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Playdom牵手东欧发行商I-Jet 共同推动游戏与打击盗版

发布时间:2010-08-31 10:48:49 Tags:,,

社交游戏开发公司Playdom与东欧经销商I-Jet Media签订了一份发行协议。I-Jet Media公司希望在东欧推广Playdom社交游戏的同时打击该领域的盗版行为。

通过I-Jet Media,隶属于迪士尼的Playdom公司将在俄罗斯和东欧发行4款尚未公布的社交游戏,他们将成为第一个在东欧市场发行社交游戏的美国公司。

除出版协议外,Playdom和I-Jet Media还在打击东欧盗版方面达成了一致,两家公司都将采取措施防止游戏盗版。



Playdom计划对该区域的非法复制游戏进行鉴别,而I-Jet Media则听取受盗版侵害的开发公司的意见,并承若“竭尽全力防止这类盗版游戏的经销。”

I-Jet Media公司总监 Alexey Kostarev预计在Playdom之后,将有许多社交游戏工作室进入东欧游戏市场。

“Playdom进入俄罗斯市场是今年国内社交游戏市场的一个重要事件。首先这意味着许多世界主要的游戏开发公司正在寻找新的发展市场,也正是这个原因他们选择了俄罗斯。我确信在Playdom之后,其他游戏开发公司如 Zynga, Playfish等等也将会纷纷效仿。”Kostarev说。

Social game developer Playdom has entered a publishing deal with Eastern European distributor I-Jet Media, and the companies plan to bring Playdom’s social games to Eastern Europe while making efforts to combat piracy in the region.

The Disney-owned Playdom (Wild Ones, Social City) will publish four undisclosed titles in Russia and Eastern Europe via I-Jet Media, making it the first American company to publish social games in those markets.

In addition to the publishing deal, Playdom and I-Jet Media announced their commitment to combating piracy in Eastern Europe, with each company taking steps to prevent the illegal distribution of their games.

Playdom plans to identify illegally reproduced games in the region, while I-Jet Media will take complains from developers harmed by piracy and promises “to impede distribution of such games even through other publishers in every possible way.”

I-Jet Media general producer Alexey Kostarev anticipates that Playdom marks the first in a series of social game studios to enter the Eastern European market.

“Playdom’s entry in Russia is this year’s key event for the domestic social games market. First and foremost, it means that leading developers are seeking after new markets, and that is why they consider Russia to be interesting for them. I am sure that Playdom will be followed by others: Zynga, Playfish, and so on,” said Kostarev. (source:gamasutra)

