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作者:Paul Firth




angry birds from

angry birds from








游戏的两个角色和所有区块都以Flash IDE格式设计,所有这些都是我在代码中定义的基础类别。这样我就能够在执行期间分析关卡的子集,替物理引擎在正确地图位置创造适当刚体。

rigid bodies from

rigid bodies from


* HeroCharacter

* EnemyCharacter

* ProxyRectangleIce

* ProxyRectangle

* ProxyRectangleStatic

* ProxyTriangleStaticDown

* ProxyTriangleStaticUp


// create physics objects to go with the render objects in level
for ( var i:int = 0; i<level.numChildren; i++ )
	var child:DisplayObject = level.getChildAt( i );
	if ( child is Character )
	else if ( child is ProxyRectangleStatic )
	else if ( child is ProxyRectangle )
	else if ( child is ProxyRectangleIce )
	else if ( child is ProxyTriangleStaticDown )
	else if ( child is ProxyTriangleStaticUp )
	child.cacheAsBitmap = true;




private var m_currentLevel:int;
private var m_levelSequence:Array =


// create new level
m_level = new m_levelSequence[m_currentLevel];








figure1 from

figure1 from


figure2 from

figure2 from


figure3 from

figure3 from


figure4 from

figure4 from


figure5 from

figure5 from


figure6 from

figure6 from


public function ProjectPointOntoEdge(p:Vector2, e0:Vector2, e1:Vector2):Vector2
	// vector from edge to point
	var v:Vector2 = p.Sub(e0);

	// edge vector
	var e:Vector2 = e1.Sub(e0);

	// time along edge
	var t:Number = e.Dot(v) / e.m_LenSqr;

	// clamp to edge bounds
	t = Scalar.Clamp(t, 0, 1);

	// form point and return
	return e0.Add( e.MulScalar(t) );





figure7 from

figure7 from





private function BuildContactGroup( r:RigidBody, cg:ContactGroup, dt:Number ):void
	if ( !r.m_visited && !r.m_Static )
		r.m_visited = true;
		r.m_contactGroup = cg;

		// add the object
		cg.Add( r );

		for ( var i:int = 0; i<r.m_rbsTouching.m_Num; i++ )
			BuildContactGroup( r.m_rbsTouching.Get(i), cg, dt );

/// Go through and build all the contact groups in the world
internal function BuildAllContactGroups( dt:Number, rigidBodies:ReferenceArray ):void
	Reset( );

	// start with a new group
	var cg:ContactGroup=null;

	for ( var i:int=0; i<rigidBodies.m_Num; i++ )
		var r:RigidBody = rigidBodies.Get(i);

		// if this object isn't static and hasn't yet been visited...
		if ( !r.m_Static && r.m_visited==false )
			if ( cg==null || cg.m_NumRigidBodies>0)
				// get new contact group
				cg = GetNewContactGroup( );

			// go an recursivly add objects to this new contact group
			BuildContactGroup(r, cg, dt);

	// sleep check the contact groups
	SleepCheck( );





smash from

smash from








public class TouchingContact
	public var m_featurePairKey:uint;
	public var m_accumulatedNormalImpulse:Number;
	public var m_accumulatedTangentImpulse:Number;

	public function TouchingContact( featurePairKey:int )
		m_featurePairKey = featurePairKey;
		m_accumulatedNormalImpulse = 0;
		m_accumulatedTangentImpulse = 0;

	/// Something to identify this contact uniquely
	static public function GenerateFeaturePairKey( featureToUse:FeaturePair, supportIndex:int ):uint
		return featureToUse.m_fp|( featureToUse.m_face<<2 )|( supportIndex<<16 );




pile from

pile from







package Code.System
	import Code.Assert;
	import Code.System.UnexpectedCaseException;

	public class Pool
		private var m_counter:int;
		private var m_maxObjects:int;
		private var m_pool:Array;
		private var m_type:Class;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public function Pool( maxObjects:int, type:Class )
			m_pool = new Array( maxObjects );

			// construct all objects
			for (var i:int=0; i<maxObjects; i++)
				m_pool[i] = new type();


