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发布时间:2011-09-29 14:47:56 Tags:,,,

作者:Erica Ogg


Mobilize Panel from

Mobilize Panel from

不要觉得推送通知是个有效方式。雅虎应用和手机业务副总裁Steve Douty表示,推送通知是提醒用户使用应用的有效途径。他表示,你不应“让用户自己想起返回应用”。但同时你也不希望用户屏幕不断出现弹出窗口,致使用户厌烦这些信息。

就如机票搜索应用Hipmunk主管Danilo Campos所说的那样,“这完全取决于推送通知的频率以及这些内容如何推动我们的决定。若是错误信息,或用户并不关心的内容,他们就会关闭窗口,你就失去与用户建立联系的机会。”(游戏邦注:所以个性化应用以及通知频率和样式非常重要)。




Formspring最近刚发现这点,当时公司已完成自己的网页,开始着手应用制作。Formspring产品经理Tom Wang表示,“你需重新思考所要呈现的内容及呈现方式。”最后你的应用也许看起来和网站“完全不同”,这没有关系。此时,尽管抛掉自身和用户期望。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

The 3 don’ts of high-engagement apps

By Erica Ogg

At the Tuesday afternoon Mobilize panel on how to keep people coming back to your mobile app, panelists from a variety of services like Hipmunk, Formspring, ngmoco and Yahoo agreed that there were three things you should avoid doing if you want to create high-engagement apps.

Don’t think that push notifications are the answer. Push notifications are a great way to remind people to use your app, noted Steve Douty, VP of Applications and Mobile at Yahoo. You shouldn’t “leave it up to users to remember to go back to your app,” he said. But at the same time, you don’t want to barrage them with constant popups on their screen that become an annoyance.

As Danilo Campos, head of mobile for flight search app Hipmunk put it, “It all depends on the frequency of push notifications and how those decisions to push those were made. If it’s for the wrong things or things the user doesn’t care about, they’re going to turn it off and you’ve lost an opportunity to build that relationship.” So personalization of apps and frequency and type of notifications is key.

Don’t pack every possible feature inside your app. Apps can die from an overload of features. Just adding more functionality because you can is never the answer, the group agreed. “The more you keep feature creep from happening…that ends up becoming more successful engagement,” said Douty.

“Web applications have a lot of features, [people using them] have time to work, so you can give them additional functionality, but in mobile you’ve got a tiny screen and a tiny slice of users’ time,” said Campos. ”You can best serve them by giving them” a simpler experience.

Don’t assume your app should look and act like your web site. An important part of keeping people returning to an app is that it’s easy and fun to use. If you try to recreate a whole website and all its functionality on a tiny four-inch screen, it might overwhelm or turn off users.

Formspring found that out recently when it was building its app after beginning on the web. “You really need to rethink what you’re presenting and how you’re presenting it,” said Tom Wang, head of product for Formspring. In the end your app might look “radically different” than your site, and that’s totally OK. Don’t be afraid to throw out both your own and users’ expectations in that case.(Source:gigaom

