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发布时间:2011-07-02 10:05:35 Tags:,

作者:Gabriel Lievano


stress from

stress from


social games from

social games from

1. 理解忧虑本质

Menkes(游戏邦注:《Better Under Pressure: How Great Leaders Bring Out the Best in Themselves and Others》作者)表示,“人们之所以认为压力不健康通常是因为他们未理解忧虑本质,即感觉。”

意思是说压力是自发情感,因情境而生。压力是人类对逆境的自然反应,它促使个人更加警惕和留心自身行为,赋予整体体验更多重要性。这个原则其实适用所有游戏类型,但社交游戏尤其突出,其赋予体验过程更多重要性。它们告诉玩家 如何变得更好,如何通过完成简单任务取得更大成就,这些任务通常只需耗费少量时间和资源。玩家对这些内容了然于心,虽然他们或许没有意识到。玩家需持续面对些小压力,这些压力源自他们每天需及时完成和执行的游戏活动。虽然他们并不清楚压力只是种感觉,但他们知道压力只在体验游戏过程中产生。他们能够控制这些压力,对其心中有数,并且深信自己能够应对。


2. 压力调整

他表示,“Achor的研究表明你对待压力的态度将决定其产生的影响。我们的大脑在消极状态的运作效果比消极、中间或紧张状态好(游戏邦注:Achor是积极心理学专家,同时是Good Think, Inc.的创始人)。



3. 瞄准控制范围

Achor在其书《The Happiness Advantage》中谈到一个处理问题或特殊情况的方式。罗列能够控制的元素,将它们放置至某个圆圈当中,然后将你不能控制的写入另一个圆圈。


4. 创建网络支持


这对社交游戏而言尤其如此。其实社交游戏在设计时应当遵守该原则。玩家不断承受压力,然后通过伙伴玩家的协助支持解决,这是很好的游戏设计。压力随后分化成两大方向:1)在自身虚拟世界中发展 2)寻求友好支持。第二个方向的优点是其非强制性,玩家可以在危难时刻选择此帮助。

5. 提供压力应对经验



Stress as a feature in Social Gaming

by Gabriel Lievano

I recently read an article in the Harvard Business Review Blog Network about Turning Stress into an Asset by Amy Gallo.  This article claims that stress can be a good or bad thing depending on how the stressed individual takes it.  Stress can be taken differently depending on how the individual interacts with the stressing situation.

The article states some principles that should be followed in order to turn stress into an asset instead of letting it become an obstacle in the way.  The thing about this article and social games is that the principles described in the article are compatible with design principles that should be taken into account when creating a social game.  I’ll mention the principles described in the article and explain how they relate to social gaming:

1.  Recognize worry for what it is

“When you hear about stress being unhealthy it is so often because people aren’t getting to a place where they are seeing worry for what it is: a feeling,” says Menkes (author of Better Under Pressure: How Great Leaders Bring Out the Best in Themselves and Others).

What this means is that stress is something that is spontaneous and comes when the situation calls for it. Stress is actually a natural response to adversities and it helps individuals be more alert and carefull about their actions, giving more importance to the whole experience.  This principle actually applies to most of the game genres, however social gaming is crucial about stress and giving importance to moments. They suggest users ways to become better, grow and achieve greater things by doing simple stuff, hopefully stuff that requires a small amount of time and resources.  This is something that is clear to players even if they are not conscious about it.  Users are thrown with small stress permanently, a stress that is caused due to their responsibility of having to get in the game and perform some actions on time every day.  Even though they aren’t clear about how stress is something that is just a feeling, they know that it lasts only while they play the game.  They have control of it, they know it and are sure about it.

However, this is not enough for Social Gaming.  It is precise that social games do not use this kind of stress permanently.  I have experienced playing differente social games, and the best are those which require the least amount of attention from the user.  Attention is a must requirement, but the most intense it is the most tiring it gets.

2.  Then, reframe the stress

“Achor’s research shows that how you view stress determines its effect on you. “Our brains work much better at positive than at negative, neutral, or stressed,” he says.” (Achor is an expert in positive psychology and founder of Good Think, Inc.).

Translating into gaming, this means stress shouldn’t be a vicious thing.  Most game genres are perfect about exploiting this principle since they teach players how to handle great amounts of stress most of the time.  Games are perfect because users not only learn to handle stress but they can also control the amount taken according to their desires and tolerance. However Social Gaming has a small disadvantage and it is that once the timer starts, there’s (in most of the cases) no turning back.  Users start playing a social game and they just have to go on with the game’s schedule.  The only control they have is to keep playing or stop (and lose their progress).

This stress reframing is actually very rare in social games.  Most social games are designed to put the user in a game cycle that repeats itself infinitely.  Wouldn’t it be great if instead of making it a cycle creating some kind of progressive ladder where once the player finishes a “cycle” he is given with a rest and maybe some changes in the game mechanics?

3.  Focus on what you control

In Achor’s book, The Happiness Advantage, he describes a way to handling problems or situtations.  Put the things that can be controlled and write them down in a circle and those that you can’t control and write them down in another.

This is specially a good exercise for social game designers, and to any game designer of any genre.  It is crucial to think about those things that the player will be able to control and those which he won’t.  The main idea when doing this is to create a perfect balance in the amount of stress that the player will handle and how he will be able to approach it.  If things become very controllable there wouldn’t be much of a challenge and the game would become rather boring.

4.  Create a network support

“Knowing that you have somebody to turn to can help a lot.”

This is specially true for social games.  In fact social gaming should turn to this principle in most of the design decisions taken.  It is great if you have a constant input of stress and rely on collaborative support with fellow gamers to help you deal with it.  The stress would then split on two objectives, 1) evolving in your own virtual world and 2) finding friendly support.  The good thing about the second objective is that it wouldn’t be mandatory, is something you can turn to when in need.

5.  Get some stress-handling experience

There is something I saw from an article about one-live videogames.  What they do is that they let you practice a lot before attending the “real” game.  That way you don’t go into the real game until you practice enough to let you be sure you will succeed in the the real game… and then if you lose in the real game you lose forever.

Is good to have an experience where losing is posible. Most social games won’t let you lose, they just make you know you wasted some time if you don’t pay enough attention to the game.  I believe losing is posible in social gaming and it should also be encouraged.  It should be encouraged in the same measure that practice should be encouraged.  After all social games are long experiences, they last several days and it could be really frustrating to just lose all the progress.  However, if there is enough practice and the player knows for sure that his decisions are correct, it will give the player healthy confidence and security.(Source:gamasutra