		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public function Allocate( ...args ):*
			Assert( m_counter<m_maxObjects, "Pool.GetObject(): pool out of space!" );

			var obj:* = m_pool[m_counter++];

			if ( args.length>0 )
				if ( args.length==1 )
					obj.Initialise( args[0] );
				else if ( args.length==2 )
					obj.Initialise( args[0], args[1] );
				else if ( args.length==3 )
					obj.Initialise( args[0], args[1], args[2] );
				else if ( args.length==4 )
					obj.Initialise( args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3] );
				else if ( args.length==5 )
					obj.Initialise( args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4] );
				else if ( args.length==6 )
					obj.Initialise( args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5] );
				else if ( args.length==7 )
					obj.Initialise( args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6] );
					throw new UnexpectedCaseException;

			return obj;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public function Deallocate( obj:* ):void
			Assert( typeof( obj )==typeof( m_type ), "Pool.Deallocate(): object doesn't belong to this pool!" );
			Assert( m_counter>0, "Pool.Deallocate(): too many deallocations!");
			m_pool[--m_counter] = obj;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public function get m_Num():int
			return m_counter;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public function Get(i:int):*
			Assert(i<m_counter, "Pool.Get(): index out of range!");
			return m_pool[i];

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		public function Clear():void





smash 2 from

smash 2 from


我在游戏中添加的优化小道具是简单的颗粒机制(其将Flash IDE定义中的Sprite当作颗粒)及简单闪烁控制器(其将各角色的命名实例用于睁眼和闭眼中,然后在代码中将它们激活,我们根据随机等候期控制各元素的能见度)。

figure8 from

figure8 from



How to make Angry Birds – part 2

by Paul Firth

This is the 2nd part of my series on how to make a game like Angry Birds by Rovio – and its been a while coming… You can read the first part here.

The Game

Ok, so here is the game so far; there are three demo levels to show the level progress system and some simple looking characters and block types. Apologies for the programmer art

Catch up

Ok, so last time I had covered how to draw the background graphics and made a start on how the world is going to be composed in terms of collision.

What I’m going to cover in this article is the physics part; stability and optimisations.


A level is defined as a bunch of instances of static rigid bodies and dynamic rigid bodies plus a visual layer which covers up the statics – I use this other layer because otherwise there would be a slight visible gap between adjacent static blocks, which we don’t want since the texture is supposed to be continuous.

A level must inherit the base class Code.Level. I’ve done this so I can predefine certain things about each level – such as the instance names for the hero characters, and the sling-shot which I need to reference in code.

Characters and blocks

Each of the two characters and every block used in the game are designed in the Flash IDE, and each of them references a base class that I’ve defined in the code. This is so that I can parse the children of a level at runtime and create the appropriate rigid bodies at the correct mapped locations for the physics engine.

There are the following base classes (stone and wood use the same base class):

* HeroCharacter

* EnemyCharacter

* ProxyRectangleIce

* ProxyRectangle

* ProxyRectangleStatic

* ProxyTriangleStaticDown

* ProxyTriangleStaticUp

These are interpreted at level creation time, using a loop similar to this:

In each part of the if-else ladder I create the appropriate rigid body to match the proxy, and these get added to the physics engine.

Level sequence

Thanks to Flash’s neat way of storing class types as variables, I represent the level sequence as a simple array of class types:

Every time a level is completed, I can pick the new one from the array and instantiate it like this:

It then gets passed to the SetupLevel function which handles all the rigid body instantiation that I talked about above.

Physics engine

The physics engine is similar in design to the one I laid out in Physics engines for dummies, except this one is a lot more advanced.

It now has the concepts of angular-velocity, polygon contact set generation, contact group generation, object sleeping, collision callbacks and persistent contacts. All these components were necessary to create the game.

Physics engine – angular velocity

Angular velocity is handled in a very similar way to linear velocity, except its a scalar and not a vector, since we’re in 2d and it gets integrated the same way. Where it gets more tricky is in the actual impulse equations.

I’m going to refer the reader to the following set of articles by Chris Hecker which describe the impulse equations for angular and linear velocity rather well:

I do intend to write a more in depth follow up on this subject at some point.

