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发布时间:2011-09-17 10:02:33 Tags:,,


1. 娱乐性——若其毫无趣味,何必进行体验?

2. 题材/背景/主题在某些方面吸引我。作品也许缺乏幻想、道德模糊不清,但其探究这样的问题:你将如何改变世界?

3. 简单规则。我讨厌每隔10分钟停下游戏查阅信息,尤其是当游戏缺乏索引(游戏邦注:或索引非常糟糕)的时候。

4. 有望变成持续游戏/故事。我已一次性攻克多款独立游戏,我非常享受其中内容,但我希望游戏持续更久,能够让角色逐步发展,融入漫长故事。

5. 有趣或短暂角色创建。我讨厌花1小时创建角色,这感觉像份工作。简单来说:角色创建须有趣或简短。

6. 无需借助补辅助书籍进行体验。我不排斥辅助书籍,而且通常很欣赏它们。但我无法忍受携带大批书籍,除非有令人信服的理由。

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dice from

7. 冲突解决方案或充满戏剧色彩,或简单明了,或二者皆有。若我需要陈述某些有趣内容,我不介意1回合旋转4次骰子,但我更希望1次确定,然后开始陈述内容。

8. 游戏需提倡角色扮演。我不关心其他玩家是否使用有趣配音,但若游戏无法促使让他们将角色看作前行的生动人物(游戏邦注:而非一枚棋子),这就是不是款真正的角色扮演游戏。有时这不是玩家的错,不论游戏多么优质。


8 Qualities A Game Should Have

What qualities does a game need to have for you to want to play it or purchase it?

My list:

1. Entertaining – if it’s not fun, why bother?

2. Genre/setting/theme that interests me in some way. This could be something like: low fantasy, morally ambiguous game that asks the question: How far will you go to change the world?

3. Simple rules. I hate stopping game play every ten minutes to look something up. ESPECIALLY when there is no index, or the index is awful.

4. Potential for ongoing games/stories. I’ve played several indie games as one shots, and I enjoy them, but I prefer to have longer games that allow characters to develop over time and the potential for long stories.

5. Fun or short character creation. I hate spending an hour (or longer) on character creation that feels like work. Simply put: character creation needs to be fun or short.

6. Does not require supplement books to play. I don’t mind supplement books, and often enjoy them. However, I can’t stand lugging around a shelf of books unless I have a damn good reason to do so.

7. Conflict resolution that is either cinematic, simple or both. I don’t mind making four dice rolls for a single turn if I get to narrate something cool, but I’d much prefer making a single (easy to figure out) roll and getting to make that same narration.

8. The game should promote roleplay. I don’t care if other players aren’t using funny voices (I do), but if the game doesn’t get them to think about their character as a character and not a pawn to move around, then it’s not really a roleplay game. – I will say sometimes this is the player’s fault, no matter how good the game is. (Source:philosophyofgames

