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Fiksu分享开发者在Google Play的营销技巧

发布时间:2012-07-06 14:09:52 Tags:,,,


在Google Play获取用户与在苹果App Store的做法并不相同。开发者在此需注意该平台独有的挑战性,掌握提升应用检索曝光度的不同技巧,并善于利用新机会推动应用自然曝光度以及忠实用户安装量。




在Google Play,搜索就是实现自然曝光度的首要途径。所谓“自然用户”就是那些自发寻找你的产品,而非通过付费广告找到的用户。

比起苹果App Store,Android应用营销人员在Google Play拥有更多推动自然用户增长的工具。这是因为Google Play是以一种截然不同的方式来决定应用排名以及自然曝光度(游戏邦注:因此营销人员在此基本上难以人为操纵应用排名)。

在App Store中,应用排名是自然曝光度背后的推力。该应用商店以安装量,最近安装情况来决定应用排名,那些无法维持足够安装量的应用排名会迅速下滑。

而Google Play却主要根据搜索算法和浏览算法来决定排名,约有75%自然下载量起源于用户搜索行为。

Google Play会考虑多种变量来决定应用的搜索和浏览排名。









Google Play排名算法会重视长期用户留存情况。那些能够保持高留存率的应用排名一般也会更高。因此开发者在此应展开持续数月的长期广告活动,而非进行短期广告营销。



Android App marketing and Google Play – What you need to know (a preview)

This sponsored post is produced by Fiksu.

Acquiring users on Google Play is different than what you may be accustomed to in Apple’s App Store. There are unique marketing challenges, different techniques to drive app discovery, and also new opportunities that you can exploit to drive organic discovery and installs by loyal users.

What follows is a sampling of key information you need to know. For more details, download the eBook: Android App Marketing and Google Play – What You Need to Know.

Search is The Primary Means of Organic Discovery

On Google Play, Search is the primary means of organic discovery. “Organic users” are those who seek your app on their own – without paid advertising.
Android app marketers have more tools to drive organic users on Google Play than they do in Apple’s App Store. This is because Google Play determines app rankings – and therefore organic discovery – in an entirely different way that marketers can control.

In the App Store, rank is the driving force behind organic discovery. The App Store determines rank by the number of installs, and how recent the installs. Apps that cannot sustain large numbers of installs find that their rank slips quickly.

In contrast, on Google Play, Search is the primary means of organic discovery. Google Play determines rank primarily by a Search algorithm and a Browse algorithm. Approximately 75% of organic downloads originate from a search.

Google Play considers several variables that determine an app’s Search and Browse Rank. For more details, download the eBook.

Optimize Your App For Search

You can greatly influence search rank, and therefore app discovery, by following these tips.

Use a Keyword in the App Title

A keyword in your app title is the most important element that impacts search rank. The right keyword in your title can affect rank position 80 to 100 spots.

Use Keywords in the App Description and Promo Text

Within the app description, frequency of keywords increases search rank. Try to use a keyword up to five times. This can impact rank position 10 to 20 spots.

Also, include the app name in the body of the app description. Unlike iOS, the body description is searched under Google Play.

Conduct Longer-Term Ad Campaigns and Target Loyal Users

Google Play’s ranking algorithm rewards long-term user acquisition. Apps that retain users are rewarded with higher ranks.  Therefore, advertising campaigns should be run over a longer term and sustained over several months, as opposed to the short bursts of activity.

Target Loyal Users – Not Just Installs

To build a thriving app business, you need installs by loyal users. It is loyal users who use your app repeatedly, make purchases, register, or take other actions that tie back to an ROI.  However, studies show that many users who install an app never even use it, or abandon it after a single use.  Try to optimize your advertising efforts on traffic sources that are delivering your loyal users.

These are just a few tips. For details on how to improve Google Play app discovery, drive more installs, and generate long-term, loyal app usage, download the eBook – Android App Marketing and Google Play, What You Need to Know.(source:venturebeat

