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苹果限制App Store非自然下载现象或引发七大结果

发布时间:2011-04-23 17:52:51 Tags:,,,,



app store

app store







3、其他开发商正在移除推广墙。Get Set Games开发的流行游戏《非常跳跃》遭受池鱼之殃,某个修正漏洞的更新被苹果驳回。公司称希望此更新在数日内能重返应用商店,他们已经移除了推广墙。许多TeamLava的游戏似乎也不再设置推广墙。公司在服务器端处理所有的内容,因而更新的发布无需通过应用商店审核。


The Guardian’s Apps Blog的Stuart Dredge公示引人关注的邮件,据称是iAd销售人员写给手机应用开发者的,内容如下:“想必你也知道排名系统似乎正在发生改变,排名看似更关注应用的质量,而这正是我想跟你探讨的内容。将这些有质量的用户和新的独特用户吸引到你的平台上势必会帮助应用排名上升,对用户增加应用使用率也能起到实际作用。”

前AdMob雇员创建的营利咨询公司MoPub有Accel Partners的支持,同样正在尝试利用此次打压的良机发展新客户。联合创始人Jim Payne在博客中写道:“习惯于通过物质刺激用户下载来营利的开发商目前境况窘迫,他们急需制定新营收战略计划。如果你深陷这种状况,想知道如何改变游戏或应用来营收,联系我们吧!”

来自Playforge的Thomas Chung表示,转向常规手机广告或许并不是什么坏事,因为常规广告网络用户提供的收益可能比安装返利更多。关注安装返利的评论员为此争辩许久,他们认为这导致玩家下载应用获得奖励后就把应用删除,开发商的收益有限。Chung说道:“这不像他们想的那么简单,Tapjoy上刺激下载的费用可能是0.6美元,而常规广告网络上的有效安装付费可能是1.5美元。需要比较的是获得用户的相对价值。”





尽管手机游戏生态系统不如Facebook平台上的社交游戏成熟,但效果可能与Facebook取缔病毒式推广有点相似。(游戏邦注:去年Facebook取缔了病毒式推广,无意间保护了Zynga在这个市场内的领先位置。)DeNA下辖的Gameview Studios已于4月18日表示,公司减少了奖励安装的费用。他们的iOS重量级游戏《Tap Fish》已有1000万的下载量,因而未来发布新游戏时无需出资购买下载量。


Tap Fish

Tap Fish


Alex Weston Lin在小安装返利网络G6Pay中负责应用运营和发展,他说道:“正如你想的那样,我们陷入极大的恐慌中。我们最大的发行商十分惊骇,因为他们最大的营收渠道将在一夜之间化为乌有。”(游戏邦注:问答网站Quora数据表明,G6Pay今春共引导将近100万的下载量。)Lin表示,允许用户通过下载获得奖品可能使应用的用户转化率从5%提升到30%。根据Inside Mobile Apps与使用推广墙的公司的谈话得知,他们收益的30%来自于此,其余盈利纯粹通过应用内购买和广告。

去年11月,ngmoco创始人Neil Young在Appcelerate上分享某些数据,解释公司手机应用的收益如何下滑。可以看到,每个日活跃用户的安装售价平均为2.5至10美分。如果安装返利被禁,开发者将不得不试验提升用户转化率的方法或其他能发挥作用的销售渠道。2009年Facebook开始取缔廉价病毒式推广后,尽管日活跃用户的数量停滞不前,Zynga之类的开发者最终还是找到了提升从每个用户得来的平均收益的方法。尽管平板电脑和智能手机侵入速度正不断加快,移动领域仍更具发展潜力。



7、开发者社群的反应不尽相同。像《Bootstrapped Camera》制作者tap tap tap之类的开发者对此次改革表示称赞,他们辩解称排名本应确实反映应用的质量,不该允许开发商购买排名。但其他开发者表示,安装返利让他们的游戏有少量曝光度,至少保证他们发布的花费数月制成的游戏能让用户看到。


Mobile Game Developers Grapple With Apple Crackdown on Incentivized Installs

We’ve been trying to get a sense of how the biggest freemium game developers are grappling with major changes to Apple’s policies this week. Apple started rejecting apps that have offer walls where users can download other developers’ apps in exchange for virtual currency late last week (see right). The company is arguing that they violate the developer agreement by allowing apps to cheat the chart ranking, even though Apple has tolerated such offer walls for at least the last year.

This is a fundamental shift that will change how thousands of apps acquire new users or monetize and it is a setback for the emerging space of free-to-play games. Most of the larger developers we’ve reached out to are being relatively quiet and Apple is not being very forthcoming with third-party developers about exact policy changes are and what is acceptable and what is not. The hope is that the platform will be more talkative now that the quarterly earnings call is over.

But this is what we’re seeing so far:

1) Apple Appears to be Continuously Tinkering, Not Issuing a One-Off Change: As we noted yesterday, the apps that got an unusual boost through the weekend — well-known consumer Internet brands like Facebook and Skype that aren’t games — are falling back down on the charts again. Six of the current top 10 titles are games, while the rest are photography or entertainment. Most of them are brand-new apps, unlike a few days ago when we had older, more classic titles at the top.

According to conversations we’ve had with the bigger pay-per-install networks, it appears that the ranking algorithm is returning to what it was before last week and is again favoring downloads. But it’s very clear that some type of change happened last week that boosted highly-ranked apps in specific categories. Facebook jumped to #1 even though the company hadn’t issued an update; the app hasn’t held that high a ranking since at least July 2009. The app has fallen back to its normal position at #16 today. Google Earth was another beneficiary from the change. It is #1 in the Travel category and had jumped to #46 overall on Sunday from its typical ranking between #80 and 100. It’s also tumbled back down to a normal position at #74.

