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游戏邦注:本文作者是Mike Turner,他是Bitfold Online Games的任事股东,Bitfold是致力Facebook原生社交游戏IP、国际社交网络和移动设备的独立开发商。

社交游戏无疑是游戏领域的新事物。顶级社交游戏开发商的作品覆盖数百万用户,每月创收数百万美元。但多数社交领域成功者都是Zynga之类的新兴公司,或Popcap games和King.com之类的休闲游戏公司。瞄准其他游戏平台的开发商和发行商只有少数有所成就。为何如此?


farmville from

farmville from





1. 社交游戏市场的定义

2. 成功社交游戏开发商的表现以及新兴开发商的市场定位

3. 社交游戏开发商的普遍发展趋势和成功要诀

4. 进军社交领域的成本

5. 品牌社交游戏的运作情况







1. 本土热门网络:如Orkut (巴西)、StudiVZ(德国)和Vkontakte(俄国)。


3. 瞄准特定主题的专业网络:如游戏(IMVU)和日志(Livejournal)。



如今越来越多手机游戏开始引入社交功能。目前这些社交功能纷繁复杂,从简单的排行榜,到同其他陌生玩家互动,再到同Facebook好友互动。最后这项(同Facebook好友互动)需要应用植入Facebook Connect。这促使玩家能够通过移动设备体验所有Facebook游戏。一个典型的例子是Capcom的《Smurf’s Village》。手机社交游戏在西方国家还属于新兴领域,目前尚无充足数据衡量其潜力。但随着连网智能手机的增加,这个市场有望获得大幅发展。

mobile social game from

mobile social game from




我们之前曾谈到基于日活跃用户数量估算营收。这个方法来自RockYou首席执行官Lisa Marino的“Monetization of Social Games”演讲。在Lisa的营收估算模式中,多数游戏的1000 DAU收益在10-30美元之间,而运作杰出的游戏则达100美元/1000 DAU。



Figure 1 from

Figure 1 from

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table 1 from

80家顶级应用开发商的DAU范围介于4900万(Zynga)-15万之间。除去Zynga,按照此近似估算法得出的结果是:若创收基准是30美元/1000 DAU,日收入就在0.4-15.4万美元之间;若创收基准是60美元/1000 DAU,日收入就介于0.8-30.9万美元。



* Zynga无疑是其中的佼佼者,其DAU数量超过紧随其后9家开发公司的DAU总和。

* 只有16家开发公司的DAU突破100万。当然这1年内还出现波动,但这些数据说明只有少数开发商能够在社交领域获得高收益。但提供优质作品的开发商总是能够获得可观收益。

* 有63家开发商的DAU超过10万,根据近似估算法,这些开发商的年收益大概在100万左右。因此即便你1年只有1款DAU为10万的作品,你也能够创收数十万。

* 通过分析30美元/1000 DAU和60美元/1000 DAU之间的差异,我们可以发现若游戏运作杰出,营收将非常高。







1. DAU数量介于10万-4900万。

2. 很多成功开发商都有1款以上作品。

3. 很多开发商的活跃用户量都是所发行游戏的总和,但其中多数用户都来自少数几款非常杰出的作品。

4. 在多数开发商的作品中,都存在几款表现平平或糟糕至极的作品。

Figure 2 from

Figure 2 from

5. 具有多款作品的开发商能够交叉推广其他作品。这促使开发商能够把已放弃某游戏的用户转移至其他游戏,从而留住这些用户。

6. 杰出作品持续添加新功能和内容(游戏邦注:通常每日或每周)。

7. 众多顶级开发商都有雄厚投资资本或预存运营资本支撑项目开发和营销。



1. 制作用户希望的高质量社交游戏。

2. 具备雄厚资金,通过广告获取大量用户。

3. 开发众多作品。

4. 积极试验不同游戏构思和玩法。

5. 持续完善游戏内容,促使用户持续参与和体验。






* 开发:据Zynga表示,每款游戏的制作和发行成本在10-30万美元之间。

* 营销:有关Facebook平台的营销费用,社交游戏广告公司Adparlor表示,游戏刚问世的广告成本是0.5美元/安装,后期成本则变成3美元/安装。根据广告购买量的不同,发行成本也各不相同,从几万到几十万不等。

