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发布时间:2011-04-27 12:45:04 Tags:,,


Monopoly Millionares

Monopoly Millionares

初级品牌整合通常是在某段有限时间内出售或者展示贴牌商品(游戏邦注:可口可乐能量补充饮料或者福特普锐斯汽车装饰品)。初级品牌整合通常被视为简单的“广告游戏”,即在模拟游戏体验中突出某个品牌,就像数字广告公司SocialVibe携手Zynga推出的Super Bowl浏览器广告,其这是起亚汽车广告活动的组成部分。超越此层次(如能够与玩家互动的电影角色,通过完成超越双击互动任务而获得的贴牌商品)的任何整合活动,称为中级整合甚至是高级整合。

社交游戏的初级整合是从付费植入广告墙(玩家可以通过观看视频、完成调查以及预订服务获取游戏货币)演变而来。为了提升用户价值,游戏开始不再局限于通过提供虚拟货币回馈玩家,有时还给予具有特定游戏功能的贴牌道具。例如, AVG Technologies最近在Zynga《FarmVille》开展了宣传活动,玩家只要在2月24日和3月2日期间购买AVG PC Tuneup就可免费获得1个Biplane道具和3瓶Instant Grow能量剂。Biplane纯粹是个装饰道具,Instant Grow对玩家来说更用性更大,这使得品牌整合对玩家来说更具价值。


初级整合活动对于既有社交游戏来说,成本相对较低且容易实施。游戏品牌整合服务公司appssavvy首席执行官Chris Cunningham表示,策划和实施品牌植入方案的典型销售周期为3-6个月。Zynga(游戏邦注:其曾携手appssavvy分别在《FarmVille》和《Cafe World》中为麦当劳和可口可乐公司开展品牌植入活动) 可以选择多种品牌植入方案,这使得活动进展更为迅速,如选择植入视频广告或者用户调查,或者将二者囊括在内。

mcdonalds promo

mcdonalds promo

Zynga品牌广告全球主管Manny Anekal表示,Zynga 6星期就能激活某个品牌。



他表示,“我们最近刚为迪斯尼的《玩具总动员 3》策划了一个品牌整合方案。SocialVibe告诉我们,4段植入视频广告总共只需1分多钟。玩家并非仅仅坐着观看预告片,体验其中品牌植入,而是确确实实融入品牌之中。”

“所以就《玩具总动员 3》而言,其实就是‘玩家观看《玩具总动员 3》预告片,然后告诉我们他们童年最喜欢的玩具’。用户可以在Facebook分享相关信息,所以这其实涵盖了病毒式传播元素。用户于是从中获得某些回馈。‘感谢您观看我们的预告片,谢谢您参与其中,这是我们为您提供的虚拟货币’。这就是我们快速实施整合方案的方式。”

farmville toy story 3 trailer

farmville toy story 3 trailer







随着这些合作关系的发展,广告商希望准确获悉玩家行为的价值,而非采用当前的用户参与或广告印象计费方式,因此初级整合的酬金将会直线上升,而开发商则通过采用标准化的整合模式(如《玩具总动员 3》的视频广告),大幅降低活动成本。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

The Maturing Market For Brand Integration With Social Games: Light Integration

Brand engagement through social games covers a wide range of efforts from labeled in-game items to entire games built around a recognizable name. This week, we continue our exploration of the three levels of brand engagement with social games by examining light integration.

Light integration can most easily be characterized by branded items available for sale or display within a game for a limited amount of time, like Coca Cola branded energy boost or a Ford Prius car decoration. Light integration can also be characterized by simple “adver-games” where a brand features a playable simulation on its own site or Facebook page, something like the Super Bowl browser ad powered by digital advertising company SocialVibe in conjunction with Zynga as part of a Kia Motors campaign. Anything beyond this level of integration, say, a character from a motion picture with whom players can interact or branded items only available through a playable quest longer than a two-click interaction, we will confine to medium integration and beyond, which we’ll examine in future articles.

