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发布时间:2011-04-11 14:52:26 Tags:,

1、在Gamasutra近期的采访中,独立游戏《Shadow Physics》开发者Steve Swink表示,游戏开发的最高境界是激发人们的创造欲望。他认为,让玩家立志成为游戏设计师,这可能是开发者在游戏中能提供的最好奖励。

他在采访中说道,激发他制作《Shadow Physics》的游戏包括《时空幻境》、《入口》和《马里奥64》。他仔细研究这些游戏为自己的作品寻找激发玩家兴趣的设计,并非抄袭它们的机制,而是更深层次地理解它们如何产生作用的原理。他说道:“判断游戏好坏的最终标准不是游戏赚了多少钱,而是它触及多少人的生活,这是难以估量的。”

口袋妖怪 黑与白

2、Game Freak总监、任天堂DS最热门游戏《口袋妖怪 黑与白》制作人Junichi Masuda表示,与网游相比,传统盒装游戏销售模式更为安全。他认为网页游戏市场对幼龄玩家而言不够安全,因为Facebook和MSN主要面向成年用户,所以目睹社交网络和手机游戏崛起的Masuda并无意愿改变《口袋妖怪》的运营方式。3月份,《口袋妖怪 黑与白》在欧洲的销售量达到100万份,这款最新DS游戏成为该系列销售最快的作品,也使《口袋妖怪》系列游戏在欧洲的总安装量超过3500万。

3、上周末,逾80名来自世界各地的专家学者和学生齐聚新不伦瑞克的Heldrich Hotel,探讨虚拟社会和经济逐渐增长带来的相关问题。在首届“视频游戏背后的游戏:游戏业中的运营、管理和社会”会议上,播放了以《魔兽世界》玩家和MMORPG虚拟世界中的故事为主题的纪录片《The Raid》。

Greg Lastowka在大会上表示游戏与现实的规则和制度息息相关。(游戏邦注:游戏的特性使之不同于其他互动媒体,因而需要法律区别对待,但目前还没有做到这一点。)为支持自己的言论,Lastowka在会上列举了许多表明法律应该特别监管视频游戏并规范玩家权利和自由的研究案例。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

1. In a new feature interview, indie developer Steve Swink tells Gamasutra that the highest purpose he sees for making games is to make something that “inspires you to create.”

Says Swink, “If you make something that inspires kids to want to be game designers, that’s the highest possible praise you can ever give to someone.”

Swink speaks, in the interview, about the games that inspired him with Shadow Physics, including Braid, Portal, and Mario 64. He studies these games to find inspiration for his own title — not in copying their mechanics, but instead understanding how they function at a deep level.

“And so ultimately, I think that should be the metric by which we judge whether or not a game is really good — not how much money it makes. You know, by how many people’s lives it touches, which is an impossible thing to measure.” (Source: Gamasutra)

2. Pokemon’s creators say the browser games market is not safe enough for younger players.

Game Freak director Junichi Masuda – who produced Nintendo’s new chart-topping DS titles Pokémon Black and White – told MCV that the traditional boxed retail model presents a safer and more secure platform than online games.

When asked whether he is under pressure to change Pokémon’s boxed business model following the rise of social network and mobile gaming, he replied: “I don’t feel pressured.

“For example, Facebook and MSN are mainly for adults, but what’s very important is that everyone can enjoy a Pokémon game without feeling any fear. So that’s what I think about whenever I produce a new video game.”

Masuda made the comments as Pokémon Black and White achieved sales of 1m units across Europe last week. The new DS titles became the fastest-selling in the series, and brought Europe’s total install base for Pokémon games up past 35m. (Source: Casual games)

3. More than 80 professionals, experts, scholars and students from around the world examined the growing virtual society and economy last weekend at the Heldrich Hotel in New Brunswick.

The first annual “Game behind the Video Game: Business, Regulation and Society in the Gaming Industry” conference, hosted by the School of Communication and Information, also premiered “The Raid,” a documentary focusing on World of Warcraft players and the reality of the virtual world of massive multiplayer online role-playing games.

Keynote speaker Greg Lastowka, a professor at Rutgers-Camden School of Law, discussed how participation in the games connects with rules and regulations existing in reality.

Video games that exhibit elements of choice, labor and control establish themselves as a distinct form of interactive media, Lastowka said. Lastowka believes video games deserve different consideration from other types of media, but current law does not.

To support his case, Lastowka mentioned several case studies demonstrating the need for specific regulations targeted toward video games and recognizing player rights and freedoms. (Source: Daily Targum)

