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非Facebook社交游戏《Pet Party》MAU高达700万

发布时间:2011-05-12 12:38:22 Tags:,,

游戏邦注:本文作者为Sebastian Sujka,文章主要讨论非Facebook社交游戏《Pet Party》颇引人注目的MAU数据。

非Facebook社交游戏的安装数量并未引起人们过多的关注,它们的MAU和DAU(游戏邦注:即月活跃用户和日活跃用户)相比Facebook游戏而言也略逊一筹。众所周知,Facebook能够带给游戏更加庞大的潜在用户基础。只有部分人群会关注非Facebook社交游戏的用户情况。但目前确实有很多非Facebook社交游戏的用户规模颇值得关注。Plinga的《Pet Party》就是其中之一。Plinga是家成立于2009年的社交游戏开发公司。公司依托德国Rocket-Internet,采用多网络平台策略。虽然公司在多个社交网络平台推出了系列成功作品(游戏邦注:其中以德国社交网络StudiVZ为主),但Plinga还是改变公司发展策略,转而投身发行领域。

Pet Party

Pet Party

《Pet Party》是款照顾类型的游戏,游戏中玩家可以和其他宠物互动、装饰屋子,以及体验迷你游戏。游戏原版本出自中国开发商Magnetjoy之手。游戏本身并没有发生根本性的变化,但Plinga希望游戏能够拥有更深层次的体验机制,因此不断在游游戏中添加新的虚拟商品。Plinga一大成功之处在于它将游戏进行了很好的本土化。欧洲社交网络平台玩家最讨厌体验糟糕的本土化游戏,因为很多开发商都是直接通过谷歌翻译完成游戏本土化。Plinga首席执行官Johannes Kreibohm表示,公司60多名雇员均在本土化和游戏支持工作方面担任重要角色。



接着就来看看《Pet Party》的用户数据:Facebook版《Pet Party》的MAU仅有500多人(游戏邦注:这个数据完全无法体现在Appdata或Developeranalytics当中)。但是,《Pet Party》依托的主要平台是波兰NK、德国VZ Networks和Lokalisten、Hyves、Netlog以及gry.pl和jeux.fr之类的开放式网页游戏门户网站。《Pet Party》在这些平台的MAU高达700万,而DAU也有100万左右。其中NK占据最大份额,《Pet Party》是该平台最热门的游戏,安装用户超过350万。同时《Pet Party》也是Plinga的最经典作品之一。

Pet Party

Pet Party

在开放式游戏网站方面,同荷兰休闲游戏开发商和发行商Spil Games(游戏邦注:该公司2010年底收购Plinga 20%的股权)结盟无疑让Plinga受益匪浅。虽然Plinga并未透露相关数据,但《Pet Party》带来的营收无疑在公司所有作品中排名前五。就游戏类型、更新频率和AppStats显示数据而言,《Meine Siedler》、《Dorfleben》和《City of Wonder》(游戏邦注:《City of Wonder》投放西班牙社交网络平台Tuenti前两周,安装用户仅有50多万)也可列入Plinga热门作品当中。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

Pet Party: 7 Million MAU without Facebook

By Sebastian Sujka

Social games outside Facebook do not get much attention as install numbers and monthly/daily active user numbers are less impressive. Everybody knows that Facebook offers the potentially bigger user base for a game. Not everybody sees how games outside Facebook accumulate respectable user numbers. There are a number of games that certainly deserve attention for their user base. Plinga’s Pet Party is one of those games. Plinga was founded as a social game developer mid 2009. The German Rocket-Internet based company started with a multi-network strategy.  Despite some success games on several social networks, mainly the German social network StudiVZ, Plinga changed their strategy to act as a publisher.

Pet Party is a caretaking game in which the player can interact with other pets, decorate houses and play mini games. The game has originally been developed by Chinese developer Magnetjoy. Certainly the game itself is not revolutionary, but Plinga managed to form a game with deep gameplay and does maintain a high frequency of launching new virtual goods. A strong success factor is the well done localization. From a player’s perspective the worst aspect about playing games on European social networks is the horrific level of localization as many developers “localize” their games with Google Translate.  According to Plinga CEO Johannes Kreibohm, the company allocates a significant share of their over 60 employee workforce to localization and support.

Let’s have a look at the Pet Party user numbers: On Facebook the game just reaches over 500 monthly active users and is not even listed on Appdata or Developeranalytics. However, Pet Party is live on Polish NK, the German VZ Networks and Lokalisten, Hyves, Netlog, same as on several open web game portals like or On all 18 social networks and open web gaming portals combined Pet Party accumulates over 7 million MAU and about 1 million DAU according to Johannes.  The largest share of these users is registered on the NK, where Pet Party is the most popular game with over 3.5 million installs. Pet Party is one of the most successful Plinga games.

In the open web Plinga undoubtedly benefits from the partnership with the Dutch casual game developer and publisher Spil Games, who gained a 20% share on Plinga end of 2010. Although Plinga does not share numbers, Pet Party is probably one of their top 5 games in terms of revenue. Considering gaming genre, frequency of updates and presence on our AppStats, the other top games will include “Meine Siedler”, “Dorfleben” or “City of Wonder”, which just gained over 500k installs on Spanish social network Tuenti in the first two weeks.(Source:socialgamesobserver