In social games, light integration evolved out of offer walls where players could watch a video, complete a survey, or sign up for a service in exchange for in-game currency. To add value to users, games began rewarding players with more than just virtual currency for their participation, sometimes giving them branded items in-game that served a specific gameplay function. For example, AVG Technologies recently ran a campaign with Zynga’s FarmVille where players could earn a free Biplane item and three Instant Grow boosts in-game by purchasing AVG’s PC Tuneup between February 24 and March 2. The Biplane is purely a cosmetic item while the Instant Grows actually provide utility to the player, making the brand integration more valuable to them.

Costs and Benefits of Light Integration

Light integration campaigns are comparatively cheap and easy to execute for established social games. Chris Cunningham, CEO of brand-to-game integration service appssavvy, says that the typical sales cycle for planning and executing a campaign is between three and six months. In the case of Zynga, which worked with appssavvy on brand campaigns for McDonald’s and Coca Cola in FarmVille and Cafe World respectively, there are several options that allow the developer to activate a brand campaign even more quickly, like integrating video ads, user surveys — or both.

The result, Zynga Global Director of Brand Advertising Manny Anekal tells us, is that his company really only needs six weeks to activate on a brand.

“To put that into perspective, in the traditional console space, you really couldn’t integrate into a console game in six weeks or less, so I think that’s an advantage Zynga has,” Anekal says. He describes the successful relationship the developer enjoys with movie studios who like partner with Zynga for short-term campaigns to promote upcoming film or DVD releases. “In general, movie studios plan in advance so we’re lucky they have very long [lead] times in their planning schedule, but we can execute in the near term if needed.”

Anekal goes on to describe how a movie may sometimes want to increase light integration within in a game with less than a week’s notice. To pull that off, Zynga partners with SocialVibe to deliver combined video/survey ads in-game that rewards users with virtual currency.

“We recently did a program for Disney’s Toy Story 3,” he says. “What SocialVibe has told us is that for our video engagement ads, you’re seeing time spent north of a minute long. People are not only sitting there watching [the] trailer and getting exposed to that, they’re actually engaging with the brand.

“So for Toy Story 3 it was actually ‘Watch the Toy Story 3 trailer, then tell us about your favorite childhood toy.’ You can then share that into your Facebook feed, so there’s a viral element to that. And then, the user gets something. ‘Thank you for watching our trailer, thank you for participating with us, here’s some virtual currency.’ That’s a way in which we can execute very quickly.”

As for costs, it varies both by brand type and by game. Larger games with monthly active users in the millions and daily active users north of 500,000 offer advertisers a more valuable audience with the potential to reach new customers, while smaller games with a niche audience are more about deepening the brand connection with existing customers. Light integration is usually paid for via flat rate fee to cover production costs. We’ve heard that small niche games can fetch between $10,000 and $25,000 per month for brand integration, and mid-sized games range between $25,000 and $50,000 per month.

Beyond the fee, payment comes from cost per engagement or impressions from social game players. In cases where a branded virtual good is for sale, the developer and advertiser share revenues from the sale.

The Future of Light Integration Is Depth of Engagement

Light brand integration depends heavily on how much an advertiser feels a game’s audience is worth, but the real power in the dynamic comes from developers. Most game developers will not do campaigns with brands that don’t offer some added value to players, no matter how much money the advertiser offers the developer.

“The brand target needs to match the target of the game,” Anekal says. “We have said no to brands where it would detract from the gameplay or take away from the audience. We’re taking baby steps to make sure our advertising is done right.”

As the market evolves, we expect to see light integration formalize into specified relationships between games and brands and also to see a set of advertising companies try to position themselves as campaign brokers between the two. For Zynga’s part on light integration, Anekal hints at a more regular set of weekly campaigns to promote upcoming Friday releases of films. Cunningham, meanwhile, describes appssavvy’s upcoming platform service for advertisers that would allow them to purchase a specific in-game activity (e.g. buying a good, completing a poll, etc.) as opposed to planning out an entire campaign.

As these relationships develop, we expect to see the price of light integration shift upward as advertisers try to work out how much a user’s action is worth compared to the current value of cost per engagement or impressions measurements, while the overall cost to developers shifts downward through standardized integration mechanics like the Toy Story 3 video ad. Join us next week for a look at medium level brand integration with social games. To find out more about specific branded campaigns within social games, sign up for The Facebook Marketing Bible.(Source:Inside Social Games

