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GameStop首席执行官谈谷歌Nexus 7及主机未来发展

发布时间:2012-07-05 20:17:08 Tags:,,

作者:Steve Peterson

在谷歌Nexus 7 Android平板电脑发布后,GameStop首席执行官Paul Raines针对这一新型Android平板电脑是否能够面对当今激烈的竞争,是否能够从主机手中争取更多市场份额,以及即将到来的假期游戏销售前景等问题发表了自己的看法。



你对谷歌Nexus 7平板电脑的发布有何看法?

在过去一年多时间里我们一直就这一新设备的发布与谷歌保持密切协商。他们希望创造出与在手机领域一样的行业标准设备(对他们来说三星Nexus产品便是Android在手机领域的一大开者)。这一平板电脑获得了广泛的期待,并且因为其强大的游戏功能让我们认为它将发挥变革性影响力。用户可以将这一平板电脑安装在自己的显示器上,并且能够使用其中的各种蓝牙控制器。现在我们正与各大游戏开发商进行洽谈,大多数人正面向Tegra 3平板电脑(游戏邦注:运行Jellybean,即Android 4.1操作系统)开发游戏。我们认这一设备具有强大的发展潜力。对此我们整个团队都非常欣慰。







针对Nexus 7你们只提供了16 GB设备,这是为什么呢?


你们是否会在Nexus 7预先安装一些游戏?

在这次的设备我们并不打算这么做。在之前的Android设备中我们都预先安装了一些游戏,但是在这次的设备我们决定采用不同的营销方法,凡购买该平板电脑便赠送可在Google Play中消费的25美元credit以及一部免费电影。Google Play是一个新商店并且谷歌也在极力推广这一应用商店。而如果你是“PowerUp Rewards”(游戏邦注:GameStop去年开展“会员忠诚计划”的一部分)中的一员我们将提供更多好处。在今后几个月中我们将提供更多不同的方式推动用户购买新游戏以及GameStop中的其它内容。

关于怎样才能成为Google Play store中游戏专家以及如何推动这些内容的销售等还有许多值得讨论之处。这是我们投入了15年的时间在主机世界中所研究的结果,所以我们向平板电脑的过度也是再自然不过的事了。

google-nexus-7-tablet(from gamesindustry)

google-nexus-7-tablet(from gamesindustry)



单从美国市场来看我们的“PowerUp Rewards”便拥有1800万名成员,这些人代表在美国35%的消费量,并且我们在世界各地都获得了类似的统计数据。我们始终坚持的理念是,如果你是一名游戏玩家,我们便不只想要成为你的最佳主机游戏源,同时我们也希望成为你的游戏顾问,也就是如果你想转移到其它平台上我们也希望能够给予最佳建议。


上半年的NPD调查数据并不是很理想,我想部分原因是较少(相对往年来说)的游戏供应量以及近来缓慢的主机更新速度。而我认为后半年将会出现好转;根据我们的预测后半年将有可能出现快速的发展。Wii U的出现便是一大转机。尽管任天堂的表现还不甚优秀(未像我们期待的那样),但是我们却非常喜欢它的游戏玩法。对于Wii U,我们整个团队最欣赏的还是游戏玩法,并且也正是因为它的出现让我们对接下来的假期销售再次充满了信心。



你看过《皮克敏》(游戏邦注:一款即时策略类游戏系列,最新一款游戏发行于Wii U上)的演示版本吗?虽然其游戏玩法看来不怎么样,但是当我在Wii U尝试这款游戏时我却发现它异常的有趣。首先它拥有非常华丽的图像,如3D一般,其次游戏玩法也非常吸引人。我在Wii U设备上拥有一张地图,并且我可以在游戏中四处搜寻皮克敏的下落,并使用双节棍(游戏机操控器的装置)和控制器攻击大蠕虫。不对称的游戏玩法(我将其成为“附着于平板电脑上”的游戏玩法)将成为一种全新的规格,但是我却不敢保证人们是否能够接受它。或许给予人们一些时间他们便会慢慢适应。






