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发布时间:2011-10-18 16:12:56 Tags:,,

作者:Brice Morrison


environment from

environment from

这是Michael Crichton(游戏邦注:美国畅销书作家和影视导演、制片人)小说中的场景?不是,但是却与之类似。如此看来,陌生环境似乎是游戏和书籍中普遍存在着的一种场景。

《Activate the Three Artefacts and Then Leave》是一款简单的独立游戏,为玩家营造出一种极其不安的环境。在游戏中,玩家将游荡于由各种立方体和方块组建而成的迷宫般的世界里。当玩家在迷宫内摸索着,寻找人工产品并不时迷失方向的时候,耳边总是回荡着奇怪的声音。这款游戏中的环境和描述都能够创造出一种非真实的体验。











怪异的声音。对于游戏开发者Stephen Lavelle来说,能够创造出让人不安的游戏世界关键还是靠音频。那是一些不可认知的声音,不像地球上的钢铁发出的声音,也不像鸟儿的声音。当你靠近那个球体时,你将会听到一些怪异的声音,这是你之前从未听到过的。当你越接近那个球体时,就会发出像早期的56K猫进行拨号上网的声音。确实很奇怪!





Creating Disturbing (!) Environments for Players

by Brice Morrison

“I saw a giant, strange orb in front of me.  I didn’t know what it is, or even who I was.  I moved towards it, and immediately a strange alien sound started to play.  I stopped and pulled back, a bit fightened by the sound, and paused for a moment.  Then mustering up all the courage I could, I plunged into an unknown world, my heart full of fear and dread at what I might find.”

Is this a narrative from a novel?  No, but it is almost indistinguishable.  It would seem that the indicators of an alien environment are universal across both games and books.

Activate the Three Artefacts and Then Leave is a simply titled indie game that created a surprisingly disturbing environment.  The game consists of the player floating around this strange world made of a labyrinth of cubes and blocks.  Strange sounds play as the player searches around through the maze, looking for th artifacts and continually getting lost.  The game’s environment and presentation is very effective at creating an unreal experience.

So what does the game do to make a “freaky voyage into the unknown,” as wrote?  It’s all in the aesthetics, the look, feel, and sound of the game.  Let’s break it down and see how this experimental design could be applied to our own titles.

Game Design: Alien and Unknown Aesthetics

Applicable Platforms: Single-Player

Applicable Player Experiences: Disturbed, Afraid of Environment

There are three main aspects of the experience of being disturbed, each of which are done with the absolute minimum effective dose in “Activate”.

Lack of Explanation. The game does nothing to explain anything.  You don’t know who you are.  Are you a human?  An alien?  Some floating eyeball?  Or maybe you’re just a camera and the game is breaking the fourth wall?  No indicators are given to answer this question, so the player has no basis for understanding what they’re about to experience.

Additionally, you don’t know anything about the giant sphere that you explore.  You see it at the beginning of the game, floating in the distance.  But what is it?  Why is is there?  Why is is made up of a bunch of cubes?  Is there a pattern to how it’s built?  Is it going to eat me?  Again none of these questions are answered.

Finally, underscoring the lack of explanation is the lack of anyone else in the game.  In the beginning you are completely by yourself, and throughout the entire experience you wonder whether you are going to run into someone…or something.

Unknown Visuals. People like to understand where they are, to have a sense of their context.  If you’re playing a game and you’re in a brick building, hear gunshots, and are holding a gun, then you can prepare for the fact that gunmen may come in.  If you’re standing on top of a mountain in the moonlight and see that your character has a cap and fangs, then you can guess that you’re a vampire and you’re probably going to bite some people.

“Activate” doesn’t allow any of this; the visuals are like nothing in the real world.  The block structure reminds me a bit of the film Cube, which was similarly mysterious and disturbing.  The strange camera effect that makes the faraway blocks blurry brings into question the reality the player is in.  All of these work together to get the player to ask many questions about where they are, and none of them are answered.

Alien Sounds.  Probably the most effective tool that developer Stephen Lavelle used in creating a disturbing world was the audio.  There are no recognizable sounds, no creaking of steel of a earthly building, no birds, nothing.  As you approach the sphere, you begin to here some strange noise that sounds like nothing you’ve ever heard.  The closest it can be approximated to is a scrambled sound of a 56K Modem dialing.  It is definitely strange.

But there is no modem.  It’s just this unexplained noise.  And it causes a great sense of uneasiness.  As the sounds change throughout the structure, the tension grows and shrinks.

Nothing to Hold On To

Humans are afraid of the unknown; we don’t like the unexpected because it might turn out to not be something that we like.  ”Activate” takes advantage of this by not allowing anything for the player to hold on to in terms of reality.  No flowers, no clouds, no context at all.  What’s left is the player’s imagination gone wild, which usually goes to disturbing places.

This is a great example of a game design tool that could be used in a variety of games.  For example, if you need to make a certain scene appear strange or disturbing, then don’t give the player anything to latch on to.  Create an undefinable environment, or fill it with strange sounds.  Disturbing the peace of mind can be a useful design tactic.(Source:thegameprodigy

