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GamePro评点2011最佳PS3游戏 《使命召唤7》位居首位

发布时间:2011-04-06 16:03:44 Tags:,

圣诞节后的春季,PlayStation 3控制器游戏显得格外繁忙。GamePro在本文中汇集了目前玩家能在此控制器上玩到的最佳游戏,让我们看看《GT赛车5》、《子弹风暴》、《杀戮地带3》、《死亡空间2》和《使命召唤:黑色行动》等新游戏的排名如何。《合金装备4:爱国者之枪》还会成为PS3游戏之王吗?



《暴雨》更像互动故事而非视频游戏,这款Quantic Dream开发的创新型作品引发热议,焦点在于游戏能否成为互动小说的新形式。《暴雨》中含有某些即时发生的事件且与剧情存在关联,玩家在游戏中需要模仿真实生活的动作,因而会频繁使用PlayStation 3的Sixaxis控制器。无论是从携带武器的攻击者手中逃离还是质问嫌疑犯,《暴雨》中不断出现的各种分支事件确保每个角色的结局间都有着明显的差异。



游戏邦觉得,认为Guerrilla Games不敢尝试新鲜事物的想法大错特错。《杀戮地带3》不仅是首款使用PlayStation Move的第一人称射击游戏,也是少数几款以三维设计为特色的PS3游戏。单人战役包含数个主关卡及合作玩法,多人模式中有各种各样的地图、玩家类别、可下载内容以及用到喷气背包的精致战斗。



如果游戏仅让玩家在正义与邪恶间做出选择,人们势必会认为这种剧情与其他游戏一样糟糕,没有多大的吸引力。但《恶名昭彰》利用Karma System让这种可玩性元素华丽转身,实际上也正是这个系统改变了玩家在Empire City释放激情的方式。如果玩家是个英雄,那么自然会得到周围人的爱戴。如果玩家的做法激起旁观者的愤怒,他们也会向你投掷石块或恐惧而逃。Sucker Punch还在《恶名昭彰》中融入探索机制,即便是像从城镇这头穿到那头等简单的事情也并非一成不变,足让玩家感到满意。无论玩家在游戏中扮演好人或是坏蛋,《恶名昭彰》呈现出的可玩性绝非其他游戏沙盒式的玩法所能比拟。






尽管《如龙4》在美国玩家心目中的形象未及日本,这款Sega出品的黑社会犯罪题材系列游戏自《如龙3》起便丝毫未曾放慢前进的脚步。开放城市Kamurocho重现《如龙4》,还多出了些许新事物,如俱乐部、麻将、弹球休息室等。玩家在游戏中通过四个过着游民生活的不同角色感受含有多重结构的故事,而不只控制Kazuma Kiryu,这也是本作与该系列其他游戏的不同之处。










16、Rock Band 3

Rock Band 3

迄今为止,《Rock Band》系列游戏只是让玩家模仿专业人士使用某些乐器。《Rock Band 3》与前作差别甚大,开发商Harmonix再次在此作上改善游戏的可玩性和选取的音乐。《Rock Band 3》使用新型吉他和键盘控制器,丰富了玩家的硬件收藏,而且游戏中还有新模式和流线型界面。“职业模式”让《Rock Band 3》与众不同,能够真正教授玩家弹奏吉他,可以将其当做只花少许学费的吉他课。

15、MLB 11: The Show

MLB 11: The Show

《MLB 11: The Show》提升很大,尤其是与该系列游戏去年的作品相比。每个模式都添加新的内容,特别系统可让棒球狂热者们通过游戏中的操作获得某些宝贵的技能,升级制度使得玩家可以时刻关注,保持自己出现在球队的首发阵容中。场地等创新之举以及该系列出众的视觉效果和模拟操作,使《MLB 11: The Show》继续领跑PS3棒球游戏。






没有人想到《蝙蝠侠:阿卡姆疯人院》竟会如此出色,事实上也没人认为它会成为PS3上最令人印象深刻和兴奋的动作游戏。所幸的是,Rocksteady Studios和华纳兄弟公司获得众多大腕的鼎力支持,其中包括喜剧作家和配音演员。该作无疑是最佳的《蝙蝠侠》类游戏,游戏开发者的每处设计都恰如其分。对游戏粉丝而言,小丑这个独有的角色是Rocksteady游戏PS3版本的重头戏。



