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每日观察:关注Google Play亚洲市场收益情况(11.30)

发布时间:2012-11-30 11:02:18 Tags:,,

1)App Annie最新报告指出,苹果App Store虽然是全球最具盈利性的应用市场,但Google Play在日本和韩国等亚洲市场收益增长甚为迅速。

2012年Google Play全球总收益增长311%,而在此期间iOS收益则仅增长12.9%。在2012年10月期间,Google Play收益增长17.9%,而iOS收益却缩水0.7%。

downloads vs revenues(from App Annie)

downloads vs revenues(from App Annie)

虽然iOS应用下载量超过Google Play,但后者下载量也正不断与之缩小差距。在过去5个月中,iOS全球免费应用下载量增长3.3%,而Google Play免费应用下载量则增长48%。

revenue by country(from App Annie)

revenue by country(from App Annie)

日本和韩国是Google Play主要的下载和收益增长动力,日本在10月份首次超过美国,成为Google Play最具盈利性的市场,创造了该应用商店29%的全球收益。现在Google Play最具盈利性的三个市场分别是日本、美国和韩国,而iOS的前三名市场分别是美国、日本和英国。从总体来看,日本Google Play收益自今年初以来增长了10倍左右。

top publishers by revenues(from App Annie)

top publishers by revenues(from App Annie)

iOS top publishers(from App Annie)

iOS top publishers(from App Annie)

App Annie报告还指出,亚洲公司在2012年10月份Google Play收益前10名发行商排行榜中占据了8个席位,DeNA排名最为领先,其次分别是COLOPL, GungHo Online, GREE和NAVER;在iOS前10名发行商排行榜上,日本公司占据了4个席位。

top game apps by revenue(from App Annie)

top game apps by revenue(from App Annie)

iOS top game apps(from App Annie)

iOS top game apps(from App Annie)

10月份Google Play最具盈利性的游戏是GungHo Online推出的《Puzzles & Dragons》,其他前9名高收益游戏则出自日本或韩国公司之手。但在iOS平台前10名高收益游戏中,仅有2款游戏出自日本公司之手(游戏邦注:GungHo Online的《Puzzles & Dragons》和Square Enix卡牌战斗游戏《拡散性ミリオンアーサー》。在非游戏应用中,社交网站LINE是最具盈利性的Google Play应用,它在iOS平台排名第二。

iOS top non-gam apps(from App Annie)

iOS top non-gam apps(from App Annie)

2)据games.com报道,Zynga最近向iOS和Android平台发布了由英国独立工作室Fat Pebble开发的粘土动画式游戏《Clay Jam》。

《Clay Jam》是Fat Pebble的首款游戏,但这个三人团队已经拥有40多年的主机游戏设计和开发经验。玩家在这款免费游戏中要引导卵石滚下蓝色的山坡,以便消灭游戏中的坏蛋Bully Beasts,其风格类似于粘土动画《块魂》,但采用了有所不同的有趣玩法。

clay jam(from games)

clay jam(from games)







多数英国青少人承认自己每天平均投入10个小时访问社交媒体,还有四分之三英国、法国和西班牙青少年通过移动社交网络讨论自己看过的电视节目 。



4)Kantar Worldpanel ComTech最新数据显示,在过去12周中,得益于iPhone 5销售强劲,苹果占据48.1%的美国智能手机销售市场份额,Android则占比46.7%。


苹果过去一年在德国市场份额下降了5.1%,而三星Galaxy S3过去12周在该国的智能手机销量中占比将近四分之一。在意大利,诺基亚Lumia 610成了过去三个月中第四大热销手机,诺基亚Lumia 800则排名第七,这些设备推动Windows在该国市场份额上升至11.7%。

iPhone 5在美国主要销量来自原有的苹果用户,有62%原苹果用户升级到了iPhone 5,但也有13%的iPhone 5用户原先是Android用户,有6%原先是黑莓用户。有92%美国用户表示下次购买手机时会选择iPhone。

5)ABI Research最近报告指出,第三季度苹果iPad销量在平板电脑市场持续领先,出货量占比55%,Android平板电脑出货量占比44%。

ipad 3(from

ipad 3(from

6)据insidemobileapps报道,日本社交游戏公司DeNA与知名发行商Square Enix日前宣布,将向美国和加拿大iOS和Android平台推出《Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade》这款英语版《最终幻想》系列社交游戏,但并未公布具体发行日期。

Final Fantasy Brigade(from

Final Fantasy Brigade(from

据Serkantoto报道,日语版《Final Fantasy Brigade》自1月份在Mobage上线后至今用户已达300万。值得注意的是,Square Enix还与DeNA竞争对手GREE合作在日本发行了《The Worlds Ends With You》以及《Final Fantasy X GREE》。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

1)App Annie: Google Play surging in Asia, global revenues up by over 300% in 2012

Kathleen De Vere

Apple’s iTunes App Store may be the most lucrative app market in the world, but Google Play is catching up fast thanks to its growing popularity in lucrative Asian markets like Japan and South Korea reports App Annie.