* 运营:持续维护和更新内容需要活跃团队。作品会产生资金消耗率,这取决于团队规模和工资水平。假设是个小规模团队:1个开发人员、2个美工、1个兼职测试员,还有1个营销和虚拟交易专业人员,运营团队需支付4.5人工月。根据运营团队的驻扎地不同,成本在1.25万/月-2万/月不等(假设前者的每人工月成本是2500美元,后者的每人工月成本是5000美元)。

* 总成本:

Table 2 from

Table 2 from




* 假设游戏数量:4款

* 每款游戏的年平均DAU:10-80万

* 成功游戏的数量:1-2款

* 每款游戏的平均开发成本:18万美元

* 每款游戏6个月内的平均营销成本:13万美元

* 每款游戏6个月内的运营成本:12万美元

* 假设创收率:30美元/1000 DAU-60美元/1000 DAU

* Facebook的分成比例:30%

table 3 from

table 3 from







* 休闲技能类型(如《宝石迷阵》和《泡泡戳戳戳》)

* 体育游戏(如《Soccer》、《American Football》和《Baseball》)

* 众所周知的棋盘和纸牌游戏(如《优诺牌》、《梭哈》、《大富翁》和《Farkle》)

* 电视节目游戏(如《家庭问答》和《叫对价》)

* 源自其他平台的游戏(游戏邦注:如掌机游戏、硬核游戏和基于电视节目/书籍的游戏)

* 休闲可下载游戏(如隐藏物品游戏和管理游戏)

* MMO游戏


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table 4 from



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figure 3 from


1. 社交玩家不是重口味玩家。其实社交网络用户就是普通网民。他们是你的父母、配偶,或者育有2子女的忙碌好友,而不是沉迷游戏的玩家。他们大多是游戏新手,或者是曾偶尔玩过游戏,所以他们也许从未听过你的品牌,因此不会产生体验欲望。


2. 令IP系列风靡的机制并不一定适合Facebook:令众多IP系列在其他平台大受欢迎的机制在Facebook的表现并不突出。

3. 品牌有时会限制作品在众多高质量游戏中脱颖而出:社交领域的成功表现在促使玩家产生体验欲望。制作品牌社交游戏时存在玩法和主题限制。品牌限制条件会束缚你进行创新设计(游戏邦注:而这可以让游戏在同类游戏中脱颖而出)。




* 若你的IP知名度很高/融入具有高重玩价值的休闲机制。

* 若你的IP比同类Facebook游戏更适合平台某些群体。


Breaking Into Social Gaming — A Must-Read Guide To Entering the Facebook Game Space

By Mike Turner

Mike Turner is a managing partner for Bitfold Online Games, an independent social game developer that focuses on original social game IP for Facebook, international social networks, and mobile devices. Read more about Bitfold after the article.

The social gaming market is without doubt the new buzz in the world of gaming. The top companies in the social market have launched games which have millions of users and million in monthly revenue. However, most of the successful companies in the space are either totally new companies like Zynga or casual gaming companies like Popcap games or Only a small handful of developers & publishers established on other gaming platforms (consoles, MMO, etc.) have had any success in the social market.
Why is this?

In our opinion it’s because these casual gaming companies & new upstarts have gone into the space with the exclusive intention to take risks & experiment within the space. Through extensive experimentation, these companies have learned how to make good games that social networking users want to play. Developers established in other platforms such as consoles or MMOs do not possess similar experience. They therefore have had a much harder figuring out how to make games users want to play their games and have experienced many failures in the space.

In our view however, this doesn’t have to be the case. We believe that if any new entrant is able to create games that social networking users love to play and learn how to incentivize these users to keep playing & spend money, they can be successful.

This article attempts to explain the keys to creating a successful long-term presence in the social gaming market. It is targeted at any developer or publisher who has had success in other markets and wants to get into social gaming.

