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发布时间:2011-06-22 18:45:41 Tags:,,











Why existing social games for boys should fail but dont.


First off let me qualify by what I mean by social games for boys. These are the games like Evoy, Travian, Camelot and their clones. These games are the spiritual successors to the play by mail games of the past as well as the 3X (eXplore, eXpand, eXterminate) single player games. These are games for boys as opposed to games for girls due to the design of their conflict, but more on that later. Another element of these games is the nature of their social interaction, encouraging membership of large cooperative groupings, or alliances.

Why is this a bad design? To answer this, we need to look at what this game trains the players to do. First off the game design generally centers around competing for limited resources. Most 3X games have several distinct phases. There is an initial super expansion phase where grabbing land and resources is the primary concern. Once most space for expansion has been occupied and borders have become clear there follows a phase of military buildup. Soon this spills over into border skirmishes and all out war. The last phase is generally a war of conquest between alliances where smaller regions are absorbed until there is only one true power left. All of this sounds like fun, as long as you are winning. It might even be fun to be on the losing side if you can find yourself a niche as a guerrilla or the schadenfreude of rolling stones into the path of the inevitable conqueror.

Keep in mind that a game sells fun. The game design is generally a zero sum game, meaning that in order to win, I have to make you lose. In addition, in the later phases of the game, other players become resources giving rise to “farming”, the practice of keeping weaker players alive to periodically take their resources. The social element of the game becomes participating in some form of alliance and the internal and external politics involved.

However, all this adds up to a couple of bad behaviors. Firstly it encourages bullying by rewarding the bully with more resources. The “farmer” will generally pick on other players that will give the biggest payoff for the least expense, which usually means new or weak players. The weak players’ only recourse is to try and join a strong alliance and hope this would deter the “farmer” long enough. This is of course a basic protection gang. It also promotes the idea of displaced responsibility where it becomes acceptable to do bad things because you are ordered to do so, or because every one does it.

Why should these behaviors lead to a failed game? Because it’s an environment that is very hostile towards new players. Any online game has a natural churn rate where old players leave and new players join. A game grows when new players outnumber older players. An environment hostile to new players thus prevents new players from sticking around long enough to become old players. Old players are where you make money by the way. Requiring new players as a consumable resource for older players simply increases the competition thus making the bullying more pronounced, reducing the number of new players even further. The logical conclusion is that the game should be self terminating because it reduces the number of players playing it because of its design.

So why don’t all these negatives lead to the immediate failure of these games? I very much doubt that it is due to the fun of being bullied. It is rather the fun of being the bully and getting away with it. A player that sticks around and survives long enough to join a strong enough gang will start participating in the primary activity of beating up weaker players. With the backing of the gang members and the relative anonymity of the game world and the excuse that it’s for “the greater good” the fun of beating on others can start. What makes it doubly satisfying is that it’s not some silly AI. The fact that it is another human being that you are dominating is immensely satisfying for the teen male demographic. And don’t underestimate the addictive nature of a testosterone driven “empowerment” rush.

This addictive “empowerment” is why these games endure. It’s a pity that they encourage bullying and gangsterism. I am sure it is possible to get a similar “empowerment” experience with a bit of thought without resorting to these “lord of the flies” tactics. (Source: Harsi)

