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topbuzznews:Xbox Live成Windows Phone 7最大竞争力

发布时间:2010-10-04 17:33:56 Tags:,,,

日前,据微软高管马特·汤普森(Matt Thompson)在旧金山GigaOm移动大会上(GigaOm Mobilize conference)所称,Windows Phone 7与Xbox Live的绑定将成为该手机操作系统获得成功的最大杀手锏,“很显然,大部分用户进入WP7后最想做的事情就是打开Xbox Live……”。



据悉,尽管WP7于10月21日才正式面向全球发布,但WP7已经成为当下人们热议的话题之一。目前已有不少游戏正积极开发WP7版本,其中包括异常受欢迎的农场游戏《Farmville》,该游戏正使用XNA工具开发新版本。另外,微软还准备提供可与Xbox 360兼容,且与安装Xbox Live功能的个人电脑同步的手机游戏。


Zune是WP7的音乐视频播放器,换句话说就是微软版本的iTunes。从10月份WP7面世开始,用户可通过手机、Xbox、个人电脑平台体验这一音乐软件功能,并且可实现Zune在这三者的跨平台互动。在这款软件中,用户可根据需要选择免费或付费版本,在免费版本中,用户有购买音乐或视频的选择权;而付费版本则称为Zune Pass,以10欧元为基准,每月向用户征收费用。

电子游戏玩家最关注的当属Xbox Live功能,该平台支持所有在WP7手机上运行的游戏。除了Xbox游戏以外,其他应用商店的游戏也正为WP7开发新版本。Xbox 360的用户可以在WP7手机上使用Xbox Live付费帐号。

WP7的社交网络功能同样强大,将与Windows Live功能同步。用户可通过WP7打开Hotmail、MSN,上传照片,更新资料等。另外,办公一族也将从WP7中获得极大的便利,该手机操作系统中的Office软件工具支持创建和编辑包括文本、图像和声音等在内的文件。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译)

Xbox Live, essential to the success of Windows Phone 7

Xbox Live, essential to the success of Windows Phone 7? Windows Phone 7 is a must for Microsoft. The Windows Phone 7 product mean the future for Microsoft mobile technology. The integration with Xbox Live will be the main asset of the success of Windows Phone 7, according to statements by senior Microsoft, Matt Thompson. “Clearly the phone you, so the most unique thing we’re trying to do is to enter Xbox Live so you can take that ‘you’ found the rest of the world, “said the executive at the GigaOm Mobilize conference held in San Francisco.

Windows Phone 7 has several games in development, including a popular version of Farmville, which are being developed using the XNA tools. Microsoft intends to offer mobile games compatible with Xbox and 360, and is considering doing the same with the PC using the Xbox Live service infrastructure.. Windows Phone 7 will be talking about in the coming weeks. Until Windows Phone 7 launch on October 21 over the world and especially after that date. The new mobile operating system, Windows Phone 7, has not disclosed all its advantages but it can make a count of the most significant. Windows Phone 7 services integrate music for Zune. You also have the mobile version of the Xbox games. In addition, you can synchronize with Windows Live and take a shortened version of the Office office suite.

 Zune is the music and video player for Windows Phone 7. To understand it, is like an iTunes with the signing of Microsoft. This service will extend its reach through Windows Phone 7. From October, you can access the Zune from the mobile, the Xbox or the computer and synchronize these devices with each other. In this space there is a free service, the option to buy songs or videos and the paid version. The latter is called Zune Pass, which will be available from 10 euros per month.

For those who prefer video games is on Xbox Live. This platform supports games designed with the mobile phones with Windows Phone 7. Developments will existing games but also in other application stores. Nor is it unreasonable for users of Xbox 360 with payment account Xbox Live with a number of advantages on your phone.

The social networks are very present in Windows Phone 7. For functions that will sync with Windows Live. That is, direct access to Hotmail, Messenger, post photos and update your profile … all from one place. Phones with Windows Phone 7 not forget the people who use the terminal to work. So too have installed Office suite that allows to create and edit documents that can combine text, image and sound. A tool extra is the ability to modify a document received and the changes appear automatically in terminals around the team.(source:topbuzznews)