Physics engine – polygon contact set generation

Although, technically when two convex shapes collide there are only two closest points (one on each object) this is not enough for the physics engine to produce a stable simulation with anything more than circles. As soon as you have a rectangle or a polygon you need to have the full contact-set between both objects.

Figure 1 shows the full contact set between two polygons A and B. To generate this we need to start with the feature-pair returned by our collision system (vertex and edge, or edge and vertex).

Figure 2 shows one such possible case: a vertex from B and an edge from A were returned as the closest features. Starting with this information we can then do a local search of the the vertices adjacent to the red point on B (one on either side) to find which edge has a normal that is most opposed to our collision normal (the edge normal).

Figure 3 shows the correct edge and the other edge which was considered from B. Once we have these two edges we have all the information we need to generate the contact set. What we do is to project each vertex from each edge onto the other edge, making sure to clamp the projections so they lie wholly within the bounds of the edge.

Figure 4 shows the red vertices of the edge from A being projected onto the green edge of B. The first vertex becomes projected point b0 and the second becomes b1.

In Figure 5 we can see the same process repeated for the other edge; note how both projections of the green vertices would lie outside the bounds of the red edge. Because this would lead to an invalid contact we must clamp these at the bounds of the red edge. Vertices a0 and a1 result and this is the completed contact set!

Here is the code for projecting a point onto an edge and clamping against the edge bounds:

Contact group generation and object sleeping

The game logic for angry birds relies on being able to tell when all the movement in the level is stopped, because otherwise you would never know when an individual try is over since objects may yet fall down crushing an enemy character.

In order to facilitate this and also to act as an optimisation an object sleeping system is required. What this does is to deactivate or ‘sleep’ any rigid bodies which have become sufficiently still for a set period of time, thereby saving CPU cycles and also giving us an indication about the state of the game.

For this to be possible we first have to be able to generate contact groups. A contact group is a collection of rigid bodies which are all touching each other.

In order to generate these, the simplest way is to use recursion. Each object must maintain a list of every object that’s touching it. An outer loop over all rigid bodies generates individual contact group containers and then recurses within adding objects which are touching to the given contact group.

Static objects are not followed because we don’t want to include them in any contact group – they would link the entire level together into one giant, inefficient contact group!

The code looks like this:

Its actually quite simple and works rather well, taking minimal CPU time.

To enable the sleeping of rigid bodies, each rigid body maintains a counter which counts the number of seconds that rigid body has had angular and linear velocities below some threshold values. Then, once all the rigid bodies in a contact group have counter values over a threshold (1 second in this game’s case), the entire contact group is sent to sleep. Likewise, if any rigid body in a sleeping contact group wakes up, the entire contact group must wake up with it.

Physics engine – collision callbacks

For some objects the game needs to know about any collisions that happen between those objects and the hero character, or the world. To facilitate this, each rigid body has a collision callback delegate which can be set at runtime. Then, the physics engine will call this delegate whenever it detects a collision, passing the callback information about the collision including which objects were hit and what the relative normal velocities were at the time of collision. This information allows to game logic to kill enemies and smash blocks of ice.

Physics engine – persistent contacts

This physics engine feature is absolutely essential to the stability of the physics; without it, the game would not be possible with as much creative freedom in level design.

So, what are persistent contacts?

Regular contacts are the things which stop two rigid bodies from falling through each other – they are generated by the collision detection system and used by the physics solver but they are temporary and exist for the current frame only.

The impulses generated by the physics solver converge the entire simulation towards stability, but there are not enough CPU cycles for it to be resolved completely in one frame… So rather than throw away all of last frames impulses we would like to be able to remember them and then apply them next frame in order to ‘warm start’ the engine. This leads to massive stability improvements.

Persistent contacts are a way of caching the impulses between frames by identifying contacts which are logically the same across a series of frames. By logically I mean rather than using something crude like the position of two contacts, we want to use something which identifies contacts uniquely. To do this we can use feature pair indicies; so for example, the index of the vertex from object A combined with the index of the edge from object B. These will be combined together into one uint hash value which can be looked up and compared across frames. When the hash tags match, we have a cache hit and can copy the impulses across.

