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用户突破4000万 OpenFeint进军Android成果丰硕

发布时间:2010-10-08 10:31:40 Tags:,,,

日前,手机游戏平台公司Aurora Feint宣布,OpenFeint手机游戏平台进军Android战绩显赫,第一轮投放该平台的8款游戏中就有4款跻身Android应用商店的前15名。



Android平台的OpenFeint准备在本周投放第二轮的12款游戏,如果从第一轮中的《迷你飞机战斗》(MiniSquadron,Supermono公司出品)、《水果忍者》(Fruit Ninja,Halfbrick公司出品)刚上架72个小时就进入付费游戏头两名的非凡成就来看,这第二轮游戏也大有希望再创佳绩。

Aurora Feint公司的CEO杰森·西纯(Jason Citron)表示,“OpenFeint入驻Android平台的前两周情况表明,Android用户非常渴求出色的游戏,而且很愿意为顶级游戏付费……今后两个月,我们还会推出更多游戏,帮助Android开拓付费游戏市场……”

尽管OpenFeint的用户群多数聚集在iPhone,但在Android平台虏获的用户也已经突破了4000万大关,在Aurora Feint自己看来,OpenFeint已然成为世界上规模最大的手机游戏平台。

Aurora Feint同时还宣称,OpenFeint平台的3100款游戏中,每天都会产生16万的注册新用户。

据悉,Android平台上的OpenFeint第二轮投放的游戏包括,Glu公司的《超级拳击2》(Super K.O. Boxing 2),PikPok公司的《橄榄球高手》(Flick Kick Rugby),Bravo Game Studios公司的《触控赛车》(Touch Racing Nitro )、《2010世界杯点球冠军争夺赛》(Penalty World Challenge 2010),ChickenBrick Studios公司的《Cestos 2: Party Time》、Hyperbees公司的《超炫3D隧道》(Speed X)、Playbrain公司的《另类钻石迷情》(Babo Crash Deluxe)、TastuPlay网站的《神风赛车》(Kamikaze Race)、The Game Boss公司的大脑益智游戏《Brain Twister Lite》以及《彩色鸡尾酒》简化版,ustwo公司的《Dot Dot》,iDreams公司的《敖气雄鹰》(SkyForce)。

另外,有意将OpenFeint添加到自己开发平台的Android和iPhone开发商,可以登陆Aurora Feint公司网站,注册下载免费软件开发工具包。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

OpenFeint hits 40 million users as first wave of titles on Android scale heights

Aurora Feint is already hailing the launch of OpenFeint on Android a success, revealing that four of the first eight titles enabled on the network have hit the top 15 on Android Market.

The second wave of 12 OpenFeint releases, set to hit Google’s platform this week, will no doubt be hoping they can foster the same level of success, with Supermono’s MiniSquadron and Halfbrick’s Fruit Ninja having hit the top two spots for paid games within the first 72 hours.

All guns blazing on Android

“The past two weeks have proved to us that Android users are hungry for great games – and they’re willing to pay for top quality content,” said CEO Jason Citron.

“Over the next few months, we’ll continue to roll out games and help establish the paid gaming market on Android. We couldn’t be more excited about this latest Android release.”

Though the bulk of its userbase is naturally signed up on iPhone, launching on Android has also helped push OpenFeint through the 40 million users barrier, making the network – in its own words– the largest of its kind on mobile in the world.

In all, Aurora Feint claims 160,000 new users are signing up to OpenFeint every day, across a total of 3,100 games.

The next step

The next 12 releases to make the leap to OpenFeint on Android includes Glu’s Super K.O. Boxing 2, PikPok’s Flick Kick Rugby, Touch Racing Nitro and Penalty World Challenge 2010 from Bravo Game Studios, ChickenBrick Studios’ Cestos 2: Party Time, Speed X from Hyperbees, Playbrains’ Babo Crash Deluxe, Kamikaze Race from, Brain Twister Lite and Color Cocktail Lite from The Game Boss, ustwo’s Dot Dot and SkyForce from iDreams.

Developers on either Android and iPhone interested in incorporating OpenFeint into their platform can sign up for the free SDK on the firm’s website. (source:pocketgamer)

