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发布时间:2011-10-17 11:18:31 Tags:,,

作者:Emma Boyes



《Army Attack》

Army Attack(from gamepro)

Army Attack(from gamepro)

《Army Attack》是Digital Chocolate在Facebook上的新游戏,而且也是一部非常具有吸引力的游戏作品。玩家将在游戏中控制一只小型军队,并努力从各种暴君手中解放特定地区。你可以任意使用各种设备,包括步兵,坦克,军队以及突击队员等,而你可以自行决定使用哪种设备去攻打敌人的武器,指挥中心以及宣传塔。当你打败了每一个敌人部队时,你便能够获得一定的资金,并用它们去购买更多的设备,以及新设备去补充或恢复你被损坏的部队。问题是在游戏的一开始你并没有太多的领土,但是你一定要好好保护它们,如果敌人攻击并抢占了你的领土,那么一定要想方设法夺回来,即使你不能随时待在游戏中。这真的是一款值得推荐的好游戏!


Warstorm(from gamepro)

Warstorm(from gamepro)

另外一款极具吸引力的游戏便是《Warstorm》,虽然它现在属于Zynga,但是真正的开发者却是Challenge Games。这是一款在线纸牌游戏,并且非常适合Facebook这个平台。玩家将随着一套基本的纸牌,即按照任务卡片的设定而开始游戏,你可以选择进行单人玩家竞赛,与好友相抗衡,完成每天的挑战或者与任意的玩家进行挑战而测试自己的勇气。在这里,几乎你的每个行动都能够有所收获,即使你输掉了游戏也不例外;同时如果你赢得了游戏,那么你便能够获得更多的奖励。当你收集到更多纸牌时,你便能够集聚更多力量庞大的家伙,如精灵,半兽人,猎魔人以及不死族。

《Battle Pirates》

Battle Pirates(from gamepro)

Battle Pirates(from gamepro)

在《Battle Pirates》中,你生活在一个未来世界中,并且拥有一个小岛,将与其他玩家一起争夺海域。这款游戏的开发者Kixeye很贴心地让玩家拥有7天的免疫力以抵挡其他玩家的进攻,但是如果你愿意的话也可以选择自己谨慎地应对攻击并做出反击。如果你是个明智的人,那么你便可以使用这七天的时间去做各种防御措施,升级你的建筑,寻找新的船舶技巧并完善你的船舰队。如果你愿意支付一定的Facebook Credits,那么做这些工作并不会花费你太多的时间。如果你足够勇敢,你可以去外面的世界闯一闯,攻击其他玩家而获得胜利,赢取更多“不义之财”。如果你是即时策略游戏的忠实粉丝,那么一定要试试这款游戏。

《King’s Bounty:Legions》

King’s Bounty Legions(from gamepro)

King’s Bounty Legions(from gamepro)

《King’s Bounty:Legions》现在还只是款测试版游戏,它是Nival和Kranx Productions两家公司共同合作的产物。《King’s Bounty》是个系列游戏,最初发行于1990年,但是《King’s Bounty:Legions》却是它们的第一款Facebook游戏,而且它也打算进入iPhone和Android平台。玩家在游戏中的任务便是混合搭配不同类型的士兵,并通过多个回合的战争去测试他们的战斗力。你可以进行远征,打败特别的怪物或者打败你的好友(或者任意的陌生人)。法术和附加设备在游戏中扮演着非常重要的角色,也是区分玩家胜利与失败的关键因素,但是关键还是看你是如何使用它们。当你赢得战斗时,你可以得到一些经验值和角色,并获得升级,从而能够帮助你应对更多可怕的敌人。这款游戏如今刚发行了40个关卡,并且将会持续更新。

《Infinite Realms》

Infinite Realms(from gamepro)

Infinite Realms(from gamepro)

《Infinite Realms》是对于中国公司Joyport旗下的《三国志OL》的重新加工。为了建造你的军队,你需要去训练你的士兵,升级你的基地并寻找新的技术,随后你便能够调遣更加强大的舰队去攻击其它基地,而这些基地有的是电脑生成的,有的是其他玩家建造的。不幸的是,与其它同类型一样,玩家需要花费时间去等待自己的能力恢复(游戏邦注:你可以选择耐心等待或者支付虚拟货币去提升恢复速度),但是如果你愿意短时间地玩这款游戏,你也可以从中感受到不一样的体验。



CivWorld(from gamepro)

CivWorld(from gamepro)

