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英国开发商Geek Beach推出Facebook游戏GOGO Native

发布时间:2010-07-27 08:18:33 Tags:,,

大约在刚过去的一年里,Facebook 上的农场类游戏已经看到它们修订版和翻改版的市场份额。但即便如此,游戏版本仍然有新的开发理念和空间,就像英国的研发者Geek Beach发布在Facebook上的主标题GoGo Native。虽然现在仍处于编写GoGo Native程序的最后测试阶段,但从运作效果来看,它看起来好像有很大的潜力。

geek beach

geek beach

GoGo本质上是一款耕作游戏,这是事实,但它比那些为了赚钱和获得收成的能进行无限收获循环的游戏包含更多。Geek Beach为种植不一样的作物——种植动物提供了额外的理由,这些小动物似乎比农场里那些只能每24小时产蛋或产奶的日常动物有用得多。它们甚至能在社交或迷你游戏上面玩。事实上,说是迷你游戏更能站得住脚。虽然它们的潜能和整合不能在早期看到,但它可能会被证明是一个强有力的综合农场主题的延伸。


每种植物可以授予玩家三种“能力”的一种,这三种能力分别叫做Oomf, Zing, 和 Jomo。如你所知,每种植物显然拥有这三种能力中的一种,因此,种植它们可以增强相应的“能力”。它们是如何起作用的并没有100%的清楚说明,但根据少数弹出窗口的相应说明,这些“能力”的不同变化可以吸引不同种类的动物到你的空地。

这就是游戏开始变得有趣的地方。通过吸引动物,或者用你手边有大量的交换物品(假如你有)在商店里购买它们,玩家甚至可以饲养它们。下面的一个玩法更奇怪:玩家明显可以通过杂交繁衍动物,不,不……真正的跨品种。举一个例子,如果一个玩家吸引了狗到他的空地,同时,在商店买了一只猪,那么,只要再购买了一个叫“Love Shack”的建筑就可以让狗和猪生出类似“狗猪”的动物。

对此,有两个相关联的奖励。第一个是社会,玩家可以在那访问一个叫“本土化市场”的地方并能从其他玩家那买到动物。第二个是每只这种动物可以给玩家们提供不定的奖金和在3个GoGo Native迷你游戏的一些优势。

geek beach game

geek beach game

我们现在能说的最好的优点是,农场游戏应用程序的种植/养殖方面支撑着迷你小游戏,特别是一种叫“Jungle Rumble”的(它的作用比一点多得多),因为迷你游戏更多的是以比赛成绩和排行榜为目的的。事实上,玩家并不觉得一切都紧密连接在一起(尽管那可能是因为我们在饲养动物来帮助我们自己时没有遇到很多的障碍),但它们在个别情况下会起作用。无论如何,目前有三个方向:Swamp Jumper, Voodoo Charms, 和Jungle Rumble。

这三种形式各有特色并且非常容易玩。Jumper是一个玩家可以控制一个坎在睡莲间移动以避免陷阱和一些讨厌的巫医和他们的手下的游戏。游戏的魅力和“Collapse”这款休闲游戏很相似,就是玩家必须通过点击来移除瓦片以抵达屏幕的最上方。点击的次数越多,上升的速度越快。但上升的速度会受特殊炸弹和在一些有影响力的瓦片的影响而变慢。不幸的是,迷你游戏仍显得比Swamp Jumper稍微枯燥些。

最近流行的一个迷你游戏是一个叫Jungle Rumble的多人同步游戏。基于我们拥有的一点资料,我们了解到它是一个可以让你直接和你的朋友或一个随机玩家竞争的游戏。但不幸的是,由于早期的测试和测试的结果及缺少玩的关系,我们没机会进行实战,但是根据发展商的看法,这将涉及投掷长矛的作战。同时,玩家可以拥可以和玩家一起进入游戏的动物,它们可以作为额外的力量和/或甚至可以用做武器。

最后比较稀奇的一点也是GoGo Native值得一提一点是游戏中的3种能力——oomf, zing, 和 jomo。当玩家累积这些能力的时候(再一次通过种植特殊的植物),它们的“能力”可以引起各种速度的加快。如植物的生长速度(zing),加快物种的杂交育种(jomo)或者在玩Jungle Rumble的过程中给予更多的力量(oomf)。一般来说,这些能力是为那些花费虚拟货币购买的肥料之类的虚拟物品而准备的,所以这三种能力似乎也可以在吸引动物之外创造第二组奖励。

