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发布时间:2011-09-07 16:28:28 Tags:,,,

我最近刚刚在Gamasutra上看到了一篇很棒的博文,探讨为何像《Farmville》和《Mafia Wars》之类的社交游戏并非真正社交化的原因。






这便是所有社交游戏获得商业成功的基本公式。当你意识到为何Facebook上的传播使得这个领域如此受人喜欢,你就会看到其中有趣的一面。首先是用户终生价值(游戏邦注:下文简称“LTV”)。影响这项数据的有两个关键因素。首先是用户的留存率。要想赚到钱,你就必须让用户经常回到游戏中。Facebook上成功的社交游戏能够让15%的月活跃用户每天登录游戏。在特别成功的游戏中,这项数据可能达到30%。Facebook之所以能够如此成功地驱动高留存率,是因为该社交网络本身就能够吸引用户。Facebook在2010年2月已有将近450亿的月页面访问量,用户每月耗费的总时间达到270亿分钟,它已经成为多数网民的“网络之家”。作为社交游戏应用开发者,如果你能够将自己的游戏整合到Facebook的核心UI中,再加上诸如News Feeds和通知之类的交流方式,你就很有可能成倍地增加游戏的留存率,这比独立站点游戏的效果要好得多。当然,你需要的是能够吸引玩家的游戏。但是,和优秀的游戏可玩性同等重要的是,你的社交游戏需要良好地整合到Facebook的交流系统中。



















LTV 0.4美元大于CPA 0.1美元,这简直是社交游戏的淘金时代。




Social Games are Not Social. They should be called Viral Games.

I recently read a great blog post at Gamasutra that examined how social games like Farmville and Mafia Wars are not really social at all:

“It’s also important to understand something about ‘social games’: Most of them are not social. They tend to be single or multi-player games that use social networks (mostly Facebook) as an easy way to drive player adoption. What the industry is calling ‘social games’ are more accurately described as ‘viral games’.”

When you dig into the success of these games, you realize why Facebook has been such an incredible opportunity. Facebook offers incredible distribution for these games, making the formula for success much more viable. Let’s take a closer look:

If Life Time Value of a User > Cost per Acquisition then the game will be financially successful.

This is the basic formula for the financial success of any social game. The interesting part about it is when you realize why distribution on Facebook has made the economics so much more favorable. Let’s break down the components. The first is Life Time Value of a User (LTV). This is driven by 2 key factors. The first is retention of the users. In order to make money, you need to get that user coming back and coming back often. A successful social game on Facebook is able to get over 15% of their Monthly Active Users coming back each day. An extremely successful game gets that stat above 30%. Facebook is so successful at driving high retention because it already gets their users coming back. With over 27 billion minutes spent and nearly 45 billion page views per month, Facebook has quickly become for most people, their home on the Web. You add the fact that as a social game application developer you can integrate your game into the Facebook core UI with communication points such as News Feeds, notifications and wall posts, you have this incredible opportunity to increase your retention rates by folds versus what they would be as a standalone web site. Of course, you need a game that is also compelling to play. However as important as good game play, your social game needs to be well integrated into Facebook’s communication system.

Lifetime value of a user also depends on your ability to monetize game players. A good social game will convert about 1 to 2% of its Monthly Active Users to paid users who spend on average about $20 per month. It doesn’t sounds like a high conversion rate and it isn’t. However with such large scale from the massive distribution on Facebook, it can add up pretty quickly. I think one way that this may improve is when Facebook rolls out its own payment platform to streamline purchases as how Apple has done with apps on the Iphone.

I have estimated that the LTV of a fairly successful social game is somewhere around $.40 to $.50. That type of LTV is actually pretty hard to make work if you were a standalone web site because of the Cost per Acquisition of that user is usually significantly higher than the LTV. However in the case of Facebook distribution, the LTV is actually much higher than the incredibly low CPAs that can be found on Facebook. To be discussed in the next post.

So, in my previous post I went over Life Time Value (LTV) of a user of a social game and how the Facebook ecosystem dramatically improves it. However, this LTV is not exceptionally high given that only 1 to 2% of Monthly Active Users actually pay each month. LTV of a user for these games is only about $.40 which is actually low but the great thing about Facebook is that the marketing costs are so low and you can a ton of volume therefore you are able to scale. There are two factors that makes marketing so efficient on Facebook:

1. Paid Marketing is really Cheap!

So there are 3 paid marketing channels if you want to advertise your social game on Facebook. The first is on other social games that have a virtual currency system. These social games allows you to buy virtual goods either through actual payment (credit card, paypal, etc.) or through offers. Offers consists of getting virtual currency for actions such as signing up for Netflix or a credit card. It also consists of installing another Facebook application. You can advertise with companies that power these “offer walls” on a cost per acquisition basis. A social game without any targeting with a basic sign up would pay about $.25 to $.40 per install. Warning, these are incentivized offers and the quality of the users may not be that good given that they are not doing it primarily for the interest of your game. However, if they are already thinking about paying for virtual goods on a social game one could argue that this would actually be a very attractive customer.

Another paid marketing channel are Facebook application ad networks. These ad networks represent the ad inventory of many app publishers that serve up advertising within their app. Given the explosive growth in Facebook and app traffic, the supply of inventory is greatly larger than demand so this inventory is very cheap. This inventory is not incentivized and is served up as standard display ads. You can also cut CPA deals with these ad networks mitigating your risk. You should expect to pay about $.70 per install.

The third paid marketing channel is buying Facebook ads themselves. These are the ones that you see on the right hand column while you are on Facebook. If you haven’t seen the power of the Facebook ad platform, you are missing out. You can buy on a CPC basis and the level of targeting is amazing. Not only can you target by incredibly detailed demos but you can also base your targeting on specific psychographics whether it be interests and even more interesting if that person uses specific apps. This type of marketing may be the most costly but you can still achieve $1 CPA or less with good execution.

So if the LTV of a user of a social game is only $.40, how do you make the economics work since your CPA costs from paid marketing is between $.25 to $1? Well, this is when the Facebook Viral Loop kicks in.

2. Facebook Viral Loop Makes the CPA much better!

Successful social games know how to leverage all the viral marketing channels on Facebook by building incentives in the game. Let’s take a look at how Farmville uses the Facebook viral loops.

- If you add more “neighbors” which consists of inviting your friends, you get to expand your farm.

- As you “level up” in the game they prompt you to post to your Newsfeed for all your friends to see.

- They constantly offer virtual gifts that you can give to your friends in order for them to join.

These are just a few of the game mechanics to get users to share the game with their friends. The main benefit here is that this is free marketing that really makes your marketing efforts much more efficient. How well a game is at this viral marketing is measured and represented as a Viral Coefficient. By effectively using the Facebook viral loop, an effective social game can reduce their effective CPA cost down to $.10 or less.

So let’s recap on what the economics looks like:

If Life Time Value of a User > Cost per Acquisition then the game will be financially successful.

So based on my estimates:

$.40 LTV of a user > $.10 CPA of a user = SOCIAL GAME GOLD RUSH!

As you can see the Social Game Gold Rush has less to do with any real paradigm shifts in game play or design. Where the paradigm shift has happened is in Facebook being this incredible distribution system that allows the games to be viral.

What does the future entail? Well, the economics of this distribution will change. Cost per Acquisition will increase as it gets more competitive. However, the quality of social games and apps will improve and monetization will become more effective. This industry will be experience some serious growth over the next few years. (Source: Launchtime)