Part 1 – The social gaming market for large game companies

Before entering a new space, it’s first important to determine what return is likely in the market and decide whether this return is enough to justify the risk and cost of entering it. This section tries to provide the information required to make that decision by providing the following information:

1. Definition of the social gaming market

2. Performance of successful social game developers and where new entrants can realistically hope to place among them

3. The key trends among successful social game developers that make them successful

4. The cost of entering the social market

5. The performance of brands in social games

How do you define the social gaming market?

Social games sometimes mean different things to different people. Most often though, it is used to describe games that are played primarily on social networking sites or games that can be played with a person’s real world social graph. The primary platforms on which these games are played are described below.


With nearly 700 million registrations and 350-400 million active users monthly, it is undoubtedly the most popular social networking platform in the world. According to, 53% of these users play Facebook games. Because of this highly active userbase and a high percentage of users in “rich” countries, it presents a great platform for gaining lots of high-monetizing users. However, in the last year, the cost of acquiring users on Facebook has risen sharply. Adparlor estimates that purchasing installs can cost anywhere from $.50 – $3 per install. Thus launching a game on Facebook often requires heavy marketing investment to gain a large number of users.

Other Social Networks

There are many other social networks outside of Facebook. These networks fall into several categories.

1. Regionally popular general social networks such as Orkut (Brazil), StudiVZ (Germany), Vkontakte (Russia), and more.

2. Secondary English speaking networks (Bebo, Blackplanet, Tagged, etc.)

3. Specialty networks focused around specialized themes such as gaming (IMVU) or Journaling (Livejournal).

Individually, each network only has around 2 million (IMVU) to 50+ million (Orkut) monthly active users a piece. Added together however, the combined active userbases add up to hundreds of millions of active users. Therefore, games that target a large number of social networks at once have the possibility to gain several tens of thousands or millions of extra active users. Among those who have ported their games to outside social networks are leading Facebook developers LOLapps, Wooga, OMGPOP, and Kixeye.

Mobile Social Games

A growing number of mobile games are including social functionality. This social functionality varies wildly at the moment, ranging from simple leaderboards, to interaction with strangers who also have the game installed, to interaction your Facebook friends. The latter option (playing with your Facebook friends) is enabled by integrating Facebook Connect into the app. This option enables full social games of the type that would be seen on Facebook to be played on mobile. A great example of this is Smurf’s Village by Capcom. Mobile social games are still a very young market in Western countries, and at the moment there are not huge volumes of data to gauge its potential. However, as adoption of internet capable smartphone devices is currently increasing, it is a market with potential for high growth.

Market Performance of the Top 80 Developers (and where you might place)

Let’s imagine that you have several hundred thousand to a few million dollars to invest in entering the social gaming market. What can you realistically expect out of your investment? To answer this, it’s helpful to know how much money other developers are making so that you have a reference for what your earning potential is. To establish this reference, we provide an estimate of gross revenue of the top 80 developers below.

Methodology for Revenue Estimation

In our last article published in Socialtimes, we quoted a very basic method for calculating revenue based upon the amount of daily active users (or DAU for short) that a developer has. This method is borrowed from Lisa Marino, CEO of RockYou in her presentation titled “Monetization of Social Games”. Her method of revenue approximation states that most games monetize between $10 and $30 for every 1000 DAU, and that well monetized games can earn upwards of $100 per 1000 DAU.

To use this method, we first take the total DAU count of each of the top 80 game developers from From this we establish 5 ranges of DAU counts, pictured in Figure 1. Next, we apply Lisa’s approximation and provide revenue estimates for two developers within each range (shown in Table 1). This provides us with a general range of what social game developers are earning.

Please note that this revenue estimation method is very basic and only intended to provide a basic idea of social game revenues. Estimating social game revenues rigorously would require more sophisticated statistical methods and a more complete dataset than is used in our estimation.

Looking at the top 80 app developers, we see DAU ranging from over 49 million at the top (Zynga) to under 150k at the bottom. Excluding Zynga, this rough approximation predicts daily earnings of $4k to $154k assuming $30/1000 DAU and daily earnings of $8k to $309k assuming $60/1000 DAU.

Analysis & Interpretation of the Numbers

Looking at these numbers we can identify the following trends

* Zynga is the undisputed leader, they have more DAU than their 9 top competitors combined

* Only 16 developers had DAU above 1 million. This will of course fluctuate throughout a year, but the data indicates that only a handful of developers have managed to achieve top earnings in the social market. Those that do make enough good games to place into this bracket however will earn handsomely.