尽管《死亡空间2》不如前作惊悚,但敌情依然严峻。无意间幸存下来的Isaac Clarke再次面对大量Necromorph展开殊死搏斗,幸运的是,这次他有着许多新式工具、高级采矿服以及从USG Ishimura恐怖事件中获得的经验知识。如果玩家想要考验下自己的技术,那么《死亡空间2》为你提供了大量的挑战,包括硬核模式和新型令人发狂的多人模式。

11、Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

历经十年,《Marvel vs. Capcom 2》终有续作,此次游戏中出现大量新角色。死侍、女绿巨人、Hsien-Ko只是选手花名册上所增加的小部分,许多老角色当然也会出现在游戏中。本作中的每个角色都重新进行设计,使这款珍贵的系列游戏焕发生机。即便玩家数量逐渐减少,《Marvel vs. Capcom 3》的出现表明2D格斗游戏仍有着非凡的潜力。









舍弃诺曼底登陆等二战题材,Infinity Ward将其令人垂涎欲滴的系列游戏转向现代并制成宏伟巨作。游戏邦认为,紧张的场面和快节奏的FPS在《现代战争》初代中密不可分。但《现代战争2》已证实比获得2007年年度最佳游戏的初代更有价值,夺人眼球的剧情和更好的多人模式等优点足以使其引得众人关注。如果玩家在通关后对单人模式感到厌烦,精巧且富有深度的在线模式也可让人乐此不疲。






如果要将某款视频游戏与电影《夺宝奇兵》相提并论,它就必须有令人难忘的动作效果、与众不同的角色魅力并为玩家提供能够与所有同题材竞争的游戏体验。《神秘海域2:纵横四海》确实做到了,Nathan Drake在游戏中的冒险经历格外精彩。本作中角色好莱坞式的动作冒险让人印象深刻,多人模式完美地显现出飞升的游戏可玩性。比起《战争机器》僵硬的游戏机制,这款游戏的系统显得更为自然,令人耳目一新。



出自Rockstar San Diego之手的《荒野大镖客:救赎》有着所有玩家期待看到的西部传统元素:刚强的英雄、凶狠的土匪以及充满荣誉和背叛的故事情节,而且这些内容在Rockstar著名的开放式游戏世界中有着更为出众的表现。无论是捆绑牛羊、努力完成任务获取政府赏金、击败劫匪抑或仅是玩一圈牌,《荒野大镖客:救赎》开放式的游戏模式为玩家准备好了一切。游戏邦获悉,这款游戏中还有枪战、驿站马车竞速和快速拔枪射击等许多玩家所期待的现代西部元素。其他西部人士是追杀或是崇拜角色完全取决于玩家的游戏方式,这使得人们在《荒野大镖客:救赎》中的一举一动都很重要且影响深远。









如果有人已经拥有或准备购买PS3,《合金装备4》势必成为其收藏游戏之一。这款史诗般的潜行射击游戏有着令人震惊的视觉效果和规模宏大却极为注重细节的故事情节,玩家跟随Old Snake周游全世界,试图阻止Liquid Ocelot完全控制全球军事力量。纵然20分钟的电影场景略显拖沓,但作品中处处闪烁着耀眼的光芒。除令人难忘的单人模式外,游戏还有着额外的奖赏、大量的武器和精心设计的在线模式。游戏邦觉得,《合金装备4》可能是PS3上有史以来最好的游戏之一。



《使命召唤:黑色行动》并未延续上两部重磅游戏中现代游击战斗的风格,但Treyarch这款冷战题材游戏带来的新鲜感同样卓著。追随着主角Alex Mason的脚步,《黑色行动》向人们展示了系列前作未曾顾及的地方,如越南的茂密丛林和饱受战乱的古巴。在多人游戏方面,《黑色行动》也采用了全新的系统,武器的升级几乎与士兵等级相当。升级对那些技术不佳的人来说有重要意义,新玩家能够在作战中得以生存。游戏邦获悉,本作的完全包中还有僵尸模式(类似Smash TV的小游戏)以及其他内容。或许《黑色行动》与《现代战争》相比难度较低,但要通关也绝非易事。(本文为游戏邦/gamerboom.com编译,转载请注明来源:游戏邦)

The 24 Best PS3 Games

It’s been a busy spring season for the PlayStation 3 since the holidays, and we’re taking a look at the best games you can get for the console right now. See where newer titles like Gran Turismo 5, Bulletstorm, Killzone 3, Dead Space 2, and Call of Duty: Black Ops fall on our lists. Is Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots still the PS3 king?

