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发布时间:2012-10-10 17:59:13 Tags:,,,

作者:Patrick Miller


在GDC Online上,Playdom副总裁Steve Meretzky和Goko的Dave Rohrl带着好坏参半的事实拉开了他们每年一度的“过去一年社交游戏回顾”讨论会。一方面,Facebook上最出色的游戏是来自Zynga的《德州扑克》,这是一款发行于5年前的老游戏,拥有630万的日活跃用户(DAU)——可以说这是继《FarmVille》诞生以来该平台上DAU最低的头号Facebook游戏。

Steve Meretzky(from gamasutra)

Steve Meretzky(from gamasutra)





如果说是《时光花园》和Zynga的《Hidden Chronicles》将这种游戏类型带向了社交平台,这同时也意味着它们也更加接近了饱和状态。Meretzky指出Playdom之后发行的寻物解谜游戏《Blackwood and Bell》虽然呈现出了更黑暗且更困难的画面以及更复杂的功能设置(这款游戏是基于《时光花园》的代码基础,带有有限的章节和收集物,并在发行后添加了新的升级机制),但是其DAU却只有《时光花园》的五分之一。

Meretzky说道:“我们发现对于社交游戏来说,AAA级游戏非常重要,所以创造一款屏幕糟糕的隐藏目标游戏就等于制作一辆引擎脱节的保时捷。”此外,我们也很快便能够看到类型饱和情况的出现。“社交游戏的开发时间总是非常短,所以开发商们总是可以迅速填满这一领域。而就像Yogi Berra(游戏邦注:前美国职棒大联盟的捕手,总教练)所说的:‘没有人会愿意进入一家满是食客的餐馆。’”








Rohrl说道:“让我们来说说Zynga的《Bubble Safari》。与Facebook上30%的游戏一样,这是一款泡泡类游戏。但是现在它已经不是Facebook上最受欢迎的泡泡类游戏了,《泡泡女巫传说》取代了它获得了更大的关注。”

Rohrl指出,《Bubble Safari》为我们呈现了许多早前Facebook所不允许出现的病毒性向量,如用于向其他Facebook好友发送信息的“Select All”按钮,以及让玩家能够无需获得许可便向好友发送游戏请求的“无障碍垃圾邮件传播渠道”等。正是这些向量帮助《Bubble Safari》在DAU和收益排行中获得了第6位的好成绩。

Bubble Safari(from getglue)

Bubble Safari(from getglue)




Meretzky列举了Zynga的《FarmVille 2》:“之前我们一直在说这是一个不断趋于成熟的市场,而现在我便可以说这是一个成熟的市场了。而一旦市场趋于成熟,其最低制作成本也将随之提高。如果你正在考虑进入社交游戏领域,你就必须清楚它已经不再像以前那般容易亲近了。最后,切忌不要丢失游戏的灵魂。因为随着预算的提高以及团队规模的扩大,许多人很容易在此迷失方向。这时候你更应该稳妥地使用所有资源,并始终坚持着最初的游戏灵魂。”



Rohrl列举了一些使用已建立的IP但却出现了不同结果的社交游戏。就像《 Marvel Avengers Alliance》和《Zynga Slingo》都表现得不错,但是其它IP像《House M.D.》所面临的情况却不尽如意。Rohrl说道:“你必须确保你的游戏能够有效地呈现出授权作品的精髓,像《模拟城市社交版》便缺少了促使《模拟城市》大受欢迎的区域管理机制。”


Meretzky列举了一款相对难理解的社交游戏,《Triviador》——来自匈牙利的工作室THX Games PLC结合了《打破沙锅问到底》和《Risk》(游戏邦注:从古代流传下来的征服世界的游戏)而创造出来的一款游戏。《Triviador》的问题设置要求玩家必须输入一些数值答案(包括年份,数目等等),并根据玩家的回答与真实答案的接近度去提供奖励。




Rohrl通过列举了FreshPlanet的《SongPop》以及Zynga的《Words With Friends》去阐述异步游戏设计对于社交游戏的积极影响——特别是当社交游戏开发者正尝试着进入手机游戏市场之时。Rohrl说道:“尽管凭借着《Words With Friends》Zynga取得了最大的成功,但是我们仍然不可忽视独立开发者所带来的影响。这是手机领域中一块活跃的类别,并且开发者也能够从Facebook上将游戏玩法移植到手机平台上。除此之外这也能够有效地维持游戏的用户留存。”


