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游戏玩家应关注Kindle Fire HD的五个理由

发布时间:2012-09-08 16:00:12 Tags:,,

作者:Libe Goad


亚马逊9月6号在圣塔莫妮卡发布新款Kindle产品,其中着重推出Kindle Fire HD这款拥有更快处理器和高分辨率屏幕的新型平板电脑,而这将同市场上的谷歌Nexus 7和iPad同台竞争。亚马逊的新型平板电脑有三个款式:价值159美元的7英寸版本、价值300美元的8.9英寸版本(十月上市)和价值499美元4G LTE版的Kindle Fire HD(11月20号发行)。

虽然游戏并非亚马逊(以硬件为核心的公司)的关注重点,但仍有许多活跃的玩家期盼着新Kindle Fire HD平板电脑的到来。

kindle-fire-HD(from games)

kindle-fire-HD(from games)


这台8.9英寸的新Kindle Fire采用了分辨率为1920*1200,ppi为254的显示器,内置层叠触摸传感器,保证减少了25%的屏幕眩光,对于想在户外体验《quell horreur》的玩家来说,这一点尤为重要。相比较下,原版Kindle Fire只有分辨率为600*1024的7英寸屏幕(ppi为169),而Retina iPad则采用分辨率为2048*1536(ppi为264)的屏幕。所以,只要小算一下你就清楚,在新款Kindle Fire上体验游戏能享受到更棒的视觉效果,假如该系统的游戏已添加HD屏幕的支持。

kindle-fire-hd-games(from games)

kindle-fire-hd-games(from games)


新型Kindle Fire HD背部植入了全新的德州仪器OMAP 4470双核处理器,据称运行速度比Nvidia Tegra处理器快,而预计10月底发行的谷歌Nexus 7平板电脑和微软Surface平板电脑则采用Nvidia Tegra处理器。


Kindle Fire HD内置针对游戏的Whispersync,有云同步保存游戏功能,这样玩家就不会失去自己的游戏进程(游戏邦注:今年初夏,亚马逊已经宣布这项功能将现身GameGircle,GameCirle是系统专属游戏网络,类似于苹果的GameCenter)。

amazon-gamecenter(from engadget)

amazon-gamecenter(from engadget)


这也是Game Circle的部分功能,你将会在成绩排行榜上看到你和朋友各自累加的分数,你会清楚自己在游戏中的进展如何。


skylander-flameslinger(from games)

skylander-flameslinger(from engadget)

除了可以记录游戏进程,亚马逊的平板电脑还展示出在游戏内部购买相关道具的功能。在《Activision Skylanders》中,玩家需购买能够将其引入游戏的真实玩偶,用户只需点击选择游戏内的玩偶(当然是从亚马逊网站购买),这些物品就会直接送货上门。但用户对此可能会有不同看法:我们会发现孩子喜欢这种做法,而父母则表示反对。

当然,只有特定游戏准备就绪,玩家才能看出在Kindle Fire HD体验游戏的可行性。现在,Kindle Fire HD可运行大量Android游戏,其中包括《愤怒的小鸟太空版》、《Temple Run》、《Words with Friends》这类热门游戏。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

Five reasons gamers should care about the Kindle Fire HD

by Libe Goad

It’s a good time to be a gamer. Any company worth its salt is rolling out some sort of tablet, and where there’s tablets, you know there’s going to be gaming.

Amazon announced a slew of new Kindles at a Sept. 6 press event in Santa Monica, and the standout was the Kindle Fire HD, a new tablet with a more powerful processor and high-definition screen that will go head-to-head with both the Google Nexus 7 tablet and Apple’s iPad. Amazon’s new tablet comes in three models: 7-inch version for $159 and an 8.9-inch version for $300 (available in November) and a Kindle Fire HD with 4G LTE for $499, plus a $50/year data plan (which ships on November 20).

Even though gaming wasn’t a main focus of Amazon’s hardware-centric event, there’s plenty that on-the-go gamers can look forward to with the new Kindle Fire HD tablet’s arrival.

1. Games will look better

The new 8.9-inch Kindle Fire will include a 1920×1200 254 ppi display and a laminated touch sensor that promises 25 percent less glare, important for those who want to play games–quell horreur!–outdoors. To compare, the current Kindle Fire has a 7-inch screen with a resolution of 600×1024 (169 ppi), and the current Retina iPad has a 2048 x1536 (264 ppi) display. So, do a little math, and you’ll see that playing games on the new Kindle Fire will be more visually pleasing, provided the games on the system are ready to be viewed in glorious HD.

2. Games will run faster

Under the hood, the new Kindle Fire HD houses a new CPU, the Texas Instruments OMAP 4470 processor, which is purportedly faster (in some regards) than Nvidia’s Tegra processor, which is found in Google’s Nexus 7 tablet and Microsoft’s Surface tablet, due in late October.

3. Save games in the cloud

The Kindle Fire HD includes Whispersync for games, which means you’ll be able to save your games to the cloud, so you’ll never lose your place in a game. Note: This feature was announced earlier this summer, as part of Amazon’s GameCircle, which is a gaming network for the system, similar to Apple’s GameCenter.

4. Track game progress and achievements

Also part of Amazon’s Game Circle, you will be able to see how your game scores stack up to your friends on leaderboards along with achievements and how much progress you’ve made in a particular game.

5. Buy game-related stuff in-game

In addition to tracking progress in a game, Amazon showed off the ability to buy game related items inside the game. In Activision’s Skylanders, which requires players to buy real-world action figures that can then be introduced into the game, there’s an option to buy one of the said action figures inside the game (from Amazon, of course) with the press of a button and have it delivered directly to your house. This could be good or bad depending on the audience; I can see kids saying yay, and parents saying nay.

Of course, the real test on how viable the Kindle Fire HD will be for game-playing folks depends on what games will be available. Right now, that consists of thousands of Android games, which include many of the biggies, i.e. Angry Birds Space, Temple Run and Words with Friends. It will be interesting to see if the Kindle Fire will lock down more exclusives in the near future, namely from its in-house Amazon Game Studio, which recently released Living Classics on Facebook.(source:games)

