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作者:Mike Rose

过去几年来,好运一直对独立工作室Zeboyd Games眷顾有加。虽然工作室起初是基于Xbox Live Indie Games制作文本探险游戏,但其很快就凭借《死亡之息7:起源》而变得小有名气,这是款嘲讽传统RPG游戏的复古RPG模拟游戏。


本周Zeboyd Games推出自己首款基于知名作品的游戏《彭尼街道冒险:暗黑雨崖》第三章内容,对原作进行完整的2D Zeboyd风格改造。

Penny Arcade Adventures On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness from

彭尼街道冒险:暗黑雨崖 from

在这一迅速成功之后,Zeboyd创始人Robert Boyd计划于2013年推出第四部,也是最后一部《彭尼街道冒险》游戏。这之后,他或继续基于新IP制作《Penny Arcade》,或着手工作室自己的作品。Boyd表示,无论如何,Zeboyd计划在第4部作品之后暂时告别回合RPG游戏,尝试不同的东西——也许是2D“塞尔达传奇”型的动作游戏。


1. 避免孤军奋战



2. 锁定自己的优势

Boyd表示,“我很了解RPG游戏,Bill(游戏邦注:Bill Stiernberg,Zeboyd创始人)是位有才华的像素美工,所以我们的路线非常清晰——制作复古RPG游戏。”

3. 从制作若干小型项目(而非庞大而冗长的项目)入手



4. 瞄准大型发行商忽略的内容



5. 每款游戏都有所完善




5 ways to be a successful indie developer

by Mike Rose

Fortune has favored indie studio Zeboyd Games over the last couple of years. While the studio started out creating text-based adventures for Xbox Live Indie Games, it soon found small-time fame with Breath of Death VII: The Beginning, a retro parody RPG that took multiple digs at RPGs of old.

This success continued into quasi-sequel Cthulhu Saves the World, another big hit on XBLIG, before the two titles were finally brought to PC via Steam and received the full recognition they deserved.

This week Zeboyd Games released what is its first crack at a big-name franchise. Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness — Episode Three takes the original, polygonal RPG franchise and gives it a complete 2D Zeboyd-style make-over.

On the back of this rapid success, Zeboyd founder Robert Boyd plans to release the fourth and final Penny Arcade Adventures game in 2013. After that he’ll either continue to work with Penny Arcade on new IPs, or crack on with the studio’s own titles. Either way, Zeboyd plans to take a break from turn-based RPGs after Episode 4, and try something different — perhaps a 2D Legend of Zelda-esque action game, hints Boyd.

For now, however, Boyd is all too eager to share with Gamasutra what he believes to be the key pillars to his studio’s quick march success streak. Zeboyd’s big plans for indie scene domination followed five key points, which he shares with us now.

1: Don’t do it alone

“Find someone who is reliable, wants to make games as much as you do, and is skilled where you are not,” begins Boyd.

“You can do so much more when working as a member of a team – not only will you have more talents to draw upon, but it also helps with motivation and getting a clearer view on the viability of your ideas.”

2: Focus on your strengths

Says Boyd, “I’m very knowledgeable about RPGs and Bill [Stiernberg, Zeboyd founder] is a talented pixel artist so our path was clear – make a retro-style RPG.”

3: Begin by working on lots of smaller games rather than a huge and lengthy project

“Rather than spend years making a magna opus like many famous indie developers have done, we would make several smaller games to gain experience, to build up a fan base, and to raise money,” explains Boyd.

This approach allowed the duo to eventually work on game development full-time last year, accelerating its potential output.

4: Focus on what the big publishers are missing

“Since we can’t compete directly against huge companies since they have far more resources than we have, figure out what they’re not doing that’s within our reach,” states the Zeboyd designer.

This came down to a few different pillars of focus for the Zeboyd team. “In our case, that meant a focus on comedy (despite the success of the Portal series, there are far too few funny games being released these days), fast-pacing (most RPGs are huge epics that take a long time to get to the “good parts”), and accessibility without sacrificing depth (again, most RPGs these days have a very high learning curve but if you look at most classic 16-bit RPGs, they were very easy to get into).”

5: Improve with each game

“If you look at our games so far, you can see drastic improvements from Breath of Death to Cthulhu Saves the World,” notes Boyd, “and later from Cthulhu Saves the World to Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness.”

These enhancements are most notable in three main areas — “gameplay, story, and technology (from pseudo 8-bit to early 16-bit to mid-era 16-bit).” Building on the foundations of your first titles is key to expanding your horizons, he says.

Overall, Boyd believes that what every indie developer should keep in mind is the following: “Find something that you can do well that other game developers aren’t doing and do it. And don’t get discouraged if your first game (or first several games) isn’t the big success you were hoping for.”(Source:gamasutra