Meretzky说道:“在社交游戏领域博彩游戏已经不是什么新内容了,但是现在又涌现出了一些大热门的新游戏,如《Zynga Slingo》。Facebook上4款热门游戏中便有3款属于博彩游戏:《德州扑克》,《菲律宾太阳城》以及《疯狂老虎机》。






10 Social Game Lessons from 2012

By Patrick Miller

Social games aren’t dying — they’re changing.

Steve Meretzky (Playdom, pictured) and Dave Rohrl (Goko) kicked off their yearly “Social Games Year in Review” session at GDC Online with a mixed bag of facts; on one hand, the top game on Facebook is Zynga’s Texas HoldEm Poker, a five-year-old game that, at 6.3m daily active users (DAU), has the lowest DAU for a #1 game on the platform since before FarmVille.

Much of the hype in social games has gone instead to mobile games. On the other hand, Facebook’s user count continues to climb (most recently surpassing 1 billion users), and social games revenue continues to climb as well, with the Casual Games Association forecasting total revenues hitting $8 billion by 2014.

In short, the market is changing rapidly, and devs will have to quickly learn from the last year of changes if they want to stay in the social games arena.

1. Hidden-object games (HOG) are here—and we’re still figuring them out

Starting with Playdom’s Gardens of Time, we’ve seen hidden-object games arrive on social platforms with a big splash. “This is the most popular category in the casual downloadable market, but it didn’t exist on Facebook until a year and a half ago,” said Meretzky.

But if Gardens of Time and Zynga’s Hidden Chronicles brought the genre to social games, they also may have gotten close to saturating it as well. Meretzky pointed out that Playdom’s later HOG release Blackwood and Bell launched with darker, harder hidden-object screens and a more-complete feature set (B&B was built upon the Gardens of Time codebase, which had time-limited chapters, collections, and an upgrade mechanic added to it after launch)—but it hit only 1/5th of Gardens of Time’s DAU.

“We learned that triple-A is important for social games; doing a hidden-object game and not getting the HOG screens quite right is like building a Porsche and not getting the engine quite right,” Meretzky said. Also, genre saturation can happen fast. “In social gaming, where development time is really short, so all the players can quickly fill up the space. It’s like that Yogi Berra quote: ‘That restaurant is so crowded, nobody goes there anymore.’”

2. Hardcore social games have an audience on Facebook

“Is Playdom’s Marvel Avengers Alliance a Facebook game at all? In my opinion, it does an excellent job integrating classic Facebook tropes into a hardcore game,” said Rohrl, “We think that virality doesn’t work with hardcore gamers, but it can.”

“It always seems like this is the year hardcore is going to be over, but it seems like there is enough of a constituency there to continue,” Rohrl said, “Real innovation can pay here, and core brands — like Marvel — can work.”

3. Learn from’s “Saga” model—but second fiddle is risky’s “Saga” model of building social games—combining simple, addictive mechanics with a linear metagame progression shown on a map—is core to their success (see Bubble Witch Saga, Mahjong Saga). “They keep the metagame framework similar from game to game, so that players that come from one game will know how another works,” said Meretzky, “On the strength of their ‘Saga’ model, they’ve completely cemented their position as the #2 social gaming company.”

“The mechanics that worked in the casual downloadable market will probably work in social,” he noted, but then he offered a cautionary note: “We’ve kind of seen this phenomenon before with CrowdStar in 2009-2010, then Wooga in 2010-2011, and this year it’s CrowdStar has completely pivoted out of social gaming, and Wooga is still in it but has yielded their spot to King, so we’ll see if this turns into something sustainable.”

4. Facebook is opening up new viral channels for game devs.

“Let’s talk about Zynga’s Bubble Safari,” said Rohrl, “It’s a bubble game, like about 30% of the games on Facebook. Now, this Zynga game was not the first Facebook hit in its genre…at the end of the day, it’s Bubble Witch Saga with a lot of awesome virals.”

