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发布时间:2012-01-05 10:53:49 Tags:,,,

作者:Jim Cummings


例如,在题为“How Analytics Make Players Happy”的演讲中,ngmoco谈及他们用于提高游戏玩法体验的核心衡量指标(游戏邦注:例如日均用户、用户日均收益及持续时间)。他们的观点是不同玩家存在不同游戏需求和愿望——有些希望在前进过程中受到指引,有些追求非常规玩法,而有些则希望获得地位。ngmoco策略在采用分析法的公司中颇具代表性:

* 根据玩家的不同需求和积分情况将玩家分成不同类型(“新型”、“休闲”和“强大”玩家,这些玩家有些是“付费”玩家,有些不是)。

* 辨别特定危险行为(例如:ARPU降低或回访用户减少)

* 通过针对性的设计调整消除这些现象(例如,提高只能通过硬通货币购买的游戏内容的福利;延迟新内容在随后关卡的解锁)


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Damion Schubert在其关于创造吸引“休闲”和“硬核”玩家的讲话中也谈到玩家细分和分析方法。关于玩家细分和归类,Schubert表达的理念也大同小异,称休闲&硬核属于错误的二分法,相反,他觉得设计师应基于“投入程度”区分玩家。此外,我们可以根据用户的投入程度将其进行分类(感兴趣–> 休闲–>忠诚–>投入–>硬核),通过把握他们所处的位置,你能够在特定时刻更好迎合他们的需求。






此外,Scott Rigby在分析法及运用基于数据的设计方面有自己的看法。根据多年学术和行业研究,Rigby发现,玩家都存在相同的普遍需求,那些能够满足这些需求的设计才是最具粘性的设计。关于这点,他表示,这属于刺激性参数,而非行为方面的数据(游戏邦注:而这是分析法所关注的内容)。


GDC Online – Hunting Whales: Will Analytics Kill Off Diversity of Gameplay?

by Jim Cummings

A hot topic at this year’s conference has definitely been player analytics, or the use of metrics to quantify and model player behaviors and decisions in online games (social games and MMOs in particular).  Across post-mortem sessions, developer roundtables, and chats in the hallway, there’s been plenty of discussion of what indicators to use, when to use them, and the role they should play in shaping new designs.

For example, in a talk titled “How Analytics Make Players Happy” reps from ngmoco discussed their use of key performance indicators (e.g., daily average users, average revenue per user, sessions duration) for improving the gameplay experiences for their players. Their belief is that different players have different in-game wants and desires – some want guided progression through the game, others want non-routine gameplay, while others are driven to achieve status. ngmoco’s strategy – one which sounds characteristic of many companies using analytics – is to:

* cluster players into a conceptual typology (“New”, “Casual”, and “Power” gamers, any of which may or may not also be “Paid” players) based upon their differing wants and progress-points within a game

* identify type-specific red flag behaviors (e.g., decreases in ARPU or drops in % of returning users)

* resolve these behaviors through targeted, type-specific design changes (e.g., increase the benefits of exclusive content that can only be purchased through hard money; delay the unlocking of new content to later levels)

ngmoco describes this process as “course-correcting” of “unhappy players”. But one might also describe this as the use of revenue-related behavioral indicators as proxies for measuring player engagement.

A similar use of player segmentation and analytics was described by Damion Schubert (Principle Lead Systems Designer, Bioware Austin) in his talk on creating games that appeal to both “casual” and “hardcore” players.  Schubert presented a very similar conception in of player segmentation and herding, suggesting that the casual vs. hardcore dichotomy is actually a false one and that, instead, designers should segment players along a “spectrum of investment.”  Specifically, players can be clustered along a linear progression of commitment to the game (Interested –> Casual –> Committed –> Devoted –> Hardcore), and by understanding their location in this progression, you can best cater to their needs at a given pain point.

