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发布时间:2012-03-15 16:51:35 Tags:,,,

作者:Scott Steinberg




《Wizard 101》:《Wizard 101》这款魔法主题奇幻游戏是当前最流行的免费在线多人游戏之一。玩家可以冒险、装饰城堡或喂养虚拟宠物。游戏中还包含魔法集换卡牌小游戏,玩家可以与传说中的怪物进行战斗,还能够体验到丰富的故事情节。





《Club Penguin》:《Club Penguin》是最流行的儿童在线游戏之一,安全和趣味并重。玩家创建一只企鹅,与好友一起展开各种活动,还可以使用过滤性聊天功能。游戏中还有在线监管员,确保任何玩家的体验不会遭到破坏。

《FusionFall》:《FusionFall》呈现的是反乌托邦式的虚拟世界,玩家在游戏中必须通过战斗在保卫星球免受外星人攻击。然而,真正让游戏产生非凡吸引力的是虚拟世界中出现的那些著名角色和地点。在游戏过程中,你会看到Dexter、the Powerpuff Girls、Ben10等美国卡通频道中的儿童明星。

《WhyVille》:《WhyVille》呈现的是强调教育的虚拟世界,当然游戏还富有深度趣味性。用户在游戏中可以学习科学、艺术和地理方面的知识。他们还可以自行创业,“出售”由自己生成的“Face Parts”,其他玩家可以用此来组装游戏中的化身。

Star Wars:Clone Wars Adventures(from

Star Wars:Clone Wars Adventures(from

《Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures》:在这款大型多人在线游戏中,玩家需要选择扮演绝地武士还是西斯。玩家选择阵营,同威胁作战,玩小游戏,与来自流行卡通剧《星球大战:克隆战争》的角色互动。玩家还可以在战斗间歇期用家具等物品来装饰自己的房屋。




《Moshi Monsters》:在《Moshi Monsters》中,你领养怪物宠物,通过完成谜题来赚取游戏内置货币Rox。拥有Rox后,你可以前往城镇中不同地区购买道具个性化装饰怪物和房间,甚至可以通过建造花园来吸引其他的宠物。该游戏的流行度不断提升,2011年时平均每秒都有一名新玩家注册进入游戏。


Top 10 Online and Virtual Worlds for Kids

Scott Steinberg

From fantasy games to car games, war games and sci-fi- or superhero-themed outings, today’s virtual worlds offer endless choice. Here are ten popular massively multiplayer online realms that any kid would love to make his or her own. Note that although they may be free to play, most provide options to buy special in-game items and bonuses with real world money via online purchases known as “microtransactions.”

Wizard 101 – A magic-themed fantasy game, Wizard101 is one of the most popular free online multiplayer games. Players can go on adventures, decorate a castle or engage in raising virtual pets. There’s also a healthy dose of dueling against legendary creatures along with a magical collectible card game and fully-narrated storyline to enjoy.

NeoPets – NeoPets, currently owned by Nickelodeon, is a browser-based world wherein kids adopt a cute mythical monster, feed it, play with it, and even battle it against other monsters. The NeoPets community is huge and has an extensive fan base that is invited by the website to contribute stories and artwork. NeoPets is also one of the very first kid-oriented virtual words to hit the Internet: Back in 1999, it launched as a relatively crude (but lovable) HTML-based site.

FreeRealms – FreeRealms is a free 3D virtual world where players create a character, and then are able to explore a vast game world with many different types of gameplay. With so much variety in terms of how you can play, players are bound to find activities they like, such as searching for lost treasure, playing a trading card game or even just checking to see how their in-game friends are doing.

Club Penguin – Club Penguin is one of the most popular online game worlds for kids, with equal emphasis placed on safety and fun. Players create a colorful penguin avatar to participate in a variety of activities with friends, and can also use filtered chat features. Live moderators are always on-hand as well to make sure there’s no one around to ruin the experience for anyone.

FusionFall – FusionFall is a somewhat dystopian virtual world (nothing quite at PG level, though) wherein players must fight to free the planet from an alien menace. What makes the game especially compelling, though, is that it features characters and locations made famous by Cartoon Network’s colorful cast. Throughout the game, you’ll meet Dexter, the Powerpuff Girls, Ben10, and more of TV’s top children’s stars.

WhyVille – WhyVille is a virtual world that emphasizes education, though there’s also plenty of fun to be had, of course. Users learn about science, art, and geography. They can also start their own business and “sell” user-generated “Face Parts” from which other players can assemble their in-game avatars.

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures – This massively-multiplayer online game lets players take the role of a Jedi or a Sith. Participants choose a side (now’s your chance to try the Dark Side just once), battle threats, play mini-games, and interact with characters from the popular Star Wars: The Clone Wars cartoon show. When the galaxy pauses to breathe, players can also decorate their houses with furniture and accessories.

Webosaurs – Webosaurs is a virtual world that lets kids use a dinosaur as an in-game avatar. That’s pretty compelling on its own as a gaming concept, but the title also offers lots of games and activities to play through. Webosaurs is another online game that prioritizes player safety through safe chat methods and constant moderation.

Moshi Monsters – In Moshi Monsters, you adopt a pet monster and work to complete puzzles to earn Rox, the game’s currency. With your Rox, you can visit different parts of town to purchase items to customize your monster, decorate your room or even plant a garden to attract pets for your monster. The game continues to increase in popularity, boasting in 2011 that a new player signed up every second.

MapleStory – MapleStory is a 2D side-scrolling fantasy MMO game that has maintained considerable popularity in North America since 2005. Players explore dungeons and fight monsters either alone, or while teamed up with friends. It’s an ideal world for tweens and young teens who want a little more combative action than what’s typical for most kid-oriented MMOGs. (Source: Game Zebo)