总的来说,GoGo Native唯一的缺憾是它还没上市。有很多农场游戏的玩家并不打算熟悉新的玩法,并且GoGo Native目前的开发只是做了一大堆的解释。尽管如此,这些都只是在官方未发布时预期的轻微烦恼。即使有问题,Geek Beach的发现在将很长一段时间拥有不可预见的潜力,这明显比他的竞争对手们看起来要有趣得多。


Farming games on Facebook have seen their share of revisions and remakes in the past year or so, but there’s still room for new ideas — like UK-based developer Geek Beach’s first Facebook title,

GoGo Native. At time of writing GoGo is still in its final phase of testing, but from what is working, its looks like it has a good deal of potential.

GoGo is a farming game at heart, it’s true, but rather than working in an infinite harvesting cycle to earn money and harvest some more, Geek Beach adds extra reasons to grow different crops, in the form of animals. These critters appear to be far more useful than your everyday farm animal that merely produces milk or eggs every 24 hours, and even play into the social and mini-game mechanics. In fact, said mini-games stand up well by themselves, and while their full potential and integration cannot be seen early on, may prove to be a strong extension of the overall farming theme.

When starting out, players are granted a minimally customizable tribal avatar and a small clearing in the jungle. From here it’s up to them to decorate it as they see fit, but also to grow crops in order to make a profit. Here’s the catch, though: crops are for more than just mere income.
Each plant grants the player one of three “powers,” so-to-speak, called Oomf, Zing, and Jomo. You see, each plant apparently has a value for one of these, and planting them will increase the associated power. It’s not 100% clear as to how this works, but based on the few tutorial pop-ups that are presented, different variations of these powers will attract different types of animals to your clearing.

This is where things start to get interesting. By attracting animals, or buying them from the market if you have a good chunk of change handy, players can eventually breed them. The following mechanics get really weird: Players can apparently cross breed animals. No, no… really cross breed. As an example, if one attracts a dog, and, say, buys a pig, they can purchase a “Love Shack” building and create creatures like a “Pigdog.”

This has two rewards associated to it. The first is social, in that players can visit a place called the “Native Market” and buy animals from other users. The second is that each animal gives players varying bonuses and advantages in the three GoGo Native mini-games.

As best we can tell, the farming/breeding aspects of the app support the mini-games, especially the one called Jungle Rumble (but more on that in a bit), and the mini-games are more oriented around competitive achievements and leaderboards. In truth, they don’t feel all that tightly knit together (though that may be because we don’t have much in the way of bred animals to help us yet), but individually, they do work. Regardless, there are currently three to play: Swamp Jumper, Voodoo Charms, and Jungle Rumble.

Each of the three has a unique flavor, and is exceedingly simple to play. Jumper is a game where players control a toucan as it hops from lily pad to lily pad and avoids traps and some nasty witch

doctor and his minions. Charms is similar to the casual game Collapse in that players must remove tiles by clicking on them, before they reach the top of the screen. The more one clicks, the faster they rise, but it’s mitigated by special bombs and area of effect tiles that take out everything within their proximity. Unfortunately, the mini-game still came off as a bit boring compared to Swamp Jumper.

The last mini-game that’s currently active is a synchronous multiplayer game called Jungle Rumble. Based on what little description we have, it’s a game that lets you directly compete against friends or random people. Unfortunately, due to the early testing and thus, the lack of players, we were never able to get a match, but according to the developers, it will involve a battle of throwing spears. Also, should the player have animals, they will come into the game with the user, granting them extra power and/or even be usable as weapons.

The last curious addition to GoGo Native worth mentioning appears as part of the three powers — oomf, zing, and jomo. As players accumulate them (again, by planting specific plants), their power can be invoked to speed up things like plant growth (zing), hasten cross-breeding (jomo), or give more power in Jungle Rumble (oomf). Typically, such powers are reserved for virtual goods like fertilizer that usually cost virtual currency, so these three elements also apparently create a secondary set of rewards for building them up beyond attracting animals.

Overall, the only negative aspect to GoGo Native is that it’s just not done. It has a lot of new mechanics that farming-game players are not going to be familiar with, and its current build just doesn’t do a whole lot of explanation. All the same, these are minor annoyances that are fairly expected in an “officially unlaunched” title. Even with its issues, Geek Beach’s first title certainly looks more interesting than most of its competitors, holding a potential not seen in the farming genre for a long time.

