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人物专访:Plazz首席执行官Jürgen Mayer谈社交游戏策略

发布时间:2010-08-30 11:25:24 Tags:,,

眼下许多游戏在德国社交网络平台VZ上的增长十分缓慢,这一点已可以从不少新游戏的艰难成长中看出端倪。但Plazz Entertainment AG的这款游戏“Atlantis”却反其道而行,另辟蹊径。日前,Social Games Observer就Atlantis(亚特兰蒂斯)向社交网站进军一事,采访了Plazz公司的首席执行官Jürgen Mayer。

Plazz Entertainment AG

Plazz Entertainment AG

Social Games Observer(以下简称SGO):Plazz的游戏开发历史悠久,你们是从什么时候开始决定把游戏植入社交网站中,为何首推Atlantis这款游戏?

Jürgen Mayer:这是我们业务与市场需求不断融合的一个结果,当时我们意识到休闲游戏在社交网站中会成为一个趋势,就决定向社交网站扩张。Atlantis这款游戏生逢其时,它拥有近乎完美的游戏框架:虚拟世界背景,社交互动,休闲小游戏。这就是我们对Atlantis这款游戏的“社交互动性”的定义。


Jürgen Mayer:Atlantis是一个拥有神化特点的社区互动圈。这个平台提供一系列风格迥异的休闲游戏,鼓励玩家通过自由选择游戏类型,进行互动参与,最终合力完成一个共同目标。另外,我们还增加了一些社区功能、活动和故事性的元素。

Plazz Entertainment

Plazz Entertainment


Jürgen Mayer:这和我们在VZ-Group三个网站中针对所有人群的定位一样,我们的目标玩家包括青少年、学生,甚至所有喜欢休闲游戏并愿意在虚拟社区中逗留的人群。在SchülerVZ网站中,我们的主要目标人群是12岁至16岁的青少年。


Jürgen Mayer:Atlantis已经从原来的每月付费方式,转变为只收取道具费用的免费体验方式。“免费”的准入门槛大大增加了人们参与这款游戏,探索未知世界的欲望。在这款游戏中,你可以自由无拘束地玩游戏,利用聊天工具与其他的玩家、Atlantis团队沟通和交谈。Atlantis进入社交网站后,我们又为玩家开发了些新玩意,例如提供一些奖励和等级来取悦玩家。玩家要提高游戏体验有两种选择,赢取虚拟货币或者用现实货币购买他们需要的东西。另外,我们还提供一些加速器道具。总体上,出于对少年儿童玩家的安全性考虑,我们在游戏规则上很自律,并着力于提高免费聊天工具的服务。游戏的社区功能对我们至关重要,我们团队经常组织和策划一些比赛、抢答等活动,鼓励玩家与他人进行互动。


Jürgen Mayer:玩家胜利完成游戏任务后可以赢得一些虚拟货币,但如果要获得额外的功能或道具,就要用现实货币来买。这两种货币都可以让玩家得到一些个性化的道具,比如说服装、加速器、住宅家具以及在游戏聊天中的一些附属交流功能(比如信息框的颜色、表情等)。


Jürgen Mayer:我们目前有两种手机付费方式,可以通过短信或者电话付费。当然我们今后还会开通更多的付费渠道,这也是我们致力优化的服务之一。


Jürgen Mayer:SchülerVZ 是唯一一个比较保守的网站,因为它的目标人群主要定位在12-16岁的青少年。这些少年玩家可以在各自的聊天室中谈天、玩游戏。更重要的是,他们的每笔交易均被限额,最多不得超过9.99美元。


Jürgen Mayer:我们的总体目标当然是打开其他社交网站的门户,但这主要取决于社区游戏目前的发展趋势。最近,我们也正在考虑哪家网站会是我们游戏的下一站。

Games on the VZ Networks are slowly growing and in the imprint of the new games we continue finding the usual suspects. An exception to this rule is Plazz Entertainment AG who launched their game “Atlantis” on the German social networks. We talked to Plazz CEO Jürgen Mayer about the motives to “go social”:

SocialGamesObserver: Plazz has quite a long history in gaming. When did you decide to bring a game on social networks and why did you choose Atlantis?

Jürgen Mayer: This move is the result of a consistent process to adapt our business to market needs. When we realized that casual games are becoming big business in social networks we decided to expand our games to social networks and Atlantis provided the perfect framework:  the setting of a virtual world, social interactivity and casual gaming. That is what we claim to be social gaming in Atlantis.

SGO: Can you sketch the game concept of Atlantis in a few sentences?

Jürgen Mayer, CEO Plazz Entertainment AG

Jürgen Mayer: Atlantis is a social hangout with a character based community and personalized avatars. The platform offers to a variety of casual games with collective goals which trigger community interaction. The game follows a free to play principle. Additionally we add community functions, events and narrative elements.

SGO: Who is Atlantis’ user base?

Jürgen Mayer: As we are available in all three networks of the VZ-Group we are addressing users from teens to students to nearly everyone who enjoys playing casual games and virtual hangouts. In SchülerVZ our main target group is about 12 to 16 years old.

SGO: In which form did Atlantis exist before and what has been adapted for the social network version?

Jürgen Mayer: We changed our game from a monthly subscription service towards a free to play game with the focus on item selling. The free game entry makes it possible to discover the unknown world before users have to invest something. It is free without restriction to play games, use the chat functions and interact with other players and the Atlantis team. For the launch on social networks we developed some new specials to entertain the new users like an award and level system. Users now have the option to earn soft currency or to buy hard currency.  We also added booster items. In general we also really stressed safety for kids and teens and improved our service to permanent moderation of the free chats. The community function is crucial for us. Our editing team organizes events and quiz shows and encourages the user to interact with others.

SGO: As for the game mechanics, how can soft and hard currencies be acquired and what can they be used for?

Jürgen Mayer: Players receive soft cash for successfully finished games and for several other functions or items they have to buy hard cash. With both currencies the player can acquire personalization items like clothing, boosters, residence items and communication opportunities in the game chats (text colors or emoticons).

SGO: What sorts of payments do you for offer for the purchase of virtual goods and how did the specific target group influence the decision?

Jürgen Mayer: We have currently two options mobile payment via SMS and pay by call. Of course we are open for any other relevant option in the future. This is where we will have an eye on consistently to optimize our services.

SGO:Are there any differences between the Atlantis versions of the different VZ Networks?

Jürgen Mayer: SchülerVZ is the only network which is moderated because the target group consists of 12-16 year old users. The teens can talk and play in a separate chat room. Furthermore, users on SchülerVZ cannot spend more than 9.99 per transaction.

SGO: Are you planning to roll out Atlantis on other social networks?

Jürgen Mayer:Our overall goal is definitely to enter other social networks. The decision for another network will be influenced by current social gaming trends. Currently, we are in the process to evaluate which social network might be the best to expand to next.(source:social games observer)