Rohrl pointed out that Bubble Safari demonstrated plenty of virality vectors that previously weren’t allowed on Facebook, like a Select All button for messaging Facebook friends, and a “frictionless spam channel” that let you send game requests to friends without asking for permission each time. These vectors led to Bubble Safari hitting #6 in DAU and revenue.

“Virals are immensely relevant for your game’s growth, and sustaining your player base,” Rohrl concluded. “The platform is opening up new channels to make these virals more efficient and effective. Many segments of the audience previously thought to be viral-averse are actually showing a pretty reasonable propensity. So it’s worth actually trying it out on your audience to see how they react.”

5. Production values are soaring.

Social games production values are skyrocketing, making it harder for new studios to compete as the minimum production value required to attract players increases the barrier to entry.

Meretzky’s example was Zynga’s FarmVille 2: “We’ve been saying this is a market that is maturing rapidly. Now we can say it’s a mature market, and as that happens, the minimum production values are going up. If you were thinking about going into social gaming, it’s not newbie-friendly any more. Finally, don’t lose the soul. As budget gets bigger and teams get bigger, it’s easy to lose track. Make sure to use those resources to benefit, not crush, the soul of the game.”

6. Established IPs won’t sell a bad game.

The Sims Social and CityVille both hit 10 million peak DAUs at their peak, but SimCity Social—a big-budget social game with an established IP and design elements from both games—peaked at only 1.6 million. “A great brand can’t sell a tired game,” Rohrl said, “A brand helps you with trial, but not conversation. If it’s not well-planned or executed, it’s not going to work out.”

Rohrl pointed to a series of social games that used established IPs with mixed results; Marvel Avengers Alliance did well, as did Zynga Slingo, but other IPs like House M.D. didn’t seem to do too well. “It’s really important that your game captures the essence of the license,” Rohrl said, “SimCity Social lacked the zone management that made SimCity a huge blast to play.”

7. Take innovative risks (and learn from them).

Meretzky showed a relatively obscure social game called Triviador, by Hungarian studio THX Games PLC that is something of a mix between Trivial Pursuit and Risk. Triviador’s question set requires players to type in numerical answers (years, amounts, and so on) and rewards players according to how close they were to the answer.

“Numeric trivia answers are pure genius,” Meretzky said, “Normally you know the answer, and the question is boringly easy, or you don’t, and it’s boringly hard.”

Devs can learn from what games like Triviador do well, and avoid what they do poorly—for example, Meretzky thinks that combining real-time multiplayer with strangers and trivia can make people feel stupid, which makes the game less popular.

8. Asynchronous games play to social games’ strengths.

Rohrl brought up SongPop (FreshPlanet) and Words With Friends (Zynga) as examples of how social games are well-served by asynchronous game design—particularly as social game developers try to move into the mobile games market. “Even though Zynga has achieved the most crushing success with Words With Friends, we are seeing real traction from indies,” said Rohrl, “This is a really vibrant category on mobile, and gameplay that works there seems to transplant well from Facebook. Also, it’s great for retention.”

9. Gambling is big—and could be bigger

“Gambling isn’t new to social games, but now the big boys are starting to move in. Case in point: Zynga Slingo,” Meretzky said. “Three of the top four games on Facebook right now are gambling games: Texas HoldEm, DoubleDown Casino, and Slotomania.

Meretzky contends that this isn’t just for the immediate future, but a longer-term play: “This has been a very indie-friendly area of social gaming, but that’s changing quickly. They’re high ‘ARPUed-out’ games. People are used to paying for gambling. Of course, it’s a play for money today, but it’s also a play for money tomorrow—to prepare for a possible future where gambling is legalized in the US.”

10. Real-time PvP isn’t ideal for social games

Social games built around real-time player vs. player mechanics can build strong communities, but the social platform poses devs major challenges for in both game design and audience.

“Synchronous head-to-head games actually build long-lasting, passionate communities,” Rohrl said, “But it doesn’t align particularly well with the Facebook platform, which is designed to allow you to interact with friends who are not online, and the games are designed to allow you to interact with strangers who are online. Finally, these games can pose major monetization challenges, since your players are often hard to extract revenue from.”(source:GAMASUTRA)

