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screen digest:手机社交游戏在日本逐步升温

发布时间:2010-08-20 15:59:01 Tags:,,




不同于EA手机,DeNA并不仅仅是发布游戏。相反,它已建立了自己的移动社交网络Moba-ge Town,上面已有超过200万的活跃用户并载有来自154家公司的350多款游戏。

所有Mob-age town上的游戏都是免费的,大部分DeNA’的游戏收入来自虚拟微交易或者游戏附件以及少量广告。


按往常来看,现在已经很难根据日本手机游戏市场来预言什么因素会在西方市场起作用。日本公司是成功发行有大规模市场吸引力的手机游戏订阅服务的第一人,这方面西方公司却从来不能与之相称(that Western operators could never match)。不过倒有迹象显这两个市场正向相似的方向发展。

2009年10月,DeNA获得了AuroraFeint, 20%的股份。这家美国公司后方领导iPhone的社交游戏平台OpenFeint

西方游戏公也在期待扩张日本手机市场。2010年8月,主导社交网络游戏公司Zynga收购了日本社交游戏公司Unoh。已有游戏在Moba-ge Town适用的Unoh公司将建立Zynga在日本的手机市场。2010年7月,日本手机网络营销商Softbank Mobile 在Zynga投入一亿5千万美元,两家公司在日本建立了一家手机社交游戏合资企业。

智能手机游戏平台壮大了手机社交游戏的欧美市场。OpenFeint 宣称有2900万活跃用户使用超过2400款游戏。ScoreLoop(提供与OpenFeint类似的服务)则宣称说每个月增加超过30万Android用户。苹果也参与到手机社交游戏界,它即将发布它的游戏中心社交平台。


Mobile social games on rise in Japan

Leading Japanese mobile social network and mobile commerce company DeNA reported total Q2 2010 revenues of $262m. It generated $172.9m from games related sales, comfortably making it the leading global mobile games company by revenues. It is far ahead of EA Mobile, the leading Western mobile games publisher, which reported Q2 revenues of $52m. DeNA’s mobile based revenues far outweigh Japan’s total PC-based social games market.

Unlike EA Mobile, DeNA does not simply publish games. Instead, it has built its own mobile social network Moba-ge Town, which now has over 20m active users and features more than 350 games from 154 companies.

All Mob-age town games are free to play, with the vast majority of DeNA’s games revenues coming from microtransactions for virtual currency or items to use in game and a small amount of advertising.

Since the launch of its social mobile games platform, DeNA has seen its games related revenues jump over 7,000 per cent from the $3.7m it generated in Q2 2009.

Historically, it has been difficult to look to the Japanese mobile games market to predict what will work in Western markets. Japanese operators were the first to launch successful mobile games subscription services with a mass market appeal that Western operators could never match. There are signs, however, that the two markets are moving in similar directions.

In October 2010, DeNA acquired a 20 per cent stake in AuroraFeint, the US-company behind leading iPhone social games platform OpenFeint.

Western games companies are also looking to the Japanese mobile market for expansion.  In August 2010, leading social network games company Zynga acquired Japanese social games company Unoh. Unoh, which already has games available on Moba-ge Town, will form the foundation of Zynga’s Japanese mobile efforts. In July 2010, Japanese mobile network operator Softbank Mobile invested $150m in Zynga as the two companies launched a social mobile games joint-venture in Japan.

Smartphone social games platforms are growing the market for mobile social games in North America and Europe. OpenFeint claims 29m active users across more than 2,400 games. ScoreLoop (which offers a similar service to OpenFeint) claims to be adding more than 300,000 Android users per month. Apple is also getting involved in mobile social gaming, with the forthcoming launch of its Game Center social platform.

Screen Digest will be adding market sizing and forecasts for mobile social games to the mobile intelligence service in due course. The Screen Digest Games team has recently started coverage of the PC-based social games market with two reports, one providing analysis of the world 2009 market and forecasts to 2014 and another analyzing H1 2010 performance for Facebook and the leading games and operators on that platform. A new market report is due next year which will combine analysis and sizing of both the PC and mobile based social games markets.(source:screendigest)