我们都知道这几家公司非常相近。我并不清楚任天堂为何不在E3上公布最终售价,而我们也未接收到任何其它数据。关于主机循环中将会出现的一大不同点便是:当我们着眼于GameStop系统中那1800百万的“PowerUp Rewards”成员时,我们也是在面向大约2400万的主机。我们共有数十亿美元的trade credit能够用于支助Wii U的发布。与此同时微软和索尼也在积极升级设备。市场中从未出现过如此巨额的资金能够用于购买新型主机。

这些主机将与一些从未公开的数字包共同发行。而我们现在也在创造一些新的数字包。选择在商店中出售可下载内容与trade credit能让我们从竞争者中脱颖而出。同时现在的消费者也比早前承受着更大的压力。所以我们必须努力在主机循环中采取任何可用的方法。

nintendo-wii-u-black(from gamesindustry)

nintendo-wii-u-black(from gamesindustry)


但是让我欣慰的是这个假期同时也将呈现出这几年来最大的创造性,因为我们不仅将迎来Wii U,也将看到更多数字内容以及具有开创性的平板电脑产品。一方面我们所面临的处境是艰难的,另一方面我们也将从更大的创造性中受益——因为越来越多人将向我们靠拢并共同解决问题。


我认为作为市场营销引擎的动视和作为市场营销机器的GameStop将相互协调而共同推动《黑衣人II》的发展。我们将拥有trade credits,午夜首发策略以及数字内容。并且很早以前我们便学会不再执拗于创造《使命召唤》般的游戏。我在GameStop工作了4年,而我的第一款《使命召唤》式游戏《世界大战》便是因此夭折的。更不用说这几年来有多少复制游戏断送于此。而《黑衣人II》便是摆脱了《使命召唤》的束缚,所以它极有可能发展成一款真正出色的游戏。







GameStop CEO: Google’s tablet is a “gamechanger”

By Steve Peterson

Following the launch of Google’s Nexus 7 Android tablet, GamesIndustry International spoke with GameStop CEO Paul Raines about how this new Android tablet stacks up to the competition, whether tablets will take market share from consoles, and the prospects for game sales this holiday.

Q: What’s your reaction to Google’s Nexus 7 tablet?

Paul Raines: We’ve been engaged with Google for about a year on the launch of this device. They had a desire to create an industry standard device similar to what they did with the handsets; the Samsung Nexus phone has been a real groundbreaker for them. We’ve got a lot of expectations around this tablet; we think it’s a gamechanger because it will have tremendous gaming capabilities. You’ll be able to wire this tablet to your monitor, you’ll be able to use all kind of Bluetooth controllers on it. We’re talking to a lot of game developers right now, and everybody’s developing right now for the Tegra 3 tablets that are running on Jellybean [Android 4.1]. I think the quality of what you’re going to see is going to be pretty hot and this tablet’s going to go a long way. Our team’s excited about it.

Q: You’ve been rolling out tablets to more stores – have you expanded that?

Paul Raines: We have. We started with 200 in December; that went very well. We slowly built our capacity and we’re over 1600 stores now in the United States and a few hundred in Europe and Australia. There’s a lot of education in selling a tablet. Our customers are used to having real knowledgeable associates, and it took us a while to educate our people around tablets, but tablets are now starting to get into our wheelhouse on associate knowledge and education.

Q: Getting trade-in value for old hardware has been an important way for GameStop to get sales of console hardware. Now you’re accepting smartphones and tablets for trade-in; has that been working well for you?

Paul Raines: Yes, you know GameStop’s the best place to get value for your trades. We of course are heavily into the buy/sell trade model with tablets. We announced this week as part of this release that we’re accepting 42 SKUs of Android tablets in our stores. We take back – well, I won’t say almost anything, because you never know what people have – most Android tablet SKUs; Samsung, Sony, Asus, Toshiba, we’re taking all of those back in trade and we’re bringing them back to our refurbishment facility. In a lot of ways, it’s kind of the same upgrade cycle we’ve lived through in consoles for a long time. We’ve learned a lot with the Apple products and the iPhone products that we’ve been refurbishing. The Android tablets are following along the same cycle. We have the ability to make the purchase much less expensive for the consumer as they want to upgrade. That’s been very positively received today with our customers.

