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发布时间:2011-10-26 12:53:49 Tags:,,,,

作者:Jennifer Allen

我们都知道App Store上有各种各样的休闲游戏,同时这里也有许多较长且更深层次的日本角色扮演游戏(JRPG)。以下是App Store中六大经典JRPG,一些是早前传统游戏的更新版本,也有一些是具有我们所熟悉元素的新游戏。关键是,这六大游戏都值得玩家为其投入时间和金钱。

《混沌之戒:欧米伽》(Chaos Rings: Omega)

混沌之戒:欧米伽(from gamepro)

混沌之戒:欧米伽(from gamepro)


适用于:iPhone,iPod touch以及iPad。要求iOS 3.0或更高级别的系统。

《混沌之戒:欧米伽》虽然没能凸显优秀的本土化特色,但是它却通过引人入胜的故事情节弥补了这一缺陷。《混沌之戒:欧米伽》的发行商是Square Enix,它与之前的《混沌之戒》系列有所不同,它更加关注于故事情节,着重于对游戏角色的多方位描述。游戏中的战斗受菜单所驱动,但却不影响游戏节奏,还为玩家提供了更加广泛的选择以及更多层面的策略。除此之外,游戏中也隐藏着一些谜题需要玩家去解开。《欧米伽》可以说是最早将JRPG魅力呈现给iOS开发者的游戏。

《不朽的神迹》(Eternal Legacy)

不朽的神迹(from gamepro)

不朽的神迹(from gamepro)


适用于:iPhone,iPod touch以及iPad。要求iOS 3.1.2系统或更高级别的系统。


《最终幻想3》(Final Fantasy III)

最终幻想3(from gamepro)

最终幻想3(from gamepro)


适用于:iPhone,iPod touch以及iPad。要求iOS 3.0或者更高级别的系统。

有哪款源于系列游戏的作品能够在众多JRPG中脱颖而出?《最终幻想3》便是最佳例子。当这款游戏在20年前首次出现在玩家面前时,它便深刻影响《最终幻想》系列乃至今后JRPG游戏的发展。如今的《最终幻想》游戏粉丝所接触的游戏工作系统以及法术召唤机制等都是来自于这款游戏。《最终幻想3》针对原先的DS 3D remark版本做出了改变,所以它便成为了App Store上售价最高的iOS游戏之一,即15.99美元。但是这款游戏确实也值这个价。

《守护者的传说》(Guardian Saga)

守护者的传说(from gamepro)

守护者的传说(from gamepro)


适用于:iPhone,iPod touch以及iPad。要求iOS 4.0或者更高级别的系统。


《圣剑传说》(Secret of Mana)

圣剑传说(from gamepro)

圣剑传说(from gamepro)


适用于:iPhone,iPod touch以及iPad。要求iOS 3.0或者更高级别的系统。


《光明与黑暗》(Shining Force)

光明与黑暗(from gamepro)

光明与黑暗(from gamepro)


适用于:iPhone,iPod touch以及iPad。要求iOS 3.0或者更高级别的系统。



The 6 Best JRPGs on iPhone/iPad

by Jennifer Allen

While the App Store is known for its variety of casual games, it also has plenty of long, in-depth Japanese role-playing games. Here are the top six JRPGs on the App Store. Some are updates of old classics, and others are new titles with familiar references. All are worth your time and money.

Chaos Rings: Omega

Price: $11.99

Compatible with: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later

Chaos Rings: Omega may not have the best localization, but it more than makes up for it with an engrossing story. From publisher Square Enix, Omega stands apart from the first Chaos Rings by focusing its story, ditching the numerous viewpoints for a narrative centered on one character. Combat is menu-driven yet fast-paced, and options are extensive, providing a welcome layer of strategy. It also has a good smattering of puzzles. Omega is an ideal introduction to what iOS developers can offer in terms of original JRPGs.

Eternal Legacy

Price: $4.99

Compatible with: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1.2 or later

Spiky-haired anime guy with a huge sword? Yeah, Eternal Legacy might not look like the most original of titles (it’s from Gameloft, the clone masters of the App Store), so consider it a homage to Final Fantasy. Eternal Legacy is perhaps the most visually stunning of the JRPGs available on the iPhone, and it backs this up with plenty of voice acting and a storyline that twists and turns. The action can be a little hands-off with its own take on Final Fantasy XIII’s Paradigm system, so Eternal Legacy focuses on exploration and sidequests.

Final Fantasy III

Price: $15.99

Compatible with: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later

It’s only proper that a game from the series that inspired so many other JRPGs should make the list, and what better title than Final Fantasy III? When first released over 20 years ago, Final Fantasy III revolutionized the series and subsequent JRPGs. The jobs system and the summon spells that Final Fantasy fans now take for granted first appeared in this title. A conversion of the DS 3D remake, Final Fantasy III for iOS is one of the pricier titles on the App Store, coming in at a cent under $16. But it’s worth every penny.

Guardian Saga

Price: $1.99

Compatible with: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later

Back to basics, Guardian Saga is an 8-bit wonder that borrows from the likes of Dragon Warrior (aka Dragon Quest). It does away with complicated storyline and console-quality graphics. You don’t even get to put together a party of adventurers – you have to lone-wolf it. Published by 9th Bit, Guardian Saga is a great walk down nostalgia lane, right down to the chip-tune music and the ferocious difficulty.

Secret of Mana

Price: $8.99

Compatible with: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later

Influencing modern games like Zenonia, Square’s Secret of Mana has aged remarkably well 17 years after its original release. The virtual joystick isn’t ideal, and there’s the curious absence of the original’s co-op mode, but it’s still a strong game. An action-RPG, Secret of Mana is a great change of pace from the other games on this list because it isn’t turn-based. It presents a genuinely likeable hero in Randi, who’s tasked with saving the world (obviously). Secret of Mana is as enjoyable for old fans as it is newcomers, guaranteeing itself a worthy place on our list.

Shining Force

Price: $0.99

Compatible with: iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later

Another title that showed the world how great strategy-RPGs could be, Sega’s Shining Force might not be much to look at, but its sports a huge amount of depth. As a strategy-RPG, Shining Force is far removed from the other titles in the list, eventually allowing for up to 11 members in a team during combat. Determining the right strategy takes up the bulk of your playtime. The story feels less vital than in other games. It might be a challenging experience at first, but Shining Force remains rewarding throughout, making it ideal for the more cerebral JRPG fan.(source:gamepro