The code I use for caching the impulses looks like this:

When two objects touch for the first time, a persistent contact entry is generated for the collision and stored on the lower indexed object, so that I avoid duplicating data. When objects stop touching, these contact entries are deleted again. During the time when they are touching, I cache up to 4 feature pairs for later lookup – the reason I chose 4 and not 2 (which would be the logical choice) is that I noticed there was a fair amount of flip-flop over the course of a few frames in certain contact configurations; one frame two contacts would be generated from a certain feature pair, the next frame another two contacts from a different feature pair and then repeat forever. Rather than throw away and regenerating, storing 4 allowed me to catch this case and achieve a 100% cache hit rate for stable contact configurations.


After I had implemented all these features and gotten the engine stable enough to be able to run angry birds, I noticed that it was in fact, far too slow to actually use. This made me sad, but a little digging into action-script optimisation techniques netted me the answer.


In action-script, every complex type is passed by reference and there are no complex types which can be put on the stack, unlike c# or c++. This is particularly irksome if you have something like a Vector2 class for doing all your geometric calculations, because it means every time you do a new(), an allocation is made on the heap, which of course means you risk the slowness of the garbage collector when doing temporary calculations.

This is an absolute killer in terms of performance – I found I was doing something on the order of 7k-12k such temporary allocations every single frame!

The solution – pools

Of course, the internet informed me that the accepted solution here is to employ an object pool for complex types – pre-allocated up-front with a known fixed capacity. Allocations can then be made and freed using the pool, thereby avoiding the garbage collector.

I couldn’t find an implementation that did exactly what I wanted, so I wrote my own:

This one allows you to construct a pool with runtime type checking and also allows you to call an Initialise() function on the object being allocated. I couldn’t find a way of calling the object’s constructor in AS3, which would have been the ideal case – something like placement new in c++ would be nice. Equally, I couldn’t find a way of passing all the parameters directly to the function without manually indexing them or calling apply() which I’ve read is very slow. However, it works well in practice.

For the temporary calculations involving Vector2′s I used a large pool of Vector2s which only exists for one frame. The only caveat is that you need to be very careful not to persist a reference to one of these across frames because it will be overwritten. I really wish AS3 had struct like c# does to avoid having to do this.

I used the following profiler (which I highly recommend) to identify the slow parts of the engine:

Once I had identified all the slow parts and made pools for all the temporary objects I was still a little discouraged because it wasn’t running quite as fast as I’d have liked on my old desktop that I have here. I worked hard at it but eventually reached the point of diminishing returns and I was in danger of making the source code too hard to follow.

In desperation I fired up the real angry birds in my chrome browser to see how quickly that would run on my machine. I was shocked and relieved to discover that it actually ran a lot slower than my implementation did! Happy days.

Particles and blinking

Some little items of polish that I added to the game were a simple particle system which used Sprites defined in the Flash IDE as the particles and a simple blink controller that used named instances inside each character for the open eyes and the closed eyes and then animated them in code depending on a random waiting period to judge when to toggle the visibility of each.


Of course the game contains many more little things which I don’t possibly have time to write about now, but if there is enough interest I can write another article of course! In this article I have covered some of the things which are necessary to turn theory into practice when it comes to talking about physics engines in games.

If you would like to do so, please purchase the source code and assets which go with this article; its very close to being a completed game which can be easily used as a template for your own 2d physics game, complete with editor (in the form of flash) which is delightfully easy to use.

This one is a little more expensive than my regular example code, but take into consideration that it took me two solid weeks of work which if I were contracted would be significantly more than this for one days work and also that what you are getting represents 10 years of industry experience and knowledge – if you think of it like that it really is a bargain… Remeber, Roivo spent $120k developing the original angry birds!

The only thing I ask is that no one just releases this as a game as it stands – please use it as a template for your own games!  As ever, the licence allows you to use all the code and assets for commercial purposes or otherwise as long as you don’t just release it as it stands and that you don’t simply give the entire thing to anyone else.

Note: requires Flash CS4+ and builds with Amethyst or FlashDevelop.(Source:wildbunny