* 63 developers have achieved DAU counts over 100,000, which our approximation predicted would earn 1 million a year or more in revenue. Thus even if you only end up with 1 game that averages 100k DAU in a year, you’ll at least have several hundreds of thousands of dollars in return.

* By looking at the differences between $30/1000 DAU and $60/1000 DAU, we see that if games are well monetized, game revenues can be very high.

Overall, we see that a lot of developers are achieving moderate success, and the few that have immensely popular games are achieving earnings in the tens of millions.

Where can you Expect to Place?

It depends on your will to enter the space with a smart strategy. If you take time to really understand what makes successful developers successful, try to create excellent games, create proper live operation & marketing strategies, experiment rigorously, and commit to a long-term stay in the social market, you could find yourself on the top earners. If you do anything else, you’ll likely find yourself in the lower end of the success scale or in the social deadpool entirely.

What are the key market players doing to be successful?

Key Trends Among the Top 80 Successful Facebook Developers

To understand what top companies are doing to be successful, it is helpful to look at their performance in the market and see if there are any common trends these companies follow. By looking at the MAU, DAU of the top companies, playing their games, and examining their financial history, we notice the following trends.

1. DAU counts range from 100k DAU to 49 million DAU

2. Many successful developers have more than one game.

3. The total active userbase of most developers is gained from the combined userbases of the games they operate, but a majority of their active users come from only a few highly successful games.

4. In most developer’s portfolios, there are several games which have mediocre performance or are complete failures.

5. Developers with multiple games cross-promote their other games. This allows these developers to pass users which have stopped playing one game to another, allowing them to retain that user.

6. New features & content are added to the successful games constantly (usually daily or weekly)

7. A large percentage of the top developers have had either heavy capital investment or pre-existing operating capital with which to develop & market with.

Keys to Success

From these above trends, we can draw a few general conclusions about what core steps these developers are taking to create their success.

1. Creation of high quality social games that users want to play

2. The financial resources to acquire millions of users with advertising

3. Development of multiple game products.

4. Heavy experimentation with different game concepts & gameplay mechanics that has led to both failures & successes.

5. Consistent ongoing improvements to games to keep users engaged & playing

In short, it’s no big secret. They create good games tailored to what social networking users want to play, market them properly, and constantly improve them.

It’s these measures that new entrants should try to emulate. New entrants should be prepared to focus on making fun & appealing games, to support their games long-term, to experiment constantly with different game concepts and gameplay mechanics, and to create a smart strategy for user acquisition.


So, let’s assume you are ready to take on the challenge of entering the social gaming market. What kind of costs will you incur in doing so? This section provides an answer to that question.

In social game development cost boils down to three main areas: development, marketing, and live operation. The magnitude of these costs is explained below:

* Development: According to Zynga, each game costs $100k to $300k to make & launch.

* Marketing: To market on Facebook, Adparlor (a leading social game advertising company) states that ads cost anywhere from $.50 per install when a game is first launched and up to $3 per install at the later stages of a game’s lifecycle. Depending on how many ads are purchased, the cost for a launch could range from several tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

* Live Operation: Ongoing maintenance & content updates will require a live team. Your game will thus have a burn rate that varies depending on the size of your live team and their salary. Assuming a minimal team of 1 developer, 2 artists, 1 half time tester, and 1 marketing & monetization specialist, your live operation team would require a payment of 4.5 man months each month. Depending on where your live team is, this could cost anywhere from $12.5k (assuming $2500 average man-month cost) monthly to over $20k (assuming a $5000 average man-month cost) monthly.

* Totals:

The Cost of a Product Line

As illustrated above, many companies launch multiple games within short time periods. This is generally done both to experiment with different designs and to establish a network of related games that users can migrate between. For first time entrants, launching multiple games in the first year can be a good strategy as it will let you test the waters with different gameplay mechanics and themes. An estimation of what such a strategy would cost is done below.

