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发布时间:2010-09-10 12:22:04 Tags:,,,

日前,曾在EA Mobile公司任职的Jurjen Söhne对外宣布,其刚刚创办的Next Generation Squared(简称NG Squared)公司第一款产品Forza即将出炉。

Forza social sports gaming platform

Forza social sports gaming platform

据悉,该产品全名为Forza手机社交运动游戏平台(Forza Social Mobile Sports Games),目前支持在iPhone、黑莓和Android手机上运行,具有在线体验、跨平台、社交互动性等特点,主要针对足球运动。该游戏的最大创意在于,将游戏的劣势转化为卖点:许多游戏开发商都不得不承认,游戏并不是玩家的唯一,电视、社交活动、日常琐事等都可能让玩家冷落游戏;而Forza却反向而行,积极介入玩家的日常活动,比如说鼓励沉浸在直播球赛节目中的玩家,预测比赛结果,并参与投票、在线调查等活动。

Jurjen Söhne表示,该产品还只是一个新项目,但有望在六个月内面世;该游戏平台与足球俱乐部、播音员、媒体公司的合作潜力很大,如果与第一个客户合作,他们将根据客户所需,将该产品成功嵌入客户平台的后端,但也表示不排除采用直接向玩家投放的运营方式。他称在线社交游戏是社交游戏的未来,Forza的宗旨在于与用户共同见证、分享精彩时刻,借由这个理念,Forza游戏平台有望创造两位数的每用户平均收入(ARPU)。

Exclusive: Former EA man unveils Forza social sports gaming platform

Next Generation2, the startup founded by former EA Mobile and iFone man Jurjen Söhne, has unveiled its first product: Forza.

It’s describing it as a live, cross-platform, social interactive experience.

The company is touting the idea of ‘mobile social crowd gaming’, via mobile apps designed to be used while someone’s watching live sports on TV or at the stadium.

The demo of Forza is focused on football, showing players making predictions and answering polls while a match is playing.

Söhne tells ME that while NG2 hasn’t ruled out making Forza a D2C brand, the company sees most potential in licensing the platform to partners, who could be football clubs, broadcasters or media companies.

“We have the solution in place and it’s pretty much ready to go, but when we get our first client, we will customise and integrate it into their back-end,” he says.

Söhne hopes that Forza will launch in the next six months, although it could go live sooner depending on the partner.

“Live social gaming is really the future of social gaming,” he says.

“What we want to provide is the relevance of sharing in the moment, and once we have that nailed, you get something highly engaging, and probably with a much higher ARPU than you see with social games. We can easily make double-digit ARPU in dollars.”

Söhne says Forza’s business model remains flexible, since it could support sponsorship, but will more likely be monetised through virtual item sales.(source:Mobile Entertainment)

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