Q: With both tablets and smartphones the upgrade cycle is so much faster, with new technology every year, instead of every five to seven years with consoles, so there’s a much greater desire to trade up more frequently.

Paul Raines: You’re right, we’re seeing that. We have a lot of technology and gadgets in our homes, and a lot of people are just accumulating gadgets. People are looking for a place to responsibly dispose of them and put it back into the ecosystem. Our model fits well with that upgrade cycle.

Q: You’re only offering the 16GB version of the Nexus 7, is there a reason for that?

Paul Raines: Google did not make the other version available to us. We’re offering what’s available, and we’ll sell it well. At the point that the other SKU’s available, we’ll offer that as well.

Q: Will you be pre-installing some games on the Nexus 7?

Paul Raines: On this SKU we are not. On the rest of the Android SKUs we have been pre-installing games. On this SKU we’re going to market with a different approach; we’ll have $25 of credit in the Google Play store as well as a free movie. That Play store is new and Google is trying to promote it. You’ll see us do some interesting things for you if you’re a PowerUp Rewards member. We’ll reach out over the course of the next few months and offer you different ways to buy and purchase new games and some exclusive GameStop content.

We’ve actually had lots of conversations around how we can be the expert for games for the Google Play store and help promote those in-store. That’s what we’ve been doing for 15 years in the console world, and for us it’s a very natural transition to tablets.

Q: Do you see tablets eating into console sales? Do you think this is part of what’s been slowing sales of console games over the past few years?

Paul Raines: That’s a good question. The data doesn’t support that tablet gaming is stealing a lot of dollars from console gaming. What the data does support is that time spent with phones gaming is probably impacting handheld consoles. On the full size console side, I think what’s happening is more a function of the end of this console cycle. As we reach the end, we’ve seen innovation slow down and consumers are waiting for the next cycle. I think tablets have the potential to take some of that time but I’m not sure we’ve seen that yet. What we’re trying to do is match consumer demand whichever way it goes. What we know about customers is, customers like to play their console, they like to play on their phone, they like to play on their tablet. Consumers for us are really hybrid people; they’re not all physical or all digital, they’re a little bit of both. We’re trying to match that as they migrate.

We have 18 million members of PowerUp Rewards in the US, and they represent some 35% of consumption in the US, and around the world we have similar statistics in the countries we’re in. The idea we have is that if you’re a game player, we don’t just want to be your best source for console games. We want to be your game advisor, so if you migrate into other platforms we think we’re the best to advise you on that.

Q: What do you think the prospects are for the back half of 2012? It’s been a tough year so far, do think that’s because of the releases or some other factors?

Paul Raines: For the first half the NPD data has certainly not been tremendously positive. I think part of that is that title count is much lower than previous years, and the late console innovation levels are slowed. I think the back half is pretty encouraging; we’re in the midst of looking at our forecast and we feel like it will be a decent back half. I think the Wii U is a big piece of that. In spite of not a great presentation from Nintendo – it was not as well received as we would have hoped – we like the gameplay. Nintendo has been downstairs here today showing off some new content, and there’s nothing I can really discuss but our team is pretty excited about the gameplay coming on the Wii U. That has me pretty optimistic about the holiday.

Q: Nintendo may not have the greatest presentations in the world, but they have a way of getting around that with good games.

Paul Raines: No doubt about it. You can imagine at our place, o
ur team has seen every major console launch in history going back to Atari, so our team is a pretty tough judge. People here never count out Nintendo; we’ve learned that through the years. So I wouldn’t count them out on this one either.

