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发布时间:2011-06-24 14:23:01 Tags:,,

作者:Dan Frommer






这一点正是交互式移动广告立足的根本,或者说是制作迷你应用这种广告形式需借鉴的理念。苹果iAd可能是最著名的交互式广告服务,它支持用户在广告中探索一个微型世界,观看视频,参加竞争,体验游戏等。但iAd并非个例,Medialets和Crisp Media等公司也在为应用开发者和广告公司提供类似的工具。




Apple iAds(from businessinsider)

Apple iAds(from businessinsider)



而Groupon新推出的实时促销服务Groupon New也同样表现不俗,其广告理念在于让用户立即兑现一种短期的优惠服务(游戏邦注:例如获得一个三明治或理发服务),鼓励用户马上采取消费行动。如果Groupon有意发扬这种做法,应该还可以再针对其他应用衍生出新型广告产品。



iPhone App Store等新型销售工具为企业品牌创造了无需购买广告就能获取用户的捷径。

Nike+ GPS

Nike+ GPS

以耐克为例,该品牌原本也可以向在线和移动广告砸下重金以获取用户关注,但有了苹果iPhone和App Store,他们就可以采用曲线救国的方式,通过开发Nike+GPS这种可追踪用户行程的时尚手机应用来创造品牌曝光率,不但可以让用户对品牌产生好感,而且在刺激用户购买欲这一点上的效能也并不亚于条幅广告。











The Future Of Mobile Advertising: Less Annoying, More Useful

Dan Frommer

Email Dan Frommer is Senior Staff Writer at Business Insider. He writes about Apple and other big players in the technology industry, with a special focus on mobile tech.

As mobile phones evolve, mobile advertising is evolving, too.

Already, we’ve seen a shift from tiny text and banner ads to more sophisticated efforts. Some are trying to captivate you with mini-games, interactive widgets, and contests. Others serve up a specific deal based on your location.

And while today’s mobile ads aren’t doing too poorly — 60% of mobile users click on mobile ads at least one a week, according to a recent report — there’s still a lot of room for advancements as the industry matures. (Especially considering that a lot of those “clicks” are probably by accident.)

These are the trends we expect to see in mobile advertising over the next several years. We hope the result for users will be a less annoying, more useful ad experience.

1) More interactivity and “apps as ads.”

You use your phone for different things than your laptop and your TV. So ads should be different, taking advantage of unique things you can do on your phone — like touching its screen, moving it around, accessing its camera, and using it anywhere.

That’s the basis for interactive mobile ads, or the concept of building ads like mini applications. Apple’s iAds are perhaps the most famous interactive ads — letting you explore a tiny virtual world inside the ad, watch video, enter contests, play games, etc. — but they’re far from the only ones. Other companies like Medialets and Crisp Media offer similar tools to app makers and ad agencies.

We expect to see more of these interactive “apps as ads” as brands and agencies discover all the things they can do with mobile ads. The key is figuring out a way to make these ads useful and engaging, not just annoying pitches.

One big question is whether people will care enough to bother playing with these ads, or if they’ll ignore them. Another is whether they’ll actually buy stuff.

For an example, here’s a screenshot of one of Apple’s early iAds, where you could goof around with the way this kid looks.

2) Deals and rewards, not just empty pitches.

One of the coolest mobile ad models we’ve ever seen is from a new startup called Kiip. Their ads — rewards and coupons — show up in mobile games when people reach certain points in the game. For example, if you beat a level, you might be rewarded with a free cup of coffee or a discount on new shoes.

We’re also intrigued with real-time local offers like the new Groupon Now service from Groupon.

The idea is that you can get a short-term deal on something right now — like a sandwich or a haircut — which encourages you to do something right away. This is the sort of thing that could be expanded into an ad product for other apps over time, if Groupon wants.

The big idea is to give people a reward or save them money for using these ads. That seems more worthwhile than just sticking ads in someone’s face.

Here’s how Kiip works:

3) Companies using cool mobile products to reach consumers directly, instead of ads.

New distribution tools like the iPhone App Store are giving brands unprecedented direct access to consumers, without the need to necessarily buy actual ads to reach people.

Take Nike for example. Sure, it can buy online and mobile ads. But thanks to Apple’s iPhone and the App Store, it can make cool mobile apps — like the Nike+ GPS app for tracking your runs and bike rides — that may generate as much goodwill and purchase intent as a banner ad.

That’s not to say that Nike won’t buy any ads anymore — of course it will — but it’s getting new, direct routes to potential customers via mobile devices, which it didn’t have before.

In some cases, brands may find that it’s more effective to spend money on marketing products instead of just buying mobile ads from media companies and ad networks.

4) Ads helping save you money on mobile gadgets or services themselves.

Wouldn’t it be cool if you can get a discount on mobile service, or even on the price of your gadgets, if you agree to spend some time with ads?

Amazon is leading the way here with its new Kindle with special offers, which is priced $25 cheaper than its ad-free Kindle models, with the requirement that you see some ads instead of its typical screensavers. Since its launch, it has been the best-selling Kindle that Amazon offers.

This may be the future of how gadgets are sold. If companies like Amazon, Google, mobile carriers, and others figure out that they can earn a certain amount of advertising revenue per customer, per year, they may subsidize your device or service.

5) Mobile ads linking up with mobile payments to “close the loop.”

Mobile ads have information about you that other types of ads don’t, including your location and the apps and music on your phone (Apple’s iAds). But in most cases, they still can’t tell the ad buyer that you’ve purchased something after seeing the advertisement.

But now that companies are trying to turn your phone into a mobile wallet, the opportunity to “close the loop” is growing. Companies may be able to know that you’ve made a purchase after seeing an ad, even if you’re buying something in person at a local business — not just an online shop.

Beyond giving everyone a better idea of which ads are working, one useful byproduct might be figuring out how to show you better ads or offers, which actually get you to buy stuff based on seeing them.(source: businessinsider