如果说有哪款游戏能够让玩家真正去认真看待Facebook游戏,那便是《CivWorld》了。《CivWorld》属于Sid Meier在Facebook上的经典大作《文明》系列的一部分,现在仍然停留在测试版本。


《Empires and Allies》

Empires and Allies(from gamepro)

Empires and Allies(from gamepro)


在《Empires and Allies》中,你原本平静的岛国被称为“The Raven”的恶势力破坏殆尽了。而你的任务便是重建这个国家,并复仇。你可以收集那些已出租的房屋,农场,木材厂以及石油钻塔和用于建造军队,船只,飞机与坦克的军事类建筑。

一旦你建成了一座顽强的兵工厂,你便可以去向那些坏人复仇了。正是战斗才让这款游戏凸显于众多同类型的游戏中,所以你需要选择最佳的武器去对付敌人,并选择最有利的目标而完成它们。当然了,敌人也会做这些事,并且他们会不惜牺牲战列舰而与你对抗到底。不幸的是《Empires and Allies》仍然按照Zynga的游戏模式,即让玩家邀请好友进入游戏或者要求你为游戏掏腰包,并且只有你在到达一定游戏阶段时才能继续游戏。但是,因为这款游戏有很多玩家,所以你无需犯愁找不到好友共同玩游戏。

《Dragons of Atlantis》

Dragons of Atlantis(from gamepro)

Dragons of Atlantis(from gamepro)

Kabam的《Dragons of Atlantis》也许并不适合所有玩家,但是却值得玩家一试,看看这款游戏到底是好还是坏。这款游戏与《Kingdoms of Camelot》等游戏非常相似,但是游戏中的龙角色使其看起来更酷。



《Galaxy Online II》

Galaxy Online II(from gamepro)

Galaxy Online II(from gamepro)

你是否既喜欢《Dragons of Atlantis》又希望看到一些科幻设置?如果是,那么IGG的《Galaxy Online II》便是你的选择。这里为玩家提供了大量的微观控制机制,让玩家能够自己设计轮船,按照平衡的速度去设计个人角色因素,进行防御并发动进攻。



FameTown(from gamepro)

FameTown(from gamepro)

由Diversion Inc创造的《FameTown》在玩法上有点类似于《黑帮战争》,但是其本身也拥有一些值得玩家去尝试的新特色。玩家在游戏中将扮演一个梦想着并尽最大努力去成为演员的角色。你们在游戏中的目标是努力从低处往上爬,成为像安吉丽娜茱丽或者布拉德·彼特如此有名的明星。达成这个目标有各种各样的方法,而最快捷的便是拍电影了,但是你必须从最基础的做起,如先参加电视节目,到拍摄片场跑龙套,或者参加一些社交聚会等。你需要清楚自己到底想成为什么类型的演员,是二流科幻电影明星还是一夜而红的明星?还是想借着下一部如《老友记》一样火热的电视剧走红?虽然你必须尽快做出这个决定,但是总得看来这款游戏的主题还是很有趣的,如果你还有其他好友也在玩这款游戏,那么你还可以与他们竞争,看谁能最早成为明日之星。

《Crazy Boat》

CrazyBoat(from gamepro)

CrazyBoat(from gamepro)

《Crazy Boat》是Facebook上最有趣的一款游戏之一,它包含了传统的纸笔角色扮演游戏中的某些元素。这是由旧金山一家名为Echo Team的小型游戏发行商开发而成的游戏,而且也是一款非常有特色的游戏。不要被游戏前你需提供的一长串的授权所吓倒,这是一个非常重要的步骤,因为在这里你的个人信息以及涂鸦墙的贴子都将被组织成你的游戏角色的数据。举个例子来说,就像我在玩这款游戏之前,游戏通过我的学位判断我是一名作家;因为我说我喜欢思考而认为我也有可能是名哲学家;并且因为我在一周的时间里张贴出了一些关于策略游戏的内容而认为我是一名士兵等等。你可以从这款游戏中获得各种各样的游戏奖励。《Crazy Boat: The Curse of the Crash Vortex》(全称)是一款经营海洋事物的科幻游戏,你可以在游戏中探索有趣的海底残骸,并自己判断如何处理各种挑战,即你是否愿意尝试并发挥你的魅力,勇气或智力?(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

Top 11 Facebook Strategy Games

by Emma Boyes

Sometime over the last year or so, Facebook games started offering the kind of high-ending gameplay experiences normally associated with their console cousins. As the Facebook platform evolves, it’s moving away from spreadsheet style games like Mafia Wars, and the spam-your-friends-to-continue genre as made famous by FarmVille.

