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发布时间:2010-08-06 15:06:15 Tags:,,,




Com2uS总经理Don Kim 和 Joony Koo表示,Nexus One手机推出之前,Google请Com2uS开发热门游戏《Home Run Battle》的Android应用。该应用进入Android应用商店Android Marketplace,售价4.99美元。发布后的几个月内每天下载量为400-500次,但随后下载速度放缓到每天200-300次。


因此Kim和 Koo表示,在从这个角度看,相对于iPhone,Android应用的销售规模还很小。“iTunes上应用的下载量通常是Android的两倍,如果比照iPhone第一名应用和Android第一名应用的下载量,iPhone上的要高非常多”。

Kim认为,iPhone的应用市场要大得多,但真正的区别是iPhone的硬件往往要好很多。游戏在iPhone上运行的更好更流行。现在 Android的硬件也在提升,应该会开始平衡市场了。Incredible、Droid、Droid X等新款手机推动了Android游戏应用销售的上涨。

Com2Us主要针对苹果和Android平台,但Kim 和Koo称,当Windows Phone 7平台推出后,他们计划开发基于该平台的应用。微软会支付他们开发Windows Phone 7应用的费用。但这笔钱多为名义上的,主要用于将Android/iOS平台的代码转换为Windows平台的成本。




New Android devices, like the Incredible, Droid, and Droid X, to name a few, are driving an uptick in Android gaming app sales, says Korean mobile gaming company Com2uS.

We spoke with Com2uS General Manager Don Lim and Joony Koo, Senior Manager for Marketing and Strategy last week about sales of their app Home Run Battle 3D for Android devices. We picked that app because Google features it as a top paid app on its Android Market site.

Before it launched the Nexus One, Google asked Com2uS to build Home Run Battle for Android. Com2uS built the app which was then featured in the Android Marketplace. In the first few months when it was featured, the $4.99 app saw 400-500 downloads daily. The downloads have slowed, and overall the company is getting 200-300 downloads on a daily basis, say Koo and Lim.

In terms of revenue, these numbers suggest Com2uS generated $200,000-$250,000 in sales from the game for Android, after factoring out Google’s cut. That’s a decent amount of money for an independent developer, but Com2uS calls itself the number one developer in South Korea. It’s a publicly traded company with a $150 million market cap and annual revenue of $40 million, according to Koo.

So, the Android sales are pretty small in that light. Compared to the iPhone, they’re also small say Lim and Koo. Lim tells us, “Downloads from iTunes are usually twice as large as downloads from Android. If you look at the number one on iPhone and the number one on Android, it’s a lot bigger on the iPhone.”

The app market for the iPhone is much larger says Lim, but the real difference was iPhone hardware used to be much better. That made games on the iPhone better and more popular. Now the hardware on Android is much better, and that should start to balance the markets, he thinks.

Of course, with a slew of new Android devices comes the headache of fragmentation.While it’s a pain in the butt, the new hardware could help says Lim. As long as the hardware is all above a certain threshold for power, fragmentation might not be too bad.

Com2Us is primarily focused on Apple and Android, but Lim and Koo say they plan to develop for Windows Phone 7 we it comes out. They confirmed to us that Microsoft is offering to pay them to develop for Windows Phone 7, but they made the payment sound pretty nominal. The money is mostly for covering the costs of converting the code of an app from Android/iOS to Windows.

“We went to Seattle and got to touch the prototype of a Samsung [Windows Phone], and it looked great in terms of UI, I believe it’s going to be a big hit,” says Lim.

That’s good for him and for other developers. Apple is already a big market for gaming apps. Android is turning into a big market. If Microsoft can do the same, developers will have three good markets to sell apps in.