To do the estimation, we need to make some assumptions. In this example, we will make assumptions about how many games are developed, what each game costs, how many games are successful, what DAU count constitutes a “successful game”, and what rates the successful games monetize at. These assumptions are provided below:

* Assumed number of games: 4

* Average daily DAU for each successful game in a year: 100k – 800k/li>

* Number of successful games: 1-2

* Average development cost of each game: $180k

* Average marketing costs of each game over 6 months: $130k

* Live operation costs for each game over 6 months: $120k

* Assumed monetization rates: $30/1000 DAU – $60/1000 DAU

* Assumed revenue cut to Facebook: 30%

From these rough estimates, we see that if games are only mediocre successes, losses will likely be incurred. However, if a few games become very popular, it can be an outstanding new revenue source for a new entrant that will allow them to establish themselves even further into the social game market. Therefore naturally, a company will want to do everything in its power to make games that can be popular.

How do brands & existing IPs perform in the social space?

Developers successful in other gaming markets have several successful IP lines that are tried and true. Therefore, these IPs are their best bet for a success in the social space right?

Well, according to the numbers, maybe not.

Before launching brands into the social space, it’s good to look at how brands perform in this space. To answer this question, we performed an analysis of the performance of branded games in the top 500 apps on Facebook in March 2011. The results of this analysis are explained below.

We broke brands down into the following categories.

* Casual skill game IP (Bejeweled, Bubble Pop, etc.)

* Sports games (Soccer, American Football, Baseball, etc.)

* Well known board or card games (Uno, Poker, Monopoly, Farkle, etc.)

* Gameshows (Family Feud, The Price is Right, etc.)

* Game IP ported from other platforms (console game IPs, hardcore games, TV shows/books, etc.)

* Casual downloadable game IP (Hidden Object, Management, etc.)

* MMO Games

The following table shows the performance of each of these genres

Doing the math on the number in this table, we see that out of all of the brands listed above, existing IPs ported from other gaming platforms such as PC downloadable, console, and MMO account for only 12% of the DAU in the top branded games.

Looking further outside the top 500 apps, we find several more Facebook versions of existing IPs created by large name publishers. Listed in the image below, we find 17 existing game IPs ported from other platforms to Facebook by several famous game publishers. Out of these 17 IPs has, only one has managed to get over 100k DAU. That’s a bad indication for the performance of brands & existing IPs in the social space.

Why are the numbers like this? Why do gameshow, card/table, sports, and skill games do well in the social space, but IPs popular on other platforms fail? There are 3 reasons for this in our opinion.

1. Social Gamers are not heavy gamers.The fact is that social network users are the general internet using population of the world. They’re your parents, your spouse, your busy friends who just had two kids, not avid gamers. A lot of them are either entirely new to gaming or have been only occasional gamers in the past so they probably haven’t heard of your brands before the thus majority of users have no incentive to play them.

What they do have incentive to play are brands that everyone has played and knows is fun. Bejeweled, Uno, Monopoly, Family Fued, and soccer are brands that everyone knows which are fun & have lots of replay value. However, if it’s not something everyone knows and likes, your brand’s name is not too likely to bring you any great benefit.

2. Mechanics that make the IP line popular don’t usually fit well into Facebook:The mechanics that make many IP lines so popular on other platforms don’t work well on Facebook.

3. Brands sometimes limit the ability for a game to be unique among other high quality games:Success in the social space is about making games users want to play. When making a branded game, its gameplay mechanics & theme are restricted to what the brand permits. These brand restrictions may limit the ability for you to make innovative design decisions that will make the games more appealing to users than competing games.

Should you make your Existing IPs into Social Games?

According to the numbers, existing IPs have historically performed terribly. Therefore, our professional recommendation would be not to unless they have immense worldwide name recognition and game mechanics that will very clearly be fun on a social network. If you have to struggle to think about how your IP will be fun for users and compete against other games of its type on Facebook, then it’s likely it won’t do either.

The exceptions are:

* If your IP is extremely well known and/or has casual mechanics that have high replay value.

* Your IP can fill some a niche on Facebook better than its competitors.

If you are intent on bringing a brand to the space, you must make the gameplay more unique and fun than other games competing for the demographics you’re targeting! IP recognition alone won’t cut it.(Source:socialtimes

