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发布时间:2011-06-10 15:52:22 Tags:,,



曾有不少开发者困惑需采用何种方式才能使应用获得更多曝光度,从而为自己创造更多收益。Marketing Your App(游戏邦注:该网站为iPhone应用开发商提供资源和服务,让他们的应用获得新顾客和盈利)创始人Matthew Palmer针对此类问题发表了自己的看法。以下是游戏邦编译的访谈内容:

App marketing(from

App marketing(from


尽管应用质量非常重要,但即便是世界上最好的应用也无法自销。现在App Store中应用数超过30万个,从大军中脱颖而出变得格外艰难。为使应用得以销售,你需要克服两大挑战:让人们知道应用的存在;说服人们你的应用值得下载或购买。懂得如何成功营销应用可以帮助你解决这两个挑战,促使销售额大幅提升。





如果应用已经在App Store上发布数月但还从未进行过营销,现在开始做是否会浪费时间和金钱?

我确信,任何时候开始应用营销都不会为时过晚。原因如下:或许应用发布之初的确能获得众人关注,但现在它已经在App Store上有些时日,应该开始向外界展现它的资历。顾客喜欢寻找最新的应用,也常常会忽略已经存在的优秀应用。你可以将应用更新,通过某些营销行为来重新让销售恢复元气。应用的独特之处在哪里?它为原来的用户提供何种帮助?这些都可以成为推广的切入点。






App Store中的每款应用都会提供截图,但许多开发商忽略了视频对应用销售的功效。你可以制作应用的视频来展现其最主要的特色,迅速向顾客传达为何他们必须使用这款应用的信息。不幸的是,App Store上无法播放视频,但我推荐将其放在应用网站和YouTube上。简短的视频可以帮助应用从竞争者中脱颖而出,迅速说服顾客购买应用。


当然可以,现在有许多资源可为应用营销提供帮助。《iPhone & iPad Apps Marketing》和《Get Rich with Apps》这两本书都很好地概述了应用的推广策略。许多好书关注的是营销普遍策略,但这两本书中提供的技巧专用于销售iPhone或iPad应用。




如果我只能提供一个建议的话,那就是大胆尝试!对应用和在线营销来说,纸上谈兵没有任何作用。你可以尝试在应用中加入新功能,或修改App Store中的描述。没有投放到App Store中的应用不会带来任何盈利,但如果应用已经发布,你就可以开始进行销售来获得新顾客。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

Interview with app marketing guru, Matthew Palmer, of Marketing Your App


We asked for your top questions about promoting your mobile apps, and many of you wrote in asking about the best ways to get more publicity for your app and turn it into a money maker. We sent your questions to Matthew Palmer, founder of the website Marketing Your App, which offers iPhone developers resources and services to get new customers and profit from their apps. He is an experienced online marketer for the technology industry, having created successful marketing campaigns for companies such as IBM and Intel.

Mobile Orchard: Won’t great apps market themselves?

Matthew Palmer: While it’s very important to have a quality app, even the world’s best app can’t sell itself. There are over 300,000 apps in the App Store today, making it difficult for you to stand out. To generate sales of your app, you need to overcome two challenges: getting people to find you and, once they know about you, convincing them that your app is worth downloading or paying for. Knowing how to successfully market your app can help you boost your sales by tackling both challenges.

MO: What are common mistakes made in app marketing?

MP: For many developers, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the great features you added to your app. After all, I’m sure you’ve spent untold hours getting your app just right. But a common mistake I’ve seen when selling your app is focusing on the app itself and not the person who will buy it. Try putting yourself in your customer’s shoes… so, instead of thinking “how can I sell my app?”, think “why would someone want to buy my app?” Customers will gladly pay for your app, but only when they understand what benefit they’ll get out of it, such as saving money, saving time, or just having fun.

MO: I have no money for marketing my app, do you have any suggestions to market my app for free?