According to the company’s App Annie Index, the amount of global revenues generated through Google Play has increased by 311 percent during 2012, while iOS has seen its revenue increase by just 12.9 percent over the same period. During October 2012, Google Play saw revenues grow by 17.9 percent, meanwhile iOS revenues actually contracted, falling by 0.7 percent.

Although iOS still sees more downloads than Google Play, the official Android market is also closing the gap there as well. Over the past five months, iOS has seen the global volume of free downloads increase by 3.3 percent. Worldwide levels of free Google Play downloads are up 48 percent in the same time period.

According to App Annie, Google Play’s growing strength in markets like Japan and South Korea is a key factor in the official Android market’s growing downloads and revenues. In October Japan became the most lucrative Google Play market, generating 29 percent of the store’s total global revenues, surpassing the U.S. for the first time. The three most lucrative countries for Google Play developers are now Japan, the U.S. and South Korea. On iOS the three biggest markets the U.S., Japan and the U.K. Overall, Japanese Google Play revenues have increased by 10x since the beginning of the calendar year.

Its not just Asian consumers, but Asian companies as well — according to App Annie, Asian companies accounted for eight of the top 10 Google Play publishers by revenue during October 2012.

DeNA leads the pack based on its massive hit Rage of Bahamut, followed closely by other Japanese companies like COLOPL, GungHo Online, GREE and NAVER. On iOS Japan accounts for four of the top 10 publishers by revenue.

On the level of individual apps and games, Asian companies are also in firm command of the Google Play charts. The most lucrative Google Play game in the world during October 2012 was GungHo Online’s breakout hit Puzzles & Dragons, with other Japanese or South Korean offerings filling the other nine spots. On iOS only two of the top 10 games by revenue were from Japanese companies — GungHo Online’s Puzzles & Dragons and Square Enix’s card battle game 拡散性ミリオンアーサー (King Arthur of 1 Million People.) For non-game apps NAVER’s social network LINE was the most lucrative Google Play app by revenue and the No. 2 iOS app.(source:insidemobileapps

2)Zynga gets its hands dirty with Clay Jam, a ‘handmade’ mobile indie game

by Joe Osborne

When you think of Zynga, some of the last words that come to mind are handmade and indie. (No offense.) Over the past year, the FarmVille maker has been trying to change that image, and its latest attempt may be the most interesting yet. Developed by UK-based indie studio Fat Pebble, this is Clay Jam, a gorgeous iOS and Android game with handmade–literally–claymation-style visuals.

In the freemium Clay Jam, players guide a single rolling pebble down a blue hill, squishing smaller Bully Beasts (the bad guys that have terrorized the land of Clay Jam and sucked away its clay) and avoiding larger ones. It sounds, and arguably looks, like a claymation Katamari Damacy, but with one interesting play difference. Players never directly control the tiny pebble rolling down the hill, but guide its path through gouging divots into the clay with their fingers. Touch gaming at its finest, no?(source:games

3)BlackBerry is totally, like, more popular with Euro teens than iPhone

by Zen Terrelonge

A warning for brands not to miss their target audience by pushing to iOS.

Orange has released the Orange Exposure 2012/2013 study, which analyses mobile trends adopted by teens aged 11-18 in the UK, France and Spain. The respondents consider mobiles their primary device screen, with 83 per cent and 95 per cent of those in the UK and Spain owning a smartphone.

Reasons for favouring mobile included:

* 92 per cent of Brits say it’s a “way to always have a media device at hand”

* 55 per cent of Brits say it’s “mine and no one else’s” so “I can access what I want, when I want.”

However, the report makes a key note for advertisers not to miss out on the opportunities presented by BlackBerry, even though 56 per cent of adult users want an iPhone 5. It shows that BB penetration among UK and Spain teens is two and three times higher than other mobile device, while iPhone’s is low because of the high price tags.

Meanwhile, one in two Spanish respondents owns an Android device, with 38 per cent of Brits also owning one – a 14 per cent year-on-year increase.

Social media is also a big player with youngsters as Brit kids admitting to spending an average of ten hours a week using networks, while three-quarters of teens across the UK, France and Spain discussing watch they’re watching on TV view social networks accessed from their mobile.

The figure supports the ever-growing trend of second-screen use, and PacketVideo’s prediction that tablets will replace TV remotes in the future.

Stephanie Hospital, exec VP of Orange Digital Audience and Advertising Division, said: “The question that every advertiser and brand should be asking themselves is ‘am I on top of this new consumer usage and am I using mobile marketing to its full potential?’