24. Heavy Rain

More an interactive story than a video game, Heavy Rain is the groundbreaking title from developer Quantic Dream that makes a strong argument for games as the new standard in interactive fiction. Along with timed events and context-sensitive sequences, Heavy Rain also makes frequent use of the PlayStation 3′s Sixaxis controller, as players will often have to mimic realistic actions during the game. Whether it’s running from an armed assailant or trying to question a suspect, Heavy Rain’s constantly branching chains of events ensure that playing through the story usually results in vastly different endings for each character.

23. Killzone 3

Let it never be said that developer Guerrilla Games is afraid to try new things. Not only is Killzone 3 the first game in this first-person shooter series to utilize the PlayStation Move, it’s also one of the few PS3 games that features 3D. The single-player campaign that features some stellar levels and co-op gameplay, and the multiplayer mode includes a wide variety of maps, player classes, and downloadable content, along with refined combat that happens to include…jetpacks!

22. infamous

Usually, when a game makes you choose between good and evil, the paths are so similar or poorly written that playing through a second time seems like a chore. InFamous turns this gameplay element around with the Karma System, which actually changes the way you unleash your electricity-based powers on Empire City. If you’re a hero, crowds love you, but if you’re a jerk to random bystanders, they’ll actually pelt you with rocks or run in terror. Sucker Punch also nailed the exploration mechanics in Infamous, making simple things like getting from one end of town to another both fluid and satisfying. Whether you play the game as a good guy or a power-mad renegade, Infamous represents a take that’s different from sandbox-style gameplay of other games.

21. Dragon Age 2

Dragon Age 2, the sequel to BioWare’s hit Dragon Age: Origins, pumps up the role-playing combat and fantasy story-line with renewed art direction and even more impressive visuals than its predecessor. Building off the events of the first game, Dragon Age 2 tells the story of your main hero through the scope of a legendary tale that’s been passed down through the ages. Aside from the visual polish and refined storytelling, the game also features quicker combat and a dialogue wheel much like Mass Effect uses.

20. Yakuza 4

Although Yakuza 4 doesn’t get the brand recognition in the States that it does in Japan, Sega’s underworld crime-drama series hasn’t slowed down a bit since Yakuza 3. In Yakuza 4, the open world of Kamurocho returns with a bunch of new distractions, like hostess bars, mah-jongg, pachinko parlors, and more. In another change for the series, you play through witness a multistructured narrative from the perspective of four diverse characters connected to the yakuza lifestyle, rather than just leading man Kazuma Kiryu.

19. Fight Night Champion

Don’t worry about EA’s Fight Night series from becoming stagnant: Fight Night Champion keeps the franchise fresh a story-driven single-player mode that actually earned the series its first M-rating. Even the game’s usual roster roundup sees some significant growth, with well-known boxing names like Manny Pacquiao, Mike Tyson, Vitali Klitschko and even lighter weight stars like Nonito Donaire. It’s EA biggest boxing game yet, and with a grittier narrative at the forefront, the series has a bold new attitude to build upon next year.

18. Grand Theft Auto IV

In Liberty City, you can do anything you want, regardless of legality. Grand Theft Auto IV’s free-roaming gameplay contributes to making Liberty City a living, breathing place, and everything from the TV shows to the local radio has a distinct feel to it. And when you’ve finished running around the city with Nico and his comrades, Liberty City still has untold stories in the form of polished downloadable content. If you take a dive and see everything the city has to offer, you’ll want to take an extended vacation.

17. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood

Releasing just a short year after the second Assassin’s Creed, our initial expectations for Brotherhood had us wondering if it could properly live up to the series’ sterling reputation. Thankfully, our fears were unnecessary, as Brotherhood adds a rich new chapter to the war between the Templars and the Assassins. The game’s campaign has evolved to include more squad-based elements, which blend into the new multiplayer mode. Brotherhood’s innovative online gameplay features modes in which each player has a different opponent as a target, making every match a blend of action and strategy. It may have left a few too many of the franchise’s mysteries unsolved, but as far as gameplay goes, this assassin hit its mark.