MP: One of the advantages of promoting your iPhone app online is that many of the best strategies also happen to be free. Social media, for example. Every minute of every day, people are talking about apps on Twitter, Facebook, and more. So why shouldn’t they be talking about yours? In addition to making your own profile on these sites, try to reach out with communities that already exist around what your app is about (such as wine or sports) or who your app is for (like moms or students).

MO: My app has been in the App Store for several months and I have never marketed it. Would it be a waste of time and money for me to start now?

MP: I’m a firm believer that it’s never too late (or too early!) to start marketing your app. Here’s why: there was probably a lot of excitement around your app when it was brand new. But now that it’s been in the App Store for a while, it might start to be showing its age. Shoppers love to find the latest apps, and often overlook wonderful apps that have been around for a while. You can freshen things up and revitalize your sales with some marketing. What’s unique about your app? How has it helped people who used it? These could all be perfect jumping off points for some promotion.

MO: What is the best way to find quality sites to review my app?

MP: Searching for “iphone app reviews” in Google brings up pages of results, so it can be tough to know where to start. If your app is new, you might want to start with smaller review sites to get some practice at sparking the interest of a site reviewer. Review sites receive a large number of requests every day, so making yours stand out can be a challenge. By targeting smaller review sites first, you can perfect your pitch before approaching the most popular sites. Then, you can seek out some of the most popular sites such as 148Apps, MacWorld, AppSafari, TUAW (The Unofficial Apple Weblog), or others.

MO: Does having a free version really help me sell more of my app’s paid version?

MP: Offering a free “lite” version of your app can certainly help you boost awareness of your app and increase your sales. It is really the best of both worlds: people love free apps (who doesn’t?), so your “lite” version makes it extremely easy for them to try it out at no charge. Then, when they want additional levels in your game or extra features in your utility app, they can pay to upgrade. However, deciding to offer a free version of your app should be something you carefully think out. What features will you offer in the free vs. the paid version? Does the lite app offer real value or is it just an empty advertisement? Are you giving too much away in the lite app? Are the extra features in the paid app worth the money upgrade?

MO: What areas, from the app website to its description to the app icon, are important but commonly overlooked by developers?

MP: Every app in the App Store shows off their screenshots, but what many developers overlook is the power of video to sell their app. You can make a video of your app in action to show off its best features and quickly show customers why it’s a “must have”. Unfortunately, you can’t play your video in the App Store, but I’d recommend featuring it on your app’s website and YouTube. A short video can help your app stand out from your competition and quickly convince shoppers to buy your app.

MO: Can you recommend any books on marketing that will help me with my promotion plans?

MP: Yes, there are many helpful resources online and offline to give you ideas on marketing your app. Two books that give a good overview of app promotion are “iPhone & iPad Apps Marketing” and “Get Rich with Apps”. While there are many excellent books on marketing in general, these two books can give you strategies just for selling your iPhone or iPad app.

MO: Should I introduce my app at .99 and adjust from there or is there a better pricing strategy?

MP: Figuring out what to charge for your app is a top question app developers have. One trouble with starting out charging just 99 cents is that it is difficult to raise your price later. Customers start expecting that your app will be 99 cents and an increase may be harder for them to accept. Before you decide on a price, take a look at what other apps like yours are selling for. Does your app have additional features you can charge more for? Or, can you undercut your competition with a lower price? If you are deciding between two possible prices, you might want to start with the higher one and offer a sale later on. The limited-time discount can drive more people to buy your app now. However, with a 99 cent price tag, you are somewhat locked in: it may be difficult to raise your price and you are not able to offer a sale (unless you make it free).

MO: What is your best app marketing tip?

MP: If I could offer just one piece of advice, it’s just do it! Give it a try. Especially with apps and marketing online, nothing is written in stone. You can try new features in your app or revise your description in the App Store. An app that isn’t in the App Store will make you nothing, but if you’re out there and spreading the word, you can start building up sales and getting new customers. (Source: Mobile Orchard)

