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Matt Drance谈让应用获得苹果关注的5点建议

发布时间:2012-07-10 15:43:01 Tags:,,

作者:Seth Fiegerman

所有开发者都有可能让苹果在初期对自己的应用投以关注,甚至是在App Store获得推荐。这里的关键是要清楚苹果雇员看重新应用的哪些特性,他们最初如何发现应用。

app store from

app store from

前苹果工程师Matt Drance(游戏邦注:他曾任职于苹果的开发者关系小组)提供如下5点建议供开发者参考,以便让自己的应用获得苹果雇员的青睐:

* 在苹果员工会阅读的刊物进行宣传。“苹果员工和苹果粉丝相似。他们浏览许多相同的网站。若你在Daring Fireball或MacWorld推广应用,苹果雇员多半会看到。你不仅只是想要进行PR宣传。这没有什么不妥,但不要犯下这样的错误,误认为这就已足够。”

* 着眼于应用的执行。“就获得苹果的关注而言,他们主要着眼于执行。只要应用运作顺利、设计得当,那么应用的具体操作内容就无关紧要。”


* 制作植入苹果最新功能的应用。“立即运用新功能无疑能够让你有机会获得苹人员的关注。苹果多半会很有兴趣在他们的下个活动中突出有所变革的应用。所以这很容易就能猜到。”

* 尽量参加苹果活动。“你可以在WWDC或技术会谈之类的活动上碰到苹果人员,向他们推荐自己的应用。若他们觉得你的作品很不错,他们会开始在苹果总部。向其他人展示。这里没有秘密联络方式。这是个相当自然的过程。”(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

Ex-Apple Employee: Here Are 5 Things Developers Should Do To Get Apple Interested In Their Apps

Seth Fiegerman

Any developer can get Apple to pay attention to their app early on and perhaps even have it featured in the App Store. The key is just to know what Apple employees look for in new apps and how they discover apps in the first place.

Matt Drance, a former Apple engineer who worked with the company’s developer relations team, offers up the following five tricks that developers can use to get their apps noticed by Apple employees:

* Pitch the publications that Apple employees actually read. “Apple employees are very similar to Apple fans. They read a lot of the same websites. If you are on Daring Fireball or MacWorld, there’s a pretty good chance Apple employees will see it. You don’t just want to do a PR blast. There’s nothing wrong with it, but don’t make the mistake that it’s enough.”

* Focus on the app’s execution. “In terms of getting Apple’s attention, they are looking at execution. It doesn’t matter what the app does as long as it does it well and is well-designed.”

* Make a good demo video for the app. “I think that people really underestimate the power of a video demo. The video should be about the app. People do too much with comedy.”

* Build an app that uses Apple’s newest features. “Using new stuff immediately definitely gives you a shot at getting someone’s attention at Apple. Apple is probably going to be very interested in highlighting transit apps in their next event. So that’s not too hard a crystal ball to read.”

* Try to attend Apple events whenever you can. “You can meet Apple employees at events like WWDC or tech talks and get an app on their radar. If they think it’s cool, they will start showing it to people in Cupertino. There’s no secret handshake. It’s a fairly organic process.”(Source:businessinsider

