a lot like tagging photos. Your friends can tag you in any photo and it’s up to you to remove the tag if you have a problem with it. Do you have a problem with how Groups works? Let us know in the comments below!(Source:Tomsguide)