Did you see the Pikmin demo up on stage? The gameplay didn’t look great on stage, but I went upstairs with Nintendo later and was playing Pikmin and that’s fabulous. First of all, the graphics are fabulous, almost 3D-like, and then the gameplay is very cool. I had a map on my Wii U tablet, and I could run around and find the Pikmins where they were, and I was actually attacking the big worm with my nunchuk and my controller. The asymmetric gameplay – I call it the ‘tethered tablet’ gameplay’ – that’s going to be a whole new dimension and I’m not sure people get that yet. But give them time, they will.

Q: It’s kind of like 3D; it’s not something that shows well in a presentation, and you kind of have to experience it for yourself.

Paul Raines: We think that’s going to be a very positive event for the industry, and we’re preparing ourselves for what we think will be a pretty rockin’ holiday.

Q: Are you factoring in possible price cuts for the PS3 or the 360?

Paul Raines: We’ve not factored them in, although they are rumored. That’s a tough one, because you know console makers want to make sure they sell through the old inventory before they launch the new. So a lot of that stuff gets revealed really last-minute, so we really don’t like counting on that, because it depends on people’s fiscal years, etc. Clearly, if you look at previous behavior, you would say it’s about time to drive demand with some price reductions.

Q: My guess is that Microsoft and Sony will keep their powder dry until Nintendo announces their price point. Do you have any idea when that will happen?

Paul Raines: Right, right. You know, they’re very close. I’m not sure why Nintendo didn’t announce it at E3, but we have not received any other data. One of the things that’s going to be different on this console cycle that’s never existed before is if you think about the 18 million PowerUp Rewards members that GameStop has in our system, if you look at them they collectively about 24 million consoles. There’s billions of dollars of trade credits that can subsidize the launch of the Wii U. We’re busy working with them and Microsoft and Sony on the upgrade cycle. There’s never been this amount of currency in the market to buy new consoles.

These consoles will launch with digital bundles that have never been seen before. We’re in the midst of trying to create some now. Our ability to merchandise and sell DLC in stores coupled with the trade credit gives us a unique position that our traditional competitors are really going to have a hard time matching. At the same time the consumer is under more pressure than they’ve ever been. It’s really important to bring to bear every weapon we can in this console cycle.

Q: It seems like it’s going to be a more complicated holiday than ever before, with more platforms than ever and DLC taking a larger role than ever before.

Paul Raines: What I’m happiest about this holiday is the level of innovation is going to be the best it’s been in a few years, because you’re going to have a Wii U, you’re going to have more digital content than ever, you’re going to have tablet offerings that are going to be groundbreaking. On the one hand it’s complicated, on the other hand it means more innovation which is good for us, because people come to us to figure out all the complication.

Q: Do you think Black Ops II is going to be the biggest game of all time?

Paul Raines: I think the marketing engine that is Activision and the marketing machine that is GameStop will be tuned to all-time levels for Black Ops II. So that’s gonna work. We’ll have trade credits, we’ll have midnight launches, we’ll have digital content. I learned long ago not to bet against Call of Duty. I’ve been at GameStop 4 years, and my first Call of Duty was World at War, and people told me that was the end of the series. And how many millions of copies was that ago? I wouldn’t bet against it, it’ll be a huge title.

Q: Do you think it’s going to cut into Halo 4?

Paul Raines: That’s a good question. If you’re a guy or a gal who only has 80 bucks to spend in the month of October, you’re going to have some tough choices. Look out for Assassin’s Creed, that’s going to take some business this year.

Q: Part of the problem last year was that all the titles seemed to hit around the same time.

Paul Raines: I beg people all the time, please spread the titles out. But our publishers really like that fall window. Except Take-Two, they do a pretty good job of spreading them out. We got Red Dead Redemption in May, and who knows when we’ll get GTA but it will probably be spring. The rest of the publishers like to pack them in on us.

Q: I’m not sure Take-Two’s spreading out of their release schedule is deliberate, though.

Paul Raines: Right, right.(

