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发布时间:2011-06-07 10:39:35 Tags:,,

作者:Nick O’Neill

据育碧数码发行副总裁向美国科技博客AllThingsD撰稿人特里西亚·杜里埃(Tricia Duryee)透露,Facebook和苹果将达成一个非正式协议,支持玩家同时使用Facebook Credits或者苹果的虚拟货币购买这两个平台都有的虚拟商品。




很多人认为Facebook Credits将成为整个网络中最基本的虚拟货币,如果Facebook不与iPhone合作,那就意味着Facebook将被完全局限于“网络”这个领域。而Facebook如果想巩固其虚拟货币的地位,它的下一步就必须与更多在线媒体发行商和网络公司合作。从目前来看,游戏行业正是Facebook Credits能够与其他虚拟货币(游戏邦注:例如苹果平台的虚拟货币)兼容,并为用户带来更多便捷服务的领域。

即使玩家还不能在苹果游戏中使用Facebook Credits购买虚拟商品,但至少在用iPhone登陆Facebook并在该平台上消费时,能够使用Facebook Credits买东西。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,如需转载请联系:游戏邦

Facebook Credits Will Work With iTunes Applications

Posted by Nick O’Neill

It what appears to be an unofficial agreement, Facebook and Apple will honor each other’s currency for games running on their platform as long as the cost of virtual goods is the same on both platforms.

It’s a sort of unofficial pact mentioned by Ubisoft’s VP of Digital Publishing to Tricia Duryee of AllThingsD. Why’s this a big deal? As Duryee cleverly describes the existing state of things for game players, “it’s the equivalent of traveling in Europe before the Euro.” By being able to purchase the same goods across both platforms, you can keep things in sync no matter where you are. However such a concession by Facebook would ultimately be a relatively large one.

While many people have projected Credits to become the defacto currency for the web, being effectively forced from the iPhone could mean that Facebook will be limited to just that, the web. The key next steps for Facebook will be to forge partnerships with online media publications and other web-based properties looking to sell content in an effort to gain a dominant position for their currency. For the time being, games are where all Facebook Credits transactions take place and being interoperable with other currencies (such as Apple’s) will ensure that users feel comfortable making purchases with them.

While users won’t be able to make virtual good purchases within Apple games with Facebook Credits, at least gamers making purchases on Facebook will know those purchases will be honored when they’re on the go with their iPhone. (source:allfacebook