“The research lays bare the significant opportunities for advertisers to monetise and engage with their audience in a responsible manner – with teenagers so firmly adopting the mobile as their key device; and adults using multiple screens interchangeably as second nature – advertisers must sit up and harness its potential.”(source:mobile-ent

4)iPhone 5 sales send Apple back to the top in US

by Daniel Gumble

iPhone 5 sales send Apple back to the top in US

Android drops to second place as iOS takes 48.1 per cent of smartphone market share.

Apple has overtaken Android to reclaim top spot in the US smartphone market, as iPhone 5 sales begin to soar.

New smartphone sales data from Kantar Worldpanel ComTech show that iOS has a 48.1 per cent share of US smartphone sales, with Android taking 46.7 per cent of the market. This is in no small part due to the growing uptake of Apple’s iPhone five over the past 12 weeks.

Dominic Sunnebo, global consumer insight director at Kantar Worldpanel ComTech, commented: “The last time we saw iOS overtake Android in the US was when the iPhone 4S was released and Apple managed to retain its lead for three consecutive periods. This time we predict that Apple will beat its previous high of 49.3 per cent and achieve its highest ever share of the US smartphone market within the next two periods.”

Despite Apple’s lead in the US, it continues to chase Android in the European smartphone market, whose dominance is represented by 73.9 per cent of sales in Germany and 81.7 per cent in Spain. However, Apple now has share gains in four of Europe’s five major countries, most notably in Britain, where it holds a share of 32.7 per cent.

Sunnebo continued: “Germany remains a tough market for Apple with its share falling by 5.1 per centage points over the past year. The Samsung Galaxy S3 has taken almost a quarter of the country’s smartphone sales over the past 12 weeks to boost Android yet further. In Italy, strong sales of the Nokia Lumia 610, the fourth best selling handset over the past 12 weeks, and the Nokia Lumia 800, the seventh best selling, have helped drive Windows’ share up to 11.7 per cent  – the highest across Europe.”

The majority of iPhone 5 sales in the US have come from existing Apple owners, with 62 per cent upgrading to the new device. However, Apple has also benefitted from consumers switching from Android devices (13 per cent), people switching from BlackBerry devices (six per cent) and a small number of first time smartphone owners.

“Apple has always managed to maintain loyalty levels far above the competition, and this has clearly played a part in driving sales of its new device,” Sunnebo added. “An impressive 92 per cent of existing Apple owners in the US said they will choose an iPhone the next time they upgrade. While loyalty is clearly key, it is also important to make sure that new customers are attracted to your brand. With roughly 60 per cent of US iPhone 5 sales coming from existing customers and 40 per cent from new consumers, Apple is achieving this at the moment – a clear sign of the strength of the brand in the US marketplace.”(source:mobile-ent

5)Android tablets snatch 14 per cent market share from Apple in Q3

by Zen Terrelonge

iPad sales fall to their lowest since launch in 2010.

Apple’s iPad continues to be the best-selling tablet on the market having secured a 55 per cent shipment share in Q3, but ABI Research says Android-powered tablets have gobbled a 14 per cent share from Apple, which has pushed the stronghold to its lowest for ten consecutive quarters.

Samsung, Amazon and ASUS (in that order) have all prospered from Apple’s decline, and ABI reckons the iPad Mini has prompted users to look for cheaper alternatives. The cheapest iPad mini model is priced at $329, which is rather steep when compared to the $199 Kindle Fire.

Limited availability of the shrunken iOS device is also expected to ramp up Android tablet sales ahead of Christmas, with the current Google OS-based share at 44 per cent.(source:mobile-ent

6)DeNA and Square Enix to release Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade in US, Canada

Emanuel Maiberg

Mobage network operator DeNA and renowned games developer and publisher Square Enix today announced that the companies will release the hit Japanese game Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade on iOS and Android in the U.S. and Canada. This will mark the first Final Fantasy free-to-play social game to be released in English.

Each player in the game pilots an airship and can form “airborne brigades” with friends to take down powerful bosses, gain experience and acquire skills, all in the signiture style of a Final Fantasy role-playing game.

As. Dr. Serkan Toto recently reported, Final Fantasy Brigade has hit the 3 million user mark in Japan since it launched on Mobage in January, no doubt contributing to DeNA’s record revenues for its Q2 2012.

It’s interesting to note that Square Enix also partnered with DeNA’s primary competitor GREE to publish The Worlds Ends With You and Final Fantasy X GREE in Japan.

DeNA and Square Enix didn’t announce a specific release date but said that the game was coming “soon.” Players who pre-register for the game will be alerted as soon as its released and will also receive a free three-month exclusive in-game card featuring Final Fantasy VII character Cloud.(source:insidemobileapps