Of course, there’s still a lot of dross to sift through before you find your Facebook prince, and with the Facebook Games Directory being moved to the virtual graveyard a few weeks ago, finding great games on the platform just became a whole lot harder. Which is why we’ll be bringing you a selection of games every two weeks, highlighting those that are worth playing.

Army Attack

Army Attack is Digital Chocolate’s latest Facebook foray, and it’s as addictive as real chocolate. You’re in charge of a small army tasked with liberating the local territories from various despots. You have several different unit types at your disposal, including infantry, tanks, troops and storm troopers, and you’ll need to decide who to send where to attack the enemy’s bunkers, command centres and propaganda towers. Every enemy unit you destroy nets you cash, which you can use to buy more units, add new types of units or spend on supplies to fix up your own damaged troops. The trouble is not so much gaining territory in the first place, but keeping hold of it, as a steady stream of enemies encroach upon your space and try to win back their territory, even while you’re not playing. Highly recommended.


Another fiendishly addictive game, Warstorm is now part of the Zynga stable, but was developed by Challenge Games. It’s an online card game, and perfectly suited to Facebook. You start off with a set of basic cards from the human card set, and can choose to proceed through the single player campaign story, battle your friends, complete daily challenges or test your mettle against other random players. Almost everything you do will net you a small amount of silver and experience, even if you lose, and a large amount if you win. Silver is used to buy new cards, and if you have friends playing you can send them free gift cards and hope they get the hint and send you some back. As you collect cards, you’ll be able to build more powerful squads of elves, orcs, demons and the undead.

Battle Pirates

Arrr! It’s a pirate’s life for me! In Battle Pirates, you live in a Waterworld-esque land, and are given a small island base to play with, and an entire ocean of other players to pillage. Developer Kixeye kindly gives everyone seven days immunity from other player’s attacks, although you can choose to throw caution to the wind and go on the attack straight away, if you prefer. If you’re sensible, you’ll use those seven days to build defences, upgrade your buildings, research new ship technology and grow your fleet. Doing all of these things takes far less time if you’re willing to fork out for some Facebook credits. Once you’re feeling brave enough, you can go out into the wide, wild world and attack other people for glory and ill-gotten gains. If you’re a fan of real-time strategy games, you have to try this one.

King’s Bounty:Legions

Currently just coming out of beta, the visually impressive King’s Bounty: Legions is a joint venture between Nival and Kranx Productions. The King’s Bounty series itself has been going since 1990, but this is its first Facebook title – and there are also plans to also invade the iPhone and Android platforms. Your mission is to build the ultimate army by mixing and matching different kinds of soldiers and then testing their mettle in turn-based battles. You can take on quests, defeat specific monsters or beat up your friends (or random strangers). Spells and extras play a crucial role and can mean the difference between victory and defeat, depending on which you’ve stocked up on and how you use them. As you win battles, you gain experience and characters and level up, allowing you to take on even more fearsome foes. The game has just launched and comes with 40 levels to start, with regular updates planned.

Infinite Realms

For our last game, we’ve picked something a little bit sci-fi. Infinite Realms is a re-working of Three Kingdoms Online from Chinese company Joyport. To build up your army, you’ll need to train your soldiers, upgrade your base and research new technologies, then you’ll be able to send increasingly bigger and badder fleets out to attack other bases, some of which are computer generated and some of which belong to other players. Unfortunately, like a lot of games of this type, you spend a great deal of time waiting around between actions for your abilities to recharge (or of course you can be impatient and pay), but if you’re happy to play it in short bursts, there’s a staggering amount of depth and lots of different things to do.

With the Facebook platform, the quantity of games unfortunately doesn’t always correlate to quality of games. That’s why GamePro has slogged through a slew of Facebook games to find the hidden gems that are actually worth playing.


If there is ever a game that will make players take Facebook gaming seriously, it’s CivWorld. CivWorld is the Facebook iteration of Sid Meier’s genius Civilization series, and it’s just gone into open beta.

It’s got incredible depth (although less so than the original PC games) but is a little slow to get started as you’ll need to spend a fair amount of time gathering food in order to build your population. You’ll also need to hook up with other players and be social if you want to get anywhere with the game. Once you’ve learned the ropes, there are an awful lot of things you can do — grow your city and your army, play three mini-games to help you gain resources, and you can even rise through the ranks in a civilization to become a duke or even a king. After achieving a sufficient social status, you can ensure strong allies by arranging royal weddings between your inhabitants and someone else’s.