16. Rock Band 3

Until now, the Rock Band series has only let you pretend to play an instrument like the professionals. Rock Band 3 changes all that, as Harmonix once again raises the bar in both gameplay and music picks. With the introduction of the new guitar peripherals and the Keyboard Controller, Rock Band 3 adds additional tools to your own collection of plastic hardware, along with new modes, new avatar gear, and a streamlined interface. But the biggest addition, Pro Mode, sets Rock Band 3 apart by actually teaching you real music — consider it extra guitar lessons for a fraction of the cost.

15. MLB 11: The Show

MLB 11: The Show is a vast improvement for the franchise, especially in comparison to last year’s model. With a new additional feature for every mode, baseball enthusiasts get some precious skill tending options with the game’s gain-and-loss attributes system, along with a progression element that has you constantly focused on keeping your spot in your team’s major-league lineup. Analog controls round out the new fielding, pitching, and batting game with the typical visual polish that the series is known for, making MLB: The Show 11 the exclusive PS3 baseball franchise that continues to rule the dugout.

14. Battlefield: Bad Company 2

Even if you consider it Electronic Arts’ answer to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 still offers a lot more than the average military shooter, with multiplayer maps that emulate war scenarios in area such as the Panama Canal, the Alaskan Rockies, and the dense jungles of South America. Bad Company 2 also includes a single-player story that takes your squad of commandos to exotic locales like Bolivia, Chile, and Colombia. Alongside the plot of an alternate present day that sees the Russian government launching a world-wide military invasion of its neighbors, it’s a wild take on modern war that only the Battlefield series can do. Come for the multiplayer—stay for everything else.

13. Batman: Arkham Asylum

No one expected Batman: Arkham Asylum to be this good. In fact, no one expected it to be one of the most impressive and thrilling action games to ever hit the PlayStation 3. Thankfully, Rocksteady Studios and Warner Bros./DC Comics made the invaluable choice of enlisting help from the best talent possible, including big-ticket names like comic-book writer Paul Dini and voice actors Kevin Conroy (Batman), Arleen Sorkin (Harley Quinn), and of course, Mark Hamill as the Joker. It’s undoubtedly the best Batman game and for once, a video game developer got every single thing right. And just for you PlayStation fans, Rocksteady’s even gone as far as including the Joker as an exclusive playable character for the PS3 version.

12. Dead Space 2

Dead Space 2 isn’t as frightening as the first titles, but then again, you know your enemy this time around. Unintentional survivalist Isaac Clarke is at the forefront of another Necromorph outbreak, but luckily, he comes equipped with new tools, an upgraded mining suit, and the knowledge gained from the horrifying experiences from the events of the USG Ishimura. If you really want to test your skills, Dead Space 2 also offers a handful of challenges, including a hardcore mode and a new, frantically paced multiplayer game.

11. Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

It took over 10 years, but Marvel vs. Capcom 2 finally got its sequel – and it’s packing plenty of style as a ton of new characters join the fight this time around. Deadpool, She-Hulk, Crimson Viper, Dante, and Hsien-Ko are just a handful of the additions to the rosters, while old standbys like Ryu, Magento, Iron Man, Wolverine, and Tron Bonne are still in the mix. It’s also a fresh look to a treasured series, with each character completely redesigned. Even with the trimmed-down roster, MVC3 shows that there’s still some life in crossover 2D fighters.

10. Bulletstorm

Most first-person shooters give you inventive ways to kill random thugs, but Bulletstorm’s combat lets you get creative with the manslaughter thanks to its “skillshot” system. When a simple headshot won’t do, you can rack up extra points by trying something with a little extra flair, like ricocheting a cannonball off a group of bad guys before blowing them up with explosive rounds. Also, it’s probably of the only games out there that give you bonus points for shooting someone in the junk. There’s no serious story, no drawn-out battle fatigue, and no clean-cut heroes. Bulletstorm is ridiculous and gritty.

9. Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 2 is one of the best role-playing games you’ll find on any console today, and BioWare’s impeccable storytelling is a core ingredient that ties together the impressive graphics, action-oriented gameplay, and diverse mission structure. Once again taking the role of Commander Shepard, you tackle the threat of the Reapers and lead a suicide mission to destroy the “Collectors,” an alien group that’s slowly eliminating all the human colonies in the galaxy. As the series’ trademark, your Shepard can be a power-hungry renegade or a benevolent peacekeeper, but there’s still a consequence for every action you take — even the absolute smallest decisions can come back to hurt or help you.

8. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

After taking the Normandy Invasion as far as it could go, Infinity Ward pushed their coveted franchise into the modern era with amazing results. Gut-wrenching moments and fast-paced FPS action are the bread-and-butter of the first Modern Warfare. Since then, Modern Warfare 2 has proved to be a more-than-worthy successor to 2007′s Game of the Year, with an insanely gripping story, even better multiplayer, and enough controversial decisions to make headline news. Even if you never go back to the solo missions after the first time around, the polished online is so deep, with upgradeable classes, that you’ll have little to no excuse to get tired of Modern Warfare 2.

7. God of War 3

Bringing an end to the main story of Kratos and his quest for revenge against Mount Olympus, God of War 3 brings everything in the saga to a definite conclusion. God of War 3 also improves the level of technical polish from the previous PS3 title, with high-definition graphics, huge character models via the Titans, and battles that have Kratos facing off against dozens of enemies at once. Of course, there are also plenty of the series’ trademarks on hand, too — gory finishing moves, huge detailed environments, and (of course) an adult themed mini-game that’s both hilarious and steamy.

6. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

When you call any title the video game equivalent of Raiders of the Lost Ark, you know that the action has to be impressively over-the-top, the characters must evoke unmistakeable charm, and the experience has to rival everything else of its genre. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves does exactly that, bringing back a more flawed Nathan Drake in an adventure bigger than even he can handle. With the memorable Hollywood-style action-adventure in the bag, the multiplayer surprisingly proves to be a showcase for the vastly improved gameplay. With a cover system that feels refreshingly more natural and spontaneous than the stiffer mechanics of Gears of War.

5. Red Dead Redemption

Rockstar San Diego’s Red Dead Redemption has everything that you’d expect from a traditional Western: a gritty hero, nefarious bandits, and tales of honor and betrayal. But this title brings even more with Rockstar’s trademark brand of open-world gameplay. Whether you’re roping cattle, tracking down bounties, stopping a robbery, or just playing a round of cards, Red Dead Redemption’s open wilderness lies at your fingertips, just waiting for you to saddle up and get your hands dirty. The game’s peppered with gunfights, stagecoach races, quick draw shootouts, and just about anything else you’d expect from a modern Western. Depending on how you play the game, other Westerners will either run at the sight of you or worship the ground you walk on, making everything you do in Red Dead Redemption both lasting and important.

4. LittleBigPlanet 2

LittleBigPlanet 2 is a huge canvas for aspiring level designers. With more tools, more levels, more items, and just more options than the first one, you can make just about anything: shooters, platformers, puzzle games, etc., along with remaking your favorite video games from scratch with the LBP engine. LBP2 is all about user-generated content, and millions of levels created by the online community span a huge variety of styles and levels – all for your downloadable pleasure.

3. Gran Turismo 5

Infamous for its long development schedule, Gran Turismo 5 had gamers wondering if the game would ever hit shelves. But now that the much-hyped racing sim has finally gotten out of the shop, it’s clear that the extra time wasn’t wasted. Not only does GT5 feature a staggering 71 tracks, it also houses more cars than any other racing title on the console market, with over 1,000 models from several different manufacturers.

2. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

If you’re planning to buy a PlayStation 3, or you already have one, Metal Gear Solid 4 should be in your collection. It’s an epic stealth-shooter with jaw-dropping visuals and a massively detailed story-line, following Old Snake across the world as he attempts to stop Liquid Ocelot from taking complete control of the world’s military forces. Sure, the 20-minute cinema scenes can drag on a bit, but the game’s quality shines through in every aspect of its production. Unlockable rewards, an armory of weapons, and a well-designed online mode complement the unforgettable single-player experience. If you’ve never played it, know that Metal Gear Solid 4 is one of the best games that the PS3 has to offer.

1. Call of Duty: Black Ops

Call of Duty: Black Ops may not continue the modern guerrilla combat motif of the last two blockbuster games, but Treyarch’s take on the Cold War still feels incredibly fresh. Taking the role of operative Alex Mason, Black Ops goes into the places previously unseen by the series, like the dense jungles of Vietnam and the war-torn fields of Cuba. On the multiplayer side, Black Ops also offers a completely reengineered system, with weapons getting as many upgrades as the various soldier classes. Upgrades are more kind to those who aren’t outrageously skilled, so new gamers won’t get left completely in the dust. It also has a zombie mode, a Smash TV-like mini-game, and tons of other explosive amounts of content in the total package. Black Ops may not be Modern Warfare, but it’s still a big damn game. (Source: GamePro)