To this extent, the “spectrum of commitment” perspective on design sounded much like that described by ngmoco; however, while ngmoco and other developers seem content enough to accept a funnel demographic of player segmentation (many new players, some casuals, and then relatively few “whales” from which to bring in revenue), Schubert suggests that design mechanics might be constructed with the explicit intent of pressuring the player toward the hardcore end of the spectrum – that is, designers seeking to optimize revenue should use metrics, segmentation and targeted design features to usher as many players as possible toward high-investment, whale-like gameplay.   (Note – for more of the gritty details of such an outlook on design, stay tuned for a one-on-one interview with Schubert to be posted by our very own Jared Lorince).

Of course, the question then becomes “To what extent should analytics influence game design?”  This issue was raised at a round table discussion Tuesday afternoon moderated by industry vet Dan Scherlis (now with Sonamine).   In this session designers from studios great and small weighed in with their concerns on analytic-driven design and current practices in their own games.  A certain degree of antagonism was clear, as many designers noted that the analytics departments of their studios often lack the scientific rigor or statistical understanding to make proper sense of metric reports – which, reasonably might cause a developer to second-guess a suggestion for how their design should be altered.  Perhaps the most vehement and commonly shared concern, however, came when one designer noted that their group has employed analytics to revamp not design but customer service: the studio would track player behaviors in-game and if they noted a less than rationally optimal behavior being repeated over time (say,  running 15 minutes across zones rather than using a teleport, or relying on an auto-attack setting rather than branching out through a skill tree for special attacks), they would send emails to players notifying them of these assumedly preferred alternatives.

This approach was bemoaned by a number of designers in the session, arguing that such tactics are another example of how the use of analytics – even when genuinely meant to improve the player experience – serves to limit variability in gameplay styles.  And, we might reason, this concern should be ever more present in instances where designers are intentionally and explicitly equating player “happiness” or “investment” to bottom-line revenue indicators, as discussed above.

So, if behavior metrics are chiefly used to inform designs for enhancing engagement (for the sake of player enjoyment and/or company revenue), do they inherently seeks to reduce and cluster the variance of behaviors?  Is there an alternative?

To this end, while moderating the round table discussion, Scherlis drew a distinction between 1) identifying and course-correcting player behavior through the use of revenue indicators and 2) the use of what his company and others refer to as “predictive analytics.”  The latter – which models the social graph of a game’s players through analyses of variables such as peer pressure or diffusion of innovative behaviors – can be used to make designs that cater to future dispositions of players (whether to the majority average or on the individual-level) and are not as explicitly bound to revenue as are the typical key performance indicators.  In other words, by using different behavioral measures, analytics can allow designers to successfully anticipate a variety of player decisions and preferences, rather than simply using them for optimizing a game’s ability to shuffle players further down a funnel or spectrum of increased ARPU.

Alternatively, another perspective on analytics and the use of data-driven design comes from Scott Rigby (social psychologist and head of Immersyve).  Based on years of academic and industry research, Rigby notes that all players share common, universal needs, and that the most engaging designs (both psychologically and, in turn, economically) are those which best cater to the satisfaction of these needs.  To this extent, he suggests that it is motivational metrics, not behavioral ones, which analytics should be focusing on.   More to come on this in my next post, which will include both a review of the basic ideas underlying Rigby’s “motivation  3.0” model and my discussion with him on its role in game design and analytics.

From what I’ve pieced together here,  it sounds like the scope and particular metrics used in game analytics are reaching a level of sophistication that is bringing up many new questions about the purposes of collecting player data, its meaning, and its role in informing new and/or revised designs.  Though there seems to currently be heavy emphasis on revenue-relevant behaviors and course-correcting towards a preferred gameplay style, new variables may come to allow designers to produce revenue-benefiting features that still permit for variability in player behavior and investment.  The nature of analytics and its relationship to design is still developing.

And on that note, for a more hands-on discussion of the perspectives shaping new analytics, stay tuned for Travis Ross’ upcoming coverage featuring interviews with Nick Lim (CEO and founder of Sonamine) and Dan Scherlis, as well as Dmitri Williams (game researcher and co-founder of Ninja Metrics).(Source:motivateplay

