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发布时间:2010-07-27 01:55:03 Tags:,,,

最近有两部电影好莱坞电影取得了不俗的票房成绩,一部是华纳兄弟旗下由莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 Leonardo DiCaprio 和约瑟芬·戈登-罗维特 Joseph Gordon-Levitt 主演的Inception,10天的时间狂飙1亿4300万美元的票房;另外一部是索尼影像旗下由安吉丽娜·朱莉Angelina Jolie主演的电影salt,新进影院即获得高达3650万美元的票房。



这两部电影共同的特点是通过facebook社交游戏来推动用户对电影的持续关注。在观众逐渐厌烦电视广告、户外广告等传统样式视觉轰炸疲劳后,用什么样的新鲜玩意吸引用户是至关重要的。Sony Pictures(索尼影像)从zynga的facebook游戏Mafia Wars(黑手党枪战)获得了灵感,Mafia Wars有数千万的活跃用户,Sony Pictures期待能做出和电影同步的社交游戏来吸引用户关注电影本身。据索尼公司市场部负责人Marc Weinstock称,这是从技术层面上进行革新之前的广告推广模式。该方式完全扭转了消费者和广告主之间的关系,传统的营销只是一再的信息灌输,但是如果从游戏介入方面的话,玩家在接受广告方面就显得不是那么被动。



Warner Bros. latest film, Inception, proved to be a blockbuster hit, generating $143 million during the 10 days it’s been at the box office. The movie’s multichannel marketing campaign was vital to the success of the movie, asserts research firm eConsultancy.

Marketers at Warner Bros. promoted the movie across a variety of formats, from more traditional television slots to cutting-edge social games. Understanding the target audience for the film, the publisher launched a robust Facebook page with engaging content designed to keep fans on the site for long periods of time.

The Facebook page redirected more than 500,000 fans to subsequent marketing pieces, including mobile phone apps and games that allow users to uncover more information about the movie’s detailed universe.

“The movie industry has been pulling off unique and involving marketing campaigns and promo stunts for years and is one of the most forward thinking when it comes to social marketing and innovative digital technology,” remarks eConsultancy.

While Inception topped charts for the second consecutive weekend, box office newcomer Salt also made a respectable debut, generating $36.5 million. Sony launched a similar multichannel marketing campaign for the film, using Facebook as a portal to an online Salt game. Sony also optimized the official site for mobile users, giving them exclusive content when viewed from their phones.