2) Some Developers Are Holding Off on Updates: Some developers are going to postpone updates and see how the market shakes out in the next few weeks. Playforge, which makes the Top 10 grossing app Zombie Farm, had planned to bring an iPad app to the platform sometime this month but told us it will probably delay the release. The company pushed an update to its iPhone app on April 14, before the rejections started happening. So Playforge has some breathing room to wait for information before it issues another iPhone app update.

3) Other Developers Are Removing Offer Walls: Get Set Games, whose popular Mega Jump title was caught in the crossfire and had a bug fix-related update rejected by Apple, told us they’re expecting to be back in the store in a few days. They’ve removed the offer wall. Several of the TeamLava games also seem to no longer contain offer walls. The company handles all of its content on the server-side so it doesn’t need to go through the app store approval process to release updates. The company likely just took them out. They haven’t replied to requests for comment yet.

4) Other Advertising Networks Are Opportunistically Moving In: Competing ad networks, most notably including Apple’s iAd, are looking to take advantage of game developers scrambling to find alternate means of distribution.

Stuart Dredge at The Guardian’s Apps Blog pulled up this intriguing e-mail, said to be written by an iAd salesperson to a mobile developer: “I am sure you have been reading about how the ecosystem of how you get ranked is seemingly changing, and it seems as though there is more of a focus of engagement and quality which is something I would like to discuss with you. Driving these quality users and new unique users to your platform will certainly help with driving ranking, but also help on actually having people use the application for what it is intended.”

MoPub, a monetization company founded by former AdMob employees which is backed by Accel Partners, is also trying to use the crackdown as an opportunity to sign up new clients. “Publishers who have become accustomed to revenue from incentivized downloads are now in the tough position of coming up with a new monetization strategy – and fast,” wrote co-founder Jim Payne in a blog post. “If you are in the situation where you are wondering what to do in your game or app for monetization now that incentivized downloads are gone, give us a shout.”

Playforge’s Thomas Chung said shifting to regular mobile advertising might not be that bad, since the users regular ad networks provide may be much more lucrative than what pay-per-install delivers. Critics of pay-per-install have long argued that players just download apps, get the reward, and then delete the apps later — providing little value to the developer. “It’s not quite as simple as you think. An incentivized install on Tapjoy may be $0.60 and the effective cost-per-install on a regular advertising network might be $1.50,” he said. “You have to compare the relative value of the users you’re getting.”

Tapjoy, the biggest pay-per-install network, tried to address this issue earlier this year by introducing cost-per-action advertising, where developers only pay if the users actually do something in the app like level up.

5) Advantages May Be Baked in For Early Movers: Companies that used pay-per-install early on and now have a large base of daily active users are at a big advantage compared to newer developers. If they want to launch a new game, they can just market it to their existing customers while newer developers will have a hard time getting users in the door.

Even though the mobile gaming ecosystem is much less mature compared to social gaming on the Facebook platform, the effect may be somewhat similar to what happened when Facebook inadvertently protected Zynga’s leading position in the market when it clamped down on virality last year. Already, DeNA-owned Gameview Studios told us on Monday that they had dialed down their spending on incentivized installs. They already have 10 million downloads for their iOS hit Tap Fish and won’t necessarily need to buy downloads in the future when they release new titles.

Storm8 is another company with a large existing base of users. They aggressively cross-promote their games and have a layer that can send notifications from one game into another if a user has both. Even though their offer walls appear to be out, players are still prompted to download the company’s other titles in exchange for virtual currency immediately when they open the game (see below). It’s not clear if this is still OK under Apple’s new rules.

6) Profit Margins May Be Thinner in the Near-Term: Like we said yesterday, freemium games that monetize through in-app payments are a relatively new business model to the iOS platform. Developers that make free games often make money by giving users the choice of either paying directly or getting virtual currency for free if they download another app. These companies get a cut for every download they drive. In turn, they also use pay-per-install networks to get users. They spend less than what they estimate the lifetime value of the player will be and keep the spread between the two figures.

“As you would expect, we’re all in a pretty big panic,” wrote Alex Weston Lin, who runs business development at a smaller pay-per-install network called G6Pay that has driven about 1 million downloads this spring, on question-and-answer site Quora. “Our biggest publishers are scared because one of their biggest revenue streams is about to diminish over night.” Allowing users to get rewards for downloads might boost the conversion rate in an app from 5 percent to 30 percent, he said. According to conversations we’ve had with companies that use offer walls, they might earn about 30 percent of their revenue through them with the rest coming from pure in-app purchases or advertising.

At Appcelerate in November of last year, ngmoco founder Neil Young shared some figures explaining how the revenues break down for the company’s mobile apps. You can see that install sales represent between 2.5 and 10 cents per daily active user. If pay-per-install is banned for good, developers will just have to experiment to see what boosts conversion or what other distribution channels make sense. After Facebook started clamping down on cheap virality in October 2009, developers like Zynga eventually found ways to raise average revenue per user despite a stagnant number of daily active users. Mobile is more promising however, with tablet and smartphone penetration accelerating.

7) The reaction in the developer community is still divided: Some developers, like bootstrapped Camera maker tap tap tap, applauded the move. They argue that the rankings should authentically reflect quality and that no developer should be allowed to game them or buy rank. Other developers say that pay-per-install provides them a modicum of predictability — and an assurance that their work will at least be seen — when they launch titles they’ve spent months on.

“Some people say screw the cheaters,” Chung said. “But there are plenty of companies out there like Gameloft and EA, who have the marketing muscle, and are going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars anyway to get a top rank.” Chung added that banning PPI doesn’t address the real issue, which is that Apple hasn’t solved the discoverability problem. With 350,000 apps vying for visibility on a 3.5-inch screen, there still isn’t a great answer. (Source: Inside Mobile Apps)

