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人物专访:产品总监Todd Howard并不认同现行的社交游戏

发布时间:2010-07-31 06:39:20 Tags:,,

Bethesda Game Studios游戏产品总监Todd Howard日前接受了媒体的专访,谈到了游戏的方方面面,其中也谈到了现在最为火爆的社交游戏。出乎所有的人的意料,Todd Howard本人对社交游戏并不热衷,James Brightman称社交游戏并不对Todd Howard的味。



Todd Howard在采访时表示,他很想深入去了解下社交游戏的发展情况,但是目前为止他还不会花太多的时间去关注这个方向,未来可能有一天他会很认真的去了解这个行业,但绝不是现在。

尽管Todd Howard也承认在游戏中和朋友进行交流是一个很不错的主意。

The social games space has absolutely exploded in the last year or so, and it continues to grow. More and more companies, including traditional publishers, are trying to get a piece of the action.

One could argue that major purchases like Disney’s recent acquisition of Playdom validate the market for social games; the space is finally maturing. With that in mind, IndustryGamers in a recent interview with Bethesda’s Todd Howard asked the developer if he had any personal interest in social games or would like to pursue it professionally.

Howard’s response was refreshingly candid; he knows what types of games he likes and likes to develop, and he’s sticking to those. “I’ve got to be honest: I don’t get it,” he said regarding the whole social games boom. “I look at it and try to understand but for now I’ve just decided to ignore it (laughter). I think, one day, maybe I’ll figure it out, but until then, I don’t see the allure of those kinds of games.”

He added, however, “There might be a way to connect people. I think that’s always a good goal: to connect people through your game. So I’ve kind of looked into that, how we might be able to do some of those things. But as far as a game on there, I don’t know.”

Ultimately, though, when it comes to Facebook games, he remarked, “The light bulb hasn’t gone off for me. I just don’t get it. I get these little messages: ‘I’ve got a new horse, or fish?’ I don’t know.”

We know just how you feel, Todd.

感兴趣可以继续阅读Todd Howard访谈的全文,主要是涉及社交游戏的部分并不太多,所以这里并不做陈述。

