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发布时间:2011-06-14 14:52:50 Tags:,,,

1)OnLive最近针对iPhone和Android平台推出了OnLive Player云游戏应用程序,支持用户在这两个手机平台上登录自己的OnLive帐号,通过云服务体验游戏,或将手机作为OnLive机顶盒的摇控器操作游戏。用户也可以选择退出这种操作方式,直接在手机上玩游戏。



2)id Software联合创始人John Carmack在日前的媒体采访中表示,尽管索尼新一代掌机PS Vita的性能比智能手机强两倍,但这种优势迟早会消失。

他称虽然索尼已经吸取了PS3的教训,推出了这款全新的设备,但在这个后智能手机时代,他并不认为推出一款新型掌上游戏设备是一个智举,“等到这种设备真正开始发售时,那些拥有同等性能的智能手机或平板电脑也已经问世了,所以再过一两年,PS Vita看起来就会很不入流。”他称自己的工作室未来的关注重点仍是iOS平台,但也会考虑Android移动设备。



3)继支持iPhone应用开发者向Windows Phone平台推出应用程序之后,微软最近又升级其API绘图工具,向Android开发者开放同样的服务。该公司在其官方博客中表示,开发者可将Windows Phone API绘图工具想象成一本去国外旅行,在语言不通的情况下可用到的翻译宝典,并鼓励开发者踊跃发表反馈意见,以便微软将来向开发者群体提供更好的服务。

WP7 releasing API mapping tool for Android(from software2tech)

WP7 releasing API mapping tool for Android(from software2tech)

4)路透社引用分析公司Nomura analysts的数据称,诺基亚将在未来数周内结束连续14年称霸智能手机制造领域的历史,让位于三星和苹果,成为第三大智能手机制造商。该报告还指出,HTC有可能在2012年追赶上诺基亚。与之形成鲜明对比的是,IDC等数家市场调研公司曾预测,Windows Phone将因与诺基亚结盟而成为2015年第二大智能手机平台。



5)苹果与亚马逊的App Store商标纠纷风波仍未落幕,该公司最近再度撰文表示,亚马逊Appstore是“劣等”应用商店,并将给Android移动设备带来许多安全隐患。该文章指出,苹果并未宣称Android是劣等手机操作系统,只是认为亚马逊提供的服务缺乏次,而且可能损害苹果品牌;亚马逊正在开发一些绕过Android安全保护措施的软件,此举将给Android用户带来许多病毒和恶意插件威胁。



6)《Angry Jobs》(愤怒的乔布斯)是由日本Studio Hitori公司(游戏邦注:hitori在日语中意为“一个人”,该公司也出售iPad Twitter Client应用TwitRocker)开发的一款恶搞版Android游戏。在该游戏中,玩家要扮演身着黑色圆翻领上衣和蓝色牛仔裤的主人公(游戏邦注:苹果掌门人乔布斯的经典形象),以一种手射飞镖的“弹指神功”向从天而降的Android小绿人发动射击。

据该公司所称,这款免费游戏的iPhone版本已被苹果拒绝,目前仅限运行于采用Android 2.0.1及其以上版本的手机平台。



7)据PCMag.com报道,谷歌正在移除Android Market中的更多款受到恶意插件感染的应用程序。这些可疑应用包括数款山寨版《愤怒的小鸟》,例如怂恿用户在游戏中“解琐”更多关卡后,趁机在其设备中安装恶意插件的《愤怒的小鸟:里约Unlocker v1.0》等产品。

8)据Apple Insider报道,今年苹果全球开发者大会公布的一项调查结果称,47%的参会开发者支持Android平台(游戏邦注:该结果来自分析师Gene Munster及其团队针对45名出席大会开发者的问卷调查)。

WWDC developer survey comparison(from appleinsider)

WWDC developer survey comparison(from appleinsider)

调查发现,有22人已针对Android平台编写应用程序,但这22人均表示自己更偏爱iOS,因为它比Android更容易盈利以及开发应用。还有36%受访者称自己正面向黑莓开发应用,仅有13%开发者称自己支持Windows Phone 7。

developer survey(from appleinsider)

developer survey(from appleinsider)


这些受访者平均已向App Store投放7款应用,93%已开发iPhone、iPod touch应用的开发者称自己也支持iPad。令人意外的结果是,仅有7%受访者针对Mac平台开发应用,这个结果与2008年的情况形成了鲜明对比,当时iPhone平台还没有原生应用,而出席苹果开发者大会的人员也是清一色的Mac开发者。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

1)New Apps Bring OnLive To Android, iPhone

OnLive, which fans like to refer to as the “Netflix of gaming,” is showing some love for the mobile game community. With new apps for Android and the iPhone, users will be able to sign into their OnLive account, play games via the cloud, or use their phone as a controller for an existing OnLive box.