Empires and Allies

Mafia Wars creator Zynga released its latest offering to much fanfare back in June. The company’s first attempt to entice hardcore games to switch on to Facebook games has been incredibly popular and currently boasts almost 48 million users.

In Empires and Allies, your peaceful island nation has been all but destroyed by the evil forces of one known only as The Raven. It’s up to you to rebuild your nation and then… it’s time for revenge. Houses collect rent, farms, lumber mills and oil rigs collect resources and military buildings are used to create troops, ships, planes and tanks.

Once you’ve built up an acceptable arsenal, you can go after the bad guys. The battles are what makes Empires and Allies stand out from the crowd — you’ll need to select the best units for the job based on the units the enemy has sent, choose the best target and blow them up. Of course, they’ll be trying to do the same to you, and the first to have all their battleships sunk loses. Unfortunately, Empires and Allies still follows the Zynga model of trying to make you harass your friends into playing with you or mandates that you hand over cash to expand your game world and continue the game beyond a certain point. However, since so many people play it, you probably won’t have too much trouble finding some friends to help you out.

Dragons of Atlantis

Kabam’s Dragons of Atlantis is probably not for everyone, but it’s worth giving it a go to see which side of the ‘love it or hate it’ fence you stand on. It’s very similar to Kingdoms of Camelot and numerous other titles out there, but infinitely cooler since it has dragons in it.

When you start playing, you’ll need to spend *a lot* of time building up your base camp, both your city and your fields. Level one buildings take mere seconds to put up, and take incrementally longer for every extra level, with the top level sometimes taking as many as 16 days to finish. Each building has a purpose — for instance, farms gather food, garrisons allow you to train increasingly fierce soldiers and the science center allows you to research a variety of helpful technologies.

Outside your city walls are the wildernesses, lands either occupied by Anthropus forces or other players. As you grow your army you’ll be able to capture higher and higher levels of wilderness and attack higher level players. You can also form or join an alliance, collect dragon armor so your dragon can fight alongside you and trade items with other players.

Galaxy Online II

Do you like Dragons of Atlantis but long for something similar in a sci-fi setting? If so, then IGG’s Galaxy Online II is the game for you. There’s micromanagement galore for those who like that kind of thing — you get to design every ship, selecting individual components until you get a combination that’s a good balance of speed, defense and firepower.

Building your base up is once again the first step — you’ll need various kinds of buildings, including residential areas, metal collectors and a radar. Once you’ve built a fleet of space ships, you can head into battle, playing through instances or league matches. As you build bigger and better structures your ships get more powerful and you can fight more fearsome battles. You can also join an alliance, befriend other players and get resource bonuses and enter a daily random draw for free goodies.


Created by the amusingly named Diversion Inc, FameTown is a little like Mafia Wars in its style of play, but with enough tweaks to make it worth playing on its own. You play as a wannabe actor or actress trying to make it big and the aim of the game is to claw your way up from the depths of the D list to become as famous and successful as Angelina Jolie or Brad Pitt. There are various routes to this, the most expedient being making movies, but you can also star in TV shows, hire minions, be seen at the right parties and buy talents like Russian accents. You get to decide what kind of actor you want to be — do you want to star in sci-fi B-movies and hope they become cult hits? Or perhaps go for a rom-com TV series in the hope that it will become the next Friends? It’s just button pressing, but the theme is entertaining, and FameTown can be a fun diversion if you have other friends competing to see who can claw their way to the top of the A-list first.

Crazy Boat

One of the most interesting games on Facebook, Crazy Boat combines elements of strategy with traditional pen and paper role-playing games. It comes from a small San Francisco based publisher called Echo Team and is absolutely unique. Don’t be put off by the long list of permissions you need to give it in order to play — this is needed because it uses your personal info and wall posts to form your character’s stats, nothing untoward. For example, for me, it picked up that I was a writer from my degree (which is reassuring), decided I was a bit of a philosopher (I think because I, well, I say ‘I think’ a lot) and a soldier because I posted something about strategy games earlier in the week. These titles are used to give you various gameplay bonuses. Crazy Boat: The Curse of the Crash Vortex (to give it its full title), is a sci-fi sea-faring game where you explore, search for interesting debris and decide how to deal with challenging situations — do you try and use your charm, daring or intelligence?(source:gamepro

