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作者:Seth Fiegerman

Ryan Matzner表示,尽管在市场份额上占据主导地位,Android依然是大型开发公司的第二选择。


ryan matzner fueled from

ryan matzner fueled from


Fueled每月应对数以百计的客户,主要替Conde Naste、Urban Daddy和American Express之类的知名公司制作应用。



* iPhone用户愿意在应用中投入更多资金。“iPhone平台的用户更倾向在应用中掏钱。这部分和他们资金充足有关,部分原因在于iTunes更无缝隙地同信用卡整合。单击购买着实棒极了。”

* iPhone用户还倾向成为新应用的早期接受者。“他们是更具粘性的用户基础,更愿意尝试新东西。若你锁定单个平台,你定希望这是包含初期接受者的平台。”

* Android应用的开发耗费更多时间和金钱。“Android应用的开发需要耗费120%的iPhone应用开发时间,所以前者的开发成本更高。“


Why Apps Are On iPhone First And Android Second

By Seth Fiegerman

Despite its dominance in market share, Android is still the second option for big companies developing applications, says Ryan Matzner.

Matzner is the director of Fueled, an app design and development company. One thing he almost never hears from his clients is that they’d like to start out with an Android app.

“I can only think of one time when a client said they wanted to go Android first and then iPhone,” Matzner told us. “It’s pretty much never the case.”

Fueled deals with hundreds of clients each month, producing apps for some big name companies like Conde Naste, Urban Daddy and American Express.

While the company does have both iOS and Android developers on staff, clients usually only turn to Android after they’ve come out with a successful iPhone app, or if they want to release a new app on the two platforms simultaneously. For those companies with budgets that require them to decide between one or the other, iOS always wins out.

According to Matzner, there are three big reasons why his company’s clients – and app makers in general – consistently look to launch an iPhone app instead of, or at least before, releasing an Android app.

* iPhone users are willing to spend more money on apps. “The user base on the iPhone tends to be more willing to spend money on apps. Part of it is probably do to affluence, and part of it is just that iTunes seamlessly integrates with credit cards more. That one click buy is awesome.”

* iPhone users also tend to be early adopters of new applications. “They are a more engaging user base, and more receptive to trying new things. If you are going to be on one platform, you want to be where the early adopters are.”

* Android apps take more time and money to develop. “We put in 120% of the hours that go into an iPhone app to make an Android app, so the cost is higher.”

In short, Matzner says that companies end up paying more money to develop an Android app that likely reaches fewer people who are willing to try it and buy it than would if the app were on the iPhone. That’s not exactly a winning strategy.(Source:businessinsider