That’s the power of the mobile Internet. The new connectivity is kind of like the Wii U controller unveiled at E3 last week – use your Android phone or iPhone as a controller for your OnLive set-top box, and when you want to step away, just keep playing the game right on your phone.

“The power of the cloud is definitely the theme this week, displacing what had been assumed to be platforms that could never be displaced. The OnLive Player App for iPad and Android shows how with the power of the cloud, the question is not whether cloud gaming will be able to catch up to consoles, it will be whether consoles will be able to catch up to cloud gaming,” said OnLive CEO Steve Perlman. (source:appscout) 

2)John Carmack reckons PS Vita will look ‘pretty pokey’ compared to smartphones in a few years
by Keith Andrew 

Willing to admit Sony has learned its lesson post PS3 by serving up a platform developers will want to work on, John Carmack has still cast doubt over PS Vita’s long term chances.

The id Software co-founder has claimed in an interview with GameSpot that, while the device currently offers twice the power as smartphones sporting the same chips, such superiority will have eroded by the time the handheld launches.

Future focus

“I think that Sony learned a lot from the PS3, and they’ve gone out of their way to make sure that the development is as easy as possible on there,” Carmack told the site as E3 came to a close, admitting he’d not yet had a chance to play with PS Vita.

“However, I wouldn’t want to be the executive making the decision to launch a new portable gaming machine in the post-smartphone world.”

Carmack said that PS Vita’s specs are ‘eminently suitable’, and studios will be used to a developer environment similar to that employed on home consoles, but at launch, PS Vita may have fallen behind.

“By the time they actually ship, there may be smartphones or these tablets with twice as much power as what they’re shipping with on there,” he added.”And a year or two after that, it’s going to look pretty pokey.”

Sticky Apple

As such, Carmack believes Sony will encourage PS3 developers to make the move to Vita, rather than attempting to bring smartphone studios over – a risky strategy, given it follows the direction taken with the original PSP almost to the letter.

Carmack’s studio, however, will continue to focus on iOS from a portable perspective in the future, despite having considered a move to Android.

“I made the decision finally, that OK, we should start doing Android stuff, but then we hired a guy to work on Android and wound up putting him on iOS stuff,” Carmack concluded.

“But, the data certainly isn’t showing AAA doing well on iOS.

“And the counter-argument that some people make that I find interesting is it’s great to have 50 million people playing Angry Birds or whatever because it’s easier to sell a AAA title to somebody that’s had fun in some gaming experience than somebody that never even thinks about games.”(source:pocketgamer)  

3)Microsoft updates API mapping tools to aid Android ports to Windows Phone
by Keith Andrew 

Less than two months after it launched its API mapping tools to encourage iPhone developers to bring their titles across to Windows Phone, Microsoft has updated the set up to support Android.

In April, the company used its developer blog to spell out its intentions to back iPhone studios looking to work on Windows Phone.
To tools enabled studios to “grab their apps, pick out the iOS API calls, and quickly look up the equivalent classes, methods and notification events in WP7″.

Now, the same trick is being pulled off for Android, with Microsoft encourage developers to ‘expand their opportunities’.

Eyes on Android

“We’ve added Android to the Windows Phone API mapping tool to help developers find their way around the Windows Phone platform,” Microsoft said on its blog.

“Think of the API mapping tool as being like a translation dictionary. For example, let’s say that you’re planning a vacation to France. Since you don’t speak the language, you’ll bring a pocket travel dictionary.”

Microsoft is also encouraging developers to deliver feedback regarding what mapping the company should cover in the future.

“With this new version including Android, we’ve also introduced the possibility to add comments directly on the existing mapping,” the firm adds.

“So if you want to provide additional details or if you spot something inaccurate, just add a comment, we’re listening.”(source:pocketgamer)  

4)Nokia’s 14 year reign as top smartphone maker to end

 by Tim Green
Samsung to grab top spot this quarter, says Nomura.

The analyst is projecting that both Samsung and Apple will overtake Nokia in the next few weeks, toppling the Finnish firm for the first time since it ushered in the smartphone era with the Communicator in 1996.

According to Reuters, it also said in a research note that HTC could almost match Nokia during 2012.

What a turnaround for Nokia, which enjoyed 40 per cent plus shares in the early glory days of its Nseries family.

Android and iOS made that series look painfully old school, and the rest is history.

