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发布时间:2010-09-13 14:04:16 Tags:,





这次特殊的活动并未进行任何广告宣传活动,因此凡是发现该活动的大额买家都会得到奖励,譬如,他们可以得到FarmVille及Mafia Wars的虚拟货币奖金。如果向朋友推荐该活动的话将可以获得更多的奖金。

Gawker将这项活动称为“FarmVille玩家的神秘供货者”。然而这次购物活动的真正意义在于——Lightspeed Research在之后几天公布的调查结果,即17%的社交游戏玩家承认自己“沉溺于”社交游戏。

尽管在单款游戏下,每月消费超过25美元的社交游戏玩家数量不大,但根据Social Gold先前的一项研究,被开发商和货币公司称做“鲸鱼”的大额游戏买家有时会购买价值数以万计的虚拟货币。
FarmVille developer Zynga is offering an unadvertised Platinum Purchase Program to gamers looking to spend large amounts of real cash to buy virtual currency and goods in its titles.

Though the company’s Facebook shop allows consumers to buy as much as $200 in digital credits at a time, the Platinum Purchase Program caters to those who want to spend even more — its minimum purchases are set at $500 and require a non-refundable wire transfer.

Zynga’s special program isn’t advertised on its site or games, but there’s an incentive for big spenders to find it, as they can earn bonus virtual currency for titles like FarmVille and Mafia Wars with their purchase. They receive even more credits by referring friends to the program, too.

The mainstream discovery of the program, which is described by Gawker as “The Secret Dealer For Farmville Addicts”, follows just a few days after Lightspeed Research published survey results showing that 17 percent of social gamers consider themselves “addicted” to social games.

While the percentage of social gamers who spend more than $25 per month on a title is low, a previous study by Social Gold found that top spenders, often called “whales” by developers and monetization firms, can sometimes buy tens of thousands of dollars worth of virtual currency. (Source:Gamasutra)

