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发布时间:2010-09-26 17:01:07 Tags:,,,

日前,2010年福布斯400富豪榜公布结果令人大跌眼镜,史上最年轻亿万富翁、Facebook的CEO马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)的净资产达到69亿美元,甚至超越苹果掌门人史蒂夫·乔布斯。

Zuckerberg worth more than Jobs

Zuckerberg worth more than Jobs




从这两名CEO的“拼富”中可以发现一些有趣的信息,在差不多年纪的时候,乔布斯被苹果抛弃,而扎克伯格仍然稳居前景光明的宝座,掌握公司25%的股权和最多的董事会话语权。也许这名年轻的CEO已经从乔布斯曾经的挫折人生中汲取了教训,使自己免走弯路;而且他还得到了Napster和Plaxo创始人肖恩·帕克(Sean Parker)的建议和辅佐,相信这也对他的事业发展意义非凡。帕克曾是Facebook第一任总裁,也同样被自己的公司踢出局,之前曾决定筹集资金以保全扎克伯格在Facebook的领导权,现在看来帕克的这一举动也确实已经奏效。


Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg now worth more than Steve Jobs

The annual Forbes 400, which attempts to measure and rank the richest Americans in terms of their net-worth, came out today with a big surprise: Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, who has been the world’s youngest billionaire to date, is now worth more than Apple’s Steve Jobs.

Zuckerberg, 26, who owns and controls approximately one-fourth of Facebook, is valued at $6.9 billion this year — a whopping rise of $4.9 billion from last year — putting him in the No. 35 position on the list. Jobs, on the other hand, is $1 billion richer than last year, but seven places behind Zuckerberg (No. 42) at $6.1 billion.

While net-worths are only approximate estimations — valuations and stocks tend to vary, and most wealth is, as they say, strictly “on paper” — Zuckerberg’s rise can be attributed to the growing interest from private equity investments in Facebook which have valued the company at around $23 billion, triple its 2009 valuation of $7 billion.

On the other hand, while Jobs founded and is undoubtedly the biggest influence at Apple today, it might come as a surprise to some that the 55 year-old CEO’s financial interest in Apple is not the biggest contributor to his wealth.

In fact, the majority of Jobs’ wealth ($4.4 billion) comes from Disney, where he became the company’s largest shareholder after its acquisition of Pixar back in 2006. The remaining $1.3 billion is the stake in Apple he attained from its 1996 acquisition of NeXT and subsequent stock option grants from his tenure at the company.

The dichotomy between the two CEOs points to an interesting fact: where as Jobs was fired from his company back in 1985, Zuckerberg has done a commendable job of keeping in power, still controlling an unprecedented 25 percent of the company and the majority of board seats. The young CEO probably learned a thing or two from Jobs’ mishap, and it seems to have paid off. He also had good counsel from Sean Parker, the founder of Napster and Plaxo, who had been booted out of his companies. Parker, who was Facebook’s first president until he was ousted, was determined to raise funding in a way that would preserve Zuckerberg’s control of Facebook, and that strategy has by and large panned out. The story was chronicled in David Kirkpatrick’s The Facebook Effect book.

Interestingly, Zuckerberg has already become a philanthropist; today, the Wall Street Journal reported that Zuckerberg will donate $100 million to Newark, N.J. schools. He will do so by setting up a foundation and endowing it with Facebook stock.(source:venturebeat)