Samsung is powering ahead on the back of its Galaxy-based Android range (and to a lesser extent its bada devices), while Apple is now up to 200m iOS devices sold.

Of course, Nokia is well aware of all this, and is addressing the drift with its switch to WinPho. And it still sells more feature phones than anyone else.

It may have been cheered by today’s IDC projection that Windows Phone will be the second most popular smartphone platform in 2015 by handset shipments.(source:mobile-ent

5)Analyst forecasts $5.48bn of Kindle … IDC predicts Windows Phone will … Apple labels Amazon’s Android Appstore as ‘inferior’ in legal filing

by Stuart Dredge
Battle continues over App Store trademark.

Apple has upped the ante in its legal battle with Amazon over its App Store trademark, claiming that the latter’s Android Appstore is ‘inferior’, and also that by providing apps for rooted Android devices, it has increased security risks.

The claims came in a counter-filing made by Apple – published on ComputerWorld – in response to an earlier filing by Amazon in the companies’ court tussle.

“Amazon mischaracterizes Apple’s tarnishment claim,” says the new filing. “Apple has not asserted that the Android operating system is inferior. Rather, Apple has asserted that Amazon’s service is inferior and will tarnish Apple’s mark.”

The security claims may be more controversial though. “Among other things, Amazon is making software available that bypasses security safeguards on Android, thereby increasing the potential harm of viruses and malware to customers’ Android devices… Malicious applications have greater ability to cause harm on ‘rooted’ Android devices, and Amazon provides applications for such devices.”(source:mobile-ent

6)Angry Jobs – Throw Ninja Stars To Beat Off Androids!

by Akky Akimoto

Angry Jobs is an Android game developed by Japanese Studio Hitori (“hitori” in Japanese means “one man”), who is also selling an iPad Twitter Client TwitRocker.

In the game, you play a guy who is wearing black turtleneck and blue jeans to shoot falling green Androids with shuriken, a Japanese ninja flying dagger. Swiping your finger ninja stars (throwing direction can be switched as your handedness on settings),.

I have no idea why this robot beating jobs are called angry. Probably homage to the popular game Angry Birds.

Anyway, the @StudioHitori complained [J] that its iPhone version was rejected by Apple. So for now, this app works on Android version 2.0.1 or higher. The app itself is for free.(source:asiajin) 

7)Google Removes More Infected Apps from Android Market — According to, Google is removing even more malware-infected applications from Android Market. Ten are now pending investigation and were discovered and reported by Xuxian Jiang. Moreover, many are noted at exploiting popular apps such as Angry Birds in the form of apps like “Angry Birds Rio Unlocker v1.0 which prompts users to “unlock” all levels in the game, thus installing the malware. This latest string of infections falls hot on the heels of another malware outbreak earlier this month.(source:insidemobileapps

 8)WWDC survey finds 47% of iOS developers support Android, 7% write for Mac

By Neil Hughes

A new survey of attendees at Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference found that nearly half of iOS developers attending the conference support Android, while just 7 percent write applications for the Mac.

The details come from Piper Jaffray’s WWDC Developer Survey Summary, released Monday. Analyst Gene Munster and his team polled 45 developers at the Apple conference, where naturally they would support Apple platforms.

The survey did find that 22 of those 47 developers also write applications for Android. But all of those 22 developers said they prefer iOS monetization and ease of development over Google’s Android platform.

Last year, shipments of devices running the Android mobile operating system surpassed Apple and the iPhone. While Android has seen tremendous growth, iOS users have repeatedly been found to be more likely to purchase paid applications. Android developers have expressed concern over fragmentation on the platform, and even Google has said it is “not happy” with slow application sales.

Android wasn’t the only popular platform among those surveyed at WWDC. Among respondents, 36 percent indicated they create applications for BlackBerry, while 13 percent support Windows Phone 7.

A total of 36 percent of respondents develop solely for Apple’s iOS. That’s up from the 30 percent who said they only supported Apple in a similar survey in 2008.

Among the 45 developers polled, 51 percent said they believe iOS has the highest potential for future growth, while 40 percent said growth would come from Android. But among the 22 developers who also write for Android, two-thirds of those said Android has the highest potential for growth.

On average, developers surveyed by Piper Jaffray have 7 applications in the App Store. And 93 percent of those who write for the iPhone and iPod touch also support the iPad.

But just 7 percent of those polled at WWDC also write applications for the Mac. That’s a major change from 4 years ago, when native applications didn’t even exist on the iPhone platform, and WWDC was a show represented by 100 percent Mac developers(source:appleinsider

