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作者:Mike Darga




1. 承认失误


2. 重视玩法


3. 保持连贯性


bird breaking the rules from

bird breaking the rules from

4. 保持高效性


5. 保持有条不紊


6. 挑战设想


7. 合作


8. 定义术语


keep calm and carry on from

keep calm and carry on from

9. 不要恐慌


10. 实际动手操作


11. 提高易用性


12. 了解行业


13. 了解你的用户


monty python angry mob from

monty python angry mob from

14. 清楚自己的目标


15. 从一切事物中学习


16. 保持客观性


17. 研究游戏


18. 教授玩家


Dont Shoot Your Foot from

Dont Shoot Your Foot from

19. 深谋远虑


20. 运用心理学


21. 采取更明智的工作方式



21 Behaviors of Great Designers

by Mike Darga

Since the purpose of reading (and writing) this blog is to become a better designer, I decided to group the posts based on their goal, rather than tags such as “combat” or “MMOs.”

In the process of generating a list of tags that were general enough to cover all the content of this blog, I ended up with a list of the behaviors I think are most important in a great designer.

I thought about referring to these as “skills great designers posess,” or “traits great designers exhibit,” but I like “behaviors,” since it emphasizes the fact that these are all things that anyone can consciously do more often. It also serves as a reminder that even highly experienced designers have to remember to do them.

1 – Admit Mistakes

It’s important to know when your design isn’t working or one of your ideas wasn’t well thought out. This also includes identifying problems in your game that need to be fixed.

2 – Aim For Gameplay

All the most innovative mechanics, compelling fiction, beautiful art, and heartbreaking narrative in the world can’t make a good game if it’s not in the service of gameplay. Start with the thought process and tactical response you want the player to have to an enemy or location or story, and work backward from there. If you only ever remember one thing I write on this blog, please make this it.

3 – Be Consistent

Players can’t learn how to play your game if the game doesn’t present them with consistent feedback. Games are also subconsciously much more enjoyable if they present game mechanics, fiction, gameplay, and narrative that are all unified.

4 – Be Efficient

Focusing on efficiency is a positive feedback loop, and the benefits can be huge. One investment of a week working on a usable development tool or a well-written design doc can pay off over months or even years of development.

5 – Be Methodical

Game design isn’t a science, but approaching it in a systematic manner can prevent all sorts of difficulties. Clear categories and terminology for data help players learn the game much more easily, as well as making the development process much simpler. Approaching problems in a methodical manner helps to solve them more efficiently and to know that they’re really solved, or that they were even valid problems to begin with.

6 – Challenge Assumptions

Challenging assumptions is the seed of innovation. Why is a popular feature so successful in other games? Do you really need it at all? Game design on autopilot is never a good thing. Context is incredibly important in good design, but it’s also valuable to consider a feature or decision as though no designer had ever made it before, and weigh out the pros and cons for yourself. Then, even if you do end up mimicking another game, you’ll know you’re copying the right element, for the right reason.

7 – Collaborate

Aside from a few notable hermits, game designers these days have to be great at working in a large team of developers. Good collaborators communicate well, accept feedback, and know when to throw away their idea in favor of someone else’s. Often, the collaborative process also includes your players, a game reviewer, or even your game’s competitors. Bad designers are often bad collaborators, but bad collaborators are almost always bad designers.

8 – Define Terms

What are the elements of game design, or of fun, or of a game itself? Game designers come to the discipline from all sorts of backgrounds, and tend to bring lots of different terms and jargon to the process. We need to take the time to be informed as to what people are actually talking about. Even when designers use the same terms, they often use them to mean wildly different things. On top of that, these terms can change their meaning from team to team and game to game.

9 – Don’t Panic

Haphazard, knee-jerk game design is always bad game design, even when you’re lucky enough that it doesn’t come back to bite you. Iterate on design docs, or on a whiteboard, when it’s still free. If not, the days you saved by rushing decisions will cost you weeks or months down the road.

10 – Get Your Hands Dirty

The best way to become better at designing is to spend a lot of time actually implementing your designs. The devil really is in the details. You can write 1000 design docs without ever improving as a designer, because the only way to learn is to find out the hard way which parts of those designs worked and which didn’t.

11 – Improve Usability

In a way, good usability is the lowest-hanging fruit of good game design. Because there are often obvious right answers when it comes to making a game more usable, it’s much easier to get right than making a game fun, which is much more subjective and finnicky. While reworking mechanics and gameplay always involves an element of risk, improving your game’s usability is an almost guaranteed gain in quality.

12 – Know The Industry

Thinking about business models, release dates, competition, marketing and the like aren’t really part of game design proper, but they are important if you want your game to succeed and your paychecks to continue.

13 – Know Your Audience

You’ll eventually need to make some hard decisions between the kind of game your players want to play and the kind of game you’d want to play. This takes a good designer. You’ll also have to listen to what your players demand and parse out what will actually make them happy. This takes a great designer.

14 – Know Your Goals

Establishing a solid set of common goals and values for the game you’re making is the first and most basic step to making a good game, so of course almost nobody ever does it. Without this foundation to provide context for all of your other decisions, you may as well make a Magic 8-Ball your lead designer. Knowing what game you’re making is especially important for being consistent and knowing your audience.

15 – Learn From Everything

Game design is a natural career for polymaths. People whose only interest is games are ironically not very good at making them. Everything from architecture to philosophy to zoology can come in handy when making games.

16 – Stay Objective

Contrary to popular belief, good design isn’t about arguing opinions and personal taste. It’s about finding the best way to achieve a set of predefined and agreed-upon goals. It’s impossible to make objective design decisions if you don’t know what game you’re making.

17 – Study Games

Since almost anything you can think of has been attempted in some form already, playing games is the easiest, most detailed form of prototyping there is. This includes games someone else has made, as well as teams your own team has already made. There’s nothing worse than repeating the same mistakes.

18 – Teach Players

Games need to teach players how to play them through consistent game mechanics that punish and reward, as well as clear UI and tutorials. Your learning curve has to account for the skill levels of all the players who comprise your audience. It’s also very important to make sure your game is actually rewarding players for the behavior that you intended it to. When players are misbehaving, it’s almost always because the game allowed or even encouraged them to.

19 – Think Ahead

Many designs that sound completely feasible in a game pitch or on the back of a box completely break down once someone actually tries to play them. Promising solutions to problems often cause a whole new set of problems elsewhere in the game. Take some time and work out the ramifications of each decision. This also includes designing extensible systems that won’t break down the road when they need to be modified or expanded.

20 – Use Psychology

Game design, at its most basic level, is psychology. By typing on a keyboard, designers create an abstract set of data, which is compiled into an even more abstract set of stimuli, which creates a pleasant or unpleasant thought process inside the head of a person exposed and responding to those stimuli. It’s very difficult to type a smile into someone else’s brain if you don’t understand a little something about people and how they think.

21 – Work Smarter

Imagine that by some incredible fluke, two teams at different companies produced the exact same game. Team A spent many years, way too much money, and whatever fraction of their team hasn’t quit or died already is in a fairly grouchy mood. Team B made the same game in a shorter amount of time, for less money, and has a happy team ready to make the next game. How you make the game is almost as important as what you make, especially since so many games with bad process fail before they’re even finished.(Source:mikedarga